The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 228: Qin Guo playing soy sauce

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

I saw that under the Xicheng Gate, Wei Guo players who had happily attacked the gate, there was a large vacant zone, and this area was lying with nearly 500 players. The most concentrated number was the gate. The size of 1,000 people was instantly reduced to half.

The players who had been clamoring had no movement, and lay on the ground obediently. For a while, these dead players did not choose to return to the city. It seems that they have not yet understood how they died, and they are still entangled in this problem.

What is clear in Wei is that the players behind Wei Guo are also forced to follow. They are completely stunned by such scenes. For a moment, the brain is blank and the body cannot make any response.

In the first round of Diji's Wanyu Storm attack, most of the players in the range have been seconds, Diji is now full of morale, the attribute is inherited from Chu You 100% attribute and exceeds 40%! What is this thought? No one can resist the first round of bombardment, let alone this skill has four attacks, one stronger than one!

"Why are you still in a daze, now you can release the guardian beast." Chu You said softly.

After this reminder, Zhao Feiyan recovered from that state, but the brain still seemed to be in shock. There was no consideration, and the guild guardian beast, the unicorn unicorn, was released very obediently.

In the sky of the Super God's Guild, the ghost image of the mythical beast appeared, and then it was completely materialized. The unicorn unicorn is extremely huge, and you can feel the vibration when you step on the land.

The roar of the beast sounded through the sky, which surprised the foreign players here.

"Okay, let the **** beast take care of this side first, they have no fighting power anymore." After talking about Chu You, he turned and ran to the other side, where the Chu players were attacking the city gate, and some players appeared on the mobile tower On the first wall of the Chaoshen Guild.

"It's all about death!"

The two assassins of the Super God's Guild tremble and excitedly opened the scoreboard and selected their personal points. I saw that in the fourth, fifth and sixth places, they were both listed with Zhao Feiyan! Points are all 473. That is to say, in the storm skill of that wave of Wanwan, 473 Wei Guo players were killed.

Is this the fascinating pet of the Ye Ye? !

After ‘嚓嚓嚓’ passed three swords, Chu You leaned over and pointed at the passageway built on the wall of the mobile tower, which was ‘sweeping blow’, and instantly more than 15 players died there.

At this time, five or six players rushed to Chu You's side through the other tower, but just watching the powerful skills just issued, a few people did not dare to step forward and stared at Chu You.

"Look at it." The rotation wave suddenly flicked up, and these players couldn't resist the powerful attributes of Chu You, kneeling on the ground one after another.

Suddenly there is a mess here, come on, come to die, come to a group of seconds!

Chu You, who used one man as a guardian, opened all the players who came out of the tower and killed them on the city wall. In the eyes of Chu players, the more you kill the more brave, the faster you attack and move faster.

The Chu players under the city wall still continue to enter the city wall through the mobile tower.

"Kaka, my troops are all dead."

"Kaka, me too, the person above is Ye Ye, too fierce, everyone is a knife, can't carry it!" A man said anxiously, Ye Ye gave him too much pressure, too Surprisingly desperate, the growth of Ye Ye is unexpected to everyone.

"Yu Ye?" Kaka's pupil shrank, and he did not expect Yu Ye to appear here, and at the same time understood why he attacked the Super God Guild without seeing the silhouette of the other party's large army.

You Ye used his personal strength to resist the crack army of the Six Kingdoms. But can he do it? Be aware that there are no fewer than 5000 players in total through the crack!

Just thinking of this, he suddenly jumped in his heart, and at the same time a chilling fear struck.

How do you get the points of the night? Why have players from Jin, Wu and Qin have not arrived yet?

Kaka hurriedly opened the standings and found that the night score at this time was already over 1800 points.

In a flash, Kaka figured it out a lot, and he finally understood why this phenomenon occurred. The players of Jin and Wu Guo and Qin Guo, they must have been halfway or at the rallying point where the crack came out. Ye Ye did it. And still Ye Ye alone has done thousands of times of his enemies at a terrifying speed!

It's hard to imagine. Kaka thought it was ridiculous here. Can a player in Heaven have such a powerful ability attribute?

"Relentless, I see, I'm afraid it's over here."


Players from the Chu Kingdom gathered at a position 200 meters away from the level to stand, and they have all dismounted.

"Autumn, you see that there are not only super-god players on the city walls, but also many NPCs. If you call the mobile tower to advance, I’m afraid it won’t work, because the mobile tower’s channel entrance can only have 3 players side by side, but they can expand. Fan-shaped attack." The soul of warfare continued to frown, saying: "You know, they have a resurrection point for troops, and they can fill it up immediately when they die, but we don't have this advantage, right? How did that thing come about? ?"

"If you advance with a siege device, it won't work either. The siege device will be destroyed by them before the gate is broken. The terrain here is too advantageous for them!"

"I'm wondering why the attack has been launched there, but the Super God Guild is still here. Are they not afraid of the nest being taken away?" Qiu Mu narrowed her eyes and said. This is a problem he can't figure out.

"I'll ask what is the situation over there." Just when War Soul relentlessly prepared to ask Super Soul Guild about War Soul Woundless, the other party first sent a voice to himself.

When he heard the other party's words, War Soul frowned mercilessly, "No injuries, what happened? What is the end?"

"Relentless, let me tell you, You Ye is guarding the Super God Guild alone, and we have suffered heavy losses, not his opponent."

"What are you talking about? There are thousands of people on your side. How could he stand alone?"

"The situation is like this, you asked me, how do I answer? He has one knife, one skill is a range of seconds, and ah, Jin Guo, Wu Guo and Qin Guo player troops did not appear here, I Very suspicious, they were killed by Ye Ye on the road, otherwise why did he have such a high score, why did the other three countries not appear? Everything makes sense!"

The soul of the war was ruthless and the more shocked it was, the more it shivered and shivered, and finally almost suffocated the internal injury.

In just these days, how terrible was the night?


At the edge of the sphere of influence of the Super God Guild, players of the Qin Kingdom only appeared at this time, but their number was very small, almost a hundred people.

What happened to them?

Qin players were very depressed, because they puzzled the road several times on the road, although the direction was right, but they often encountered a cliff, or a huge mountain, which had to be detoured, and then happened to encounter BOSS, still The kind of lord-level, this makes more than 600 players have differences, because these 600 people are not a guild, but a temporary alliance mode formed by several guilds.

Whether to fight or not to fight? Well, even if you don't fight, BOSS has just come over!

There was a funny scene here. A guild leader took this part of the people angrily and left first, leaving more than 400 people facing the 25-level boss boss. This is not the deadliest. The deadliest part is that the people who leave first include the lead players.

The remaining 400 people were not prepared to fight this boss at all. The situation was extremely chaotic for a while. In this way, the troops of Qin State were playing soy sauce in Yan State.

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