Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You called back immediately. Hey, he didn’t expect it, he didn’t sleep because he was so late!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Chu You feels that when the game cabin is opened, his mind is very clear, and his thinking is very clear. And he also thinks that there is a difference in his mind. It seems that his memory has improved a lot? ?

Blinking, Chu You waited for the phone to connect.

After three sounds, Baoer answered the phone.

"Baoer, why did you choose to call your brother so late?"

The other party did not reply, but could hear the slight breath of Bao'er. How is this going? Chu You was at a loss for a while.

At this time, in the dark orphanage, in a very dark single dormitory, Baoer was lying alone on the bed. At this time in summer, the room was turned on in sleep mode and the temperature was just right.

The bright light on the phone screen shone out the delicate face of Bao'er. I wondered whether it was because of a new environment or because of the agreement with Chu You. Anyway, Bao'er couldn't sleep. Even if he fell asleep, he would wake up later.

She understands that she has exceeded the time to call Chu You, perhaps because of this she couldn't sleep? ! So making a phone call and then hanging up is Bao'er's approach. In her careful thinking, it will be a lot of peace of mind.

Just where did you think that Chu You hadn't slept so late?

It took less than 1 minute before closing her eyes and the phone rang suddenly. She didn’t need to guess to know that it was definitely Chu You, who was tangled in her heart at this moment. After 2 seconds of hesitating to answer the phone, she finally answered it. .

But after taking it, Bao'er suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Is there anything?" Chu You continued to ask.

"Um... I'm sorry, Boer didn't early." The sound was like a mosquito, but it was still clear.

"Coat, it's okay, my brother didn't care, why didn't he sleep at this late hour?

"Can't sleep...but I want to sleep now."

"Well, take a break early, call your brother on time at 8 pm tomorrow!"

"Good..." Bao'er said the good word and did not press the end key, but waited for Chu You to hang up.

Chu You also waited 2 seconds, then shook her head, this girl... and then hung up.

In fact, in Baoer's heart, she wanted to tell Chu You one thing, but she thought it seemed like a big problem? Not sure anyway.

Because, now she feels more and more that a male teacher in this secluded orphanage seems to care for her beyond a certain limit. The meticulous care of the other party, as a girl, Baoer felt abnormal.

Bao'er still hasn't forgotten. Once the two were alone in the school office, Bao'er was seriously solving a problem. At this time, he noticed that someone behind him was very close to his neck, and then left immediately. Baoer suddenly turned back, only Seeing the male teacher standing as a tutor standing behind him, it doesn't matter. The point is that the male teacher is closing his eyes at the moment, his nose seems to be sniffing a certain smell? It looks very enjoyable.

He is secretly smelling his own smell? For a time, Bao'er was stunned by his own thoughts, and then panicked. He immediately excused himself to go to the bathroom and finally left the place. From then on, Bao'er was very vigilant towards him, and his inner affection for him was also in one. Disappeared.

But the other party didn't seem to be aware of the precautions in Baoer's eyes, and he still cared about Baoer from time to time. This made Bao'er even dissatisfied and nervous.

Fortunately, the other party did not take any further action, anyway, special care.

Bao'er has dimly felt the abnormal atmosphere of men and women, and the male teacher's eyes look like... very similar and very special!

What to do about this? Bao'er is very distressed about this. On the one hand, he is his own teacher, and he is also a teacher who takes special care. Others see it in his eyes. If he tells the teacher on this point, he will be in trouble if he can't say it.

Bao'er was very worried. She was afraid of being expelled from the orphanage. Although this is not possible, who can guess the little girl's careful thinking? Anyway, Baoer thinks so.

The only thing that can be done is to find ways to avoid contact.

If you tell Chu You this? ?

Recalling the young man's aura in the courtyard yesterday, the top leaders and heads of the district nodded to him with a compliment. I am afraid that the male teacher will be expelled?

Baoer frowned, because this was not what she wanted to see.

Oh, if someone takes care of you, you will treat the other person as an uncle wolf, so that the other party is expelled, so in this way, who dares to approach you? See you have to go around, then in this orphanage will also be gradually isolated.

Forget about it, it seems to be sleeping, Bao Er's eyes are now blurred, drowsiness strikes.

But when Baoer's long eyelashes were about to close, suddenly, in this quiet outside corridor, there was a very soft footstep.

Bao'er opened his eyes slightly and didn't care. He thought he was a security guard on duty at night.

But as the footsteps approached, and it was still very light, Bao'er opened her beautiful big eyes at once, her sleepiness was reduced by more than half, but she still didn't move, just tightened the corner of the white quilt. Pinched in his hands.

Although the other party tried to suppress the sound, they still heard clearly in the silent environment of all things. When the extremely light footsteps finally stopped in front of their door, and when they did not move, Bao'er was finally afraid.

Baoer held his breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

At this time, a black shadow appeared on the quilt. The illumination of the street lamp outside reflected the person's shadow through the window on the quilt.

Obviously, the other party is secretly observing Bao'er outside the window!

Baoer immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep, motionless.

After a while like this, Bao'er felt that the dark shadow had subsided, and after the distant footsteps came again, Bao'er opened his eyes again, his eyes full of panic.

Who is the one? Bao'er is not sure he is...

At this time, Bao'er walked out of the bed gently, came to the door with a soft foot, and then gently held the handle, twisted, and felt a little calm inside.

Fortunately, he locked the door before going to bed, and Baoer relaxed. No one can have the keys except for the housekeeper and the management room.

With a worried look, after checking the window again, Bao'er was lying on the bed again, and after a while, he really fell asleep.

What is Chu You doing?

In the middle of the night, he had to sit in front of the computer and check the information sent by Wei Hong and Xia Yueying. When he had mastered the coordinates of the targets in his heart, that is, the locations of the guilds where the declaring war was posted, Chu You turned off his mailbox.

Then I entered the official website and looked at the forum.

At this time, a post attracted Chu You's attention, and I saw that the title of the post topped was like this.

"Exclusive Perspective, Super God Guild Live"!

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