The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 224: Do you dare to broadcast live? ?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The forward troops sent by Chu came to Gudao at this time.

One of the players opened the map and glanced at it and said, "This is the direction, it should be right!"

"Well, this is the official way. I want to come to the NPC level ahead. This situation also exists in the Chu Kingdom. So, you can call the big troops to gather here." A captain said. "Now, let's move forward."

This news quickly reached the soul of the soulless war spirit, he immediately consulted several people's opinions, and decided the location where the player's army started the ancient road as the rallying point.

The order was conveyed again and again, with the War Soul Guild as the leading team, and other Chu Guild players followed, all members were not allowed to ride horses, all were running forward, and horse riding was also acceptable, as long as they did not leave the team!

"Boss, they are moving!" The assassin concealed the grass in the distance, reporting the enemy's movements.

"Boss, Chu's big army has set off." Commander Shi immediately relayed the news to Chu You.

"Got it." Chu You responded faintly, and the three sprinted away in the jungle on a velociraptor.

"Wow! Seeing that there are no friends, this list that appears in front of us is the PVP points list. You can see that Youye temporarily ranked first in personal points with 833 points!" Qin Suwan saw Bai Weiwei open After the points ranking, I was very surprised and said, with a happy face, "It's so unexpected, 833 points, what is this concept? According to the rules of the war, the head of the transferred player is 1 point, You Ye actually opened in the war. Soon he scored 833 points, did he win the stronghold in other countries?"

"It's just a pity that we can't see that scene, it must be very exciting!"

"Okay, I can feel everyone's restless mood, ha ha, don't panic, the Super Gods will dare to stay here all the time, there will definitely be a world-wide super battle, and You Ye will never miss it, we It’s time to wait and see. Now, the Super God Guild sent several members to leave the level, presumably to check the enemies in front of them, and the good show is on.” When Qin Suwan said Chu You’s personal points, netizens left messages , Hope to see real passion.

While the Soul of War was ruthlessly commanding the army of thousands of people, Aning, the Soul of War, told him an amazing news: "The Super God Guild is waiting for them at the level of the ancient road!"

"How did you know?"

"Oh, people are broadcasting live, the offline liaison told us, and Super God they are ready. It is said that they have a temporary resurrection of the troops and they are set there. It seems that they are going to have a hard fight with us. "

Lying trough, lying trough! ! They... did they dare to broadcast live? After the soul of war relentlessly heard, a ridiculous feeling rose in your heart, do you think this is playing sports?

The Super Gods Association would dare to slam the live video broadcast, so it means that they are not afraid of the so-called Chu people's transfer to the army. In other words, I have not put you in the eye!

"Oh, so to speak, is there no one in the Chaoshen Guild's nest?" Sword of Sorrow relentlessly appeared on the ruthless face, thinking that relying on the level would be all right? Huh, not to mention if you can resist our frontal offensive, just ask you what to do with the hometown of the Super Divine Guild! !

"War Soul is harmless, tell the commander, don't hesitate to attack the Super God Guild immediately, their old nest is empty, no one!" In an instant, War Soul relentlessly sent a voice to War Soul without hurt, with a tone in his tone Anxiously. "Relax, I will speed up your actions and invalidate their tactics."

What a fool! Actually live broadcast, okay, you just start live broadcast, see how I beat you hard! The soul of war was ruthlessly thinking inwardly. He was really angry with the other party's approach.

He has played so much and hasn't started live broadcasting. At most, it's self-published behavior by the players. Your super **** guild will be good. Good... The soul of the war soul is ruthless.

Just when I thought about hitting the face of Chaoshen Gong, Anning, the soul of war, once again told him an amazing news: "Yu Ye is now the first place in personal points, 833 points, rising quickly, I don’t know how to do it. ."

War Soul relentlessly immediately opened the new leaderboard. If Aning reminded him, he would have forgotten such a leaderboard. I saw that on the personal page, You Ye ranked first, and the points showed 833 points.

"Check it out for me, what exactly did he do. The acquisition of personal points is either killing the transfer player, or occupying the stronghold camp, Aning, you call the people offline to check it out, just call us Chu people See where it has been attacked." War Soul relentlessly spoke out his thoughts.

In fact, this news appeared on the China Channel long ago, but it was refreshing there too quickly, and the seven state-owned money players were constantly replying on it, and the content was either abusive or torture, and Chu alone destroyed Jin 800. The news of the trumpet was overwhelmed by other news as soon as it appeared. Besides, many players shut down this channel, because it is completely useless, it will also affect their own horizons, and their play is limited.

War Soul relentlessly told several think tanks about the news of You Ye's first place, and wanted to hear their opinions or methods.

"Relentless, I think you should focus on the war. Regarding Ye Ye, I can only say that he won 100% of his personal first place. We can’t stop it. No one can stop it. See clearly. At this point, your burden will be much easier." Qiu Mu, the Northern Dragon Commander, said. "This news, I actually discovered it long ago, but just didn't say it."

"Yuyue 27 ranks the first in the world, top equipment, excellent physical fitness, metamorphic attributes, closed beta players, local tyrants, game masters, the first guild. These all add up, it is a bit unreasonable not to take the first place, unless He didn't want to take it himself." The intelligence information has long been in the hands of the big established online gaming associations, and has been analyzed in depth.

"Our goal is first of all the value of the National Games, secondly, the guild first, then the individual first, the order can not be reversed, it will only be a bad thing!"

"Okay, I know." War Soul took a deep heartless breath and left the night behind him. Finally, with the War Soul Guild as the main body and the elite members of other guilds, he made every effort to accelerate. It doesn't matter whether time is up or not, as long as the mobile unit reaches the territory of the Super God Guild, then the Super God members who are guarding the checkpoint will inevitably return to the nest, then they will also take the checkpoint with minimum loss, and then temporarily set their assigned troops temporarily The resurrection point is here!

Presumably, that thing is quite valuable...

On the other side, when the two Yanguo monitors were resolved, and the original plan was proceeding, the War Soul received no hurt. At this time, the War Soul received a ruthless voice. When he heard it clearly, he told the card with a happy face. card.

"Oh? Is this true? The Chaoshen Guild is now vacant? Well, everyone went straight to the Chaoshen Guild, and we took their old nest." The Chaoshen Guild is a fourth-level guild. Bring 200 points for the national games value!

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