The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 215: Marshal hero

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Every week, I will let Nuan Jun go home to meet your father and daughter once. During that time, you can see the changes of your daughter and listen to her feelings. If I really let her be wronged, I am not satisfied." Speaking of this, Chu You spread her hands: "Then I will let go."

At this time, Chu You leaned forward and said quietly: "Besides that, we will be completely tied together. I have a great influence in the practice world. Many people follow me with utter collapse. If Sima has any difficulties, you As long as you reveal a sentence, we will help you to complete those things that are invisible."

"It's not good to say, even if you want to be the dragon chair, we... can push you up!"

"No, I don't think so. I can't mention this matter again!" Da Sima immediately shook his hand and said with a shock in his eyes. Chu You's words really scared him.

I don’t know when there was a smile on Chu You’s face, and he was very calm. He knew clearly that if he changed to another player and said the big deal, he would definitely shut down for seven days and seven nights, pull him into the blacklist, and never meet again. .

"Yu Ye, I have always regarded you as a gentleman, and this conversation is regarded as a gentleman's agreement." Da Sima continued, his face relaxed, looking at it like this, the preconditions should be completely unlocked ,This is good.

"The future of the spirit is not destined to be a world of ordinary people. The warmth of the king grows up, and he can’t restrain himself from breaking the wings of the sky, then the father will complete her. From today, she will pilgrimage in the dark, and you are her The leader." Big Sima stood up and left the sentence and walked towards the inner house.

Chu You looked at the open door of the inner house like this, but it was dark inside.

After waiting for a long time, Nuan Jun in a bright red gown came out. From the beginning, she was only Chu You. She had been looking at the man until she walked to the front.

No one came out of the inner room, only Chu You and the girl Nuanjun in the hall.

Chu You got up, and her height immediately exceeded the girl in front of her. Nuan Jun could not help raising her head, as if she didn't want to miss any information in the man's eyes.

"Wind and rain together, go together. Are you ready, Nuanjun?" Chu You said at this moment.

At this time, Nuanjun suddenly knelt down, still staring at the tall man, and said clearly: "Nuanjun is not afraid of hardships, he can bear hardships, and vow to follow you!"

"Why do that, get up quickly." After Chu You reached out and touched the girl's arm, Nuan Jun did not have any abnormalities. Both hands grabbed the extended hand. The whole process was very natural.

"I don't want to say anything more. If we make a contract, we will honor and disgrace." After talking, Chu You reached out and patted on Nuan Jun's shoulder, where the soft light flickered.

System: Cui Nuanjun agrees to your recruitment, whether to proceed to the next step!


When Chu You was determined, the girl in front of her suddenly closed her eyes, and at the same time both of her chests radiated light, echoing each other.

In a few moments, the light disappeared, Nuan Jun opened his eyes, a flash of aura disappeared in Nuan Jun's eyes.

System: You have successfully recruited a hero. Later, an information letter about the hero appears in your backpack. Please check it.

System: The relevant attributes of Cui Nuanjun have already appeared, please check the details.

The messages of the two systems appeared almost simultaneously, and then a bell rang, indicating that a letter appeared in his backpack. Chu You completely ignored this message, and he knew what was inside.

Chu You immediately skillfully opened the recruiting hero interface. There was only a girl's head in it, which was Cui Nuanjun.

The girl in front of her seemed to be feeling something, and neither of them had any other movements for a while.

[Name]: Cui Nuanjun

[Dynasties]: Yan Kingdom

[Growth]: It can grow and upgrade and is currently in level 0 status.

[Commander]: 160 (one commander can lead 100T1 troops)

【Command】: 9 different types of creatures

[Attack]: 27, [defense]: 27, [magic]: 40, [knowledge]: 1, [damage]: 27-58. [Blood volume]: 1407, [Physical strength]: 300.

[Professional]: Commander hero, increase the commander value by 2 points for each level up.

[Loyalty]: 99 (Admiration for your heart has reached the level of marrying NPC!)

[Features]: In the army of Commander Cui Nuanjun, all attributes of female creatures are +20. Unit attack speed +10%, unit movement speed +10%.

[Skills]: Urgent march: The movement speed of the troops is increased by 100%, the mana cost is 40, and the blessing of blessing: the morale value of the troops is increased by +50%, and the mana cost is 40.

[Stunts]: female biological training masters, fusion army stunt masters.

[Life]: Only once, the hero cannot be resurrected after death. The troops led back to the player's biological lair with a 50% escape rate.

【Food】: Love delicate food, which can restore her physical strength and hunger value.

[Housekeeper]: Not turned on.

After reading all the attributes of Cui Nuanjun, Chu You was shocked. He looked at the girl in front of him, but he didn't expect that her attributes were so powerful!

What is the essence of a hero? That is to lead the player to recruit creatures to fight. Don't think that recruiting a hero with extremely high attack power is complacent. In the previous life, it was a junk hero! Ordinary cannot be ordinary.

To judge whether a hero belongs to the best, it depends on its command value first! The commander of Cui Nuanjun's base 160 is very good, but he is abnormal, and he increases the commander value by 2 per level. This is no one. At least Chu You has never seen or heard of it in his previous life.

Chu You knows that the command value of each hero is generally between 50-100, which can be seen from Cui Nuanjun’s wicked command value, and the general heroes increase the command value by 3 points every 5 levels. Where is Nuanjun? Every 1 level increases 2 commander value, what does this mean?

This means that Cui Nuanjun can bring out more troops. This is the most commendable point. Such heroes in the previous life are the most popular.

Think about it. A player has tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of creature troops in the late game. If there is no hero with a high command value, he will recruit more heroes to share the capacity of the biological army, although different heroes The focus of development is different, you can play with tactical effects, but this is useful!

In the face of absolute strength, all tactics are scum!

And it takes a lot of time to train a hero. It is very energy-consuming player. Although the player can also directly lead the troops, there is no bonus effect. Only under the leadership of the hero can the strength of the biological troops be increased, especially the movement speed.

Secondly, it is the hero's focus. Cui Nuanjun is also very good at this point, and the female creature has a total attribute of +20! See if it is clear, her specialty attribute is applied to all creatures, which means that Cui Nuanjun applies to all female creatures of the faction.

Stains, female creatures all +20, which makes me clear in advance the target of recruitment! Thinking of this attribute, Chu You smiled bitterly inside.

Lying trough, the creatures that Brother will recruit in the future are...all female!

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