The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 231: Run to battleship

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

In the Super God’s Guild, players from the Tang Dynasty were attacked on both sides. There was a guardian **** beast in the front, and there was a night afterwards... but this way of attack was too shabby. You have to know that there are 1000 people here in the Tang Dynasty, and the Super God’s Guild One side? Just a few people, what kind of attack is this?

However, what surprised the players of Tang State was that they were facing a collapse.

At the beginning, everyone thought that they had been trapped by the other party, and the door was blocked by the Super God's Guild, but why would they think that all this was caused by one person alone.

That person, in the eyes of the players from the Tang Dynasty, only thought that the opponent was a killer!

The gods stop killing the gods, and the Buddhas stop killing the buddhas, to destroy the decayed momentum, and quickly advance towards their own side, the scene is extremely terrifying!

Here is the pinch road, and the walls are on both sides. There is no room for players in the Tang Dynasty, and they can only carry the night offensive on the front.

A white breath appeared in his hands, Chu You used the ‘outside body’ skill, and at the same time locked a player and immediately issued a phantom split!

There is no better place to maximize your advantage! Chu You sneered constantly.

Lin Luoer followed Chu You, and in her sight, none of the Tang Dynasty players escaped from Chu You. Whenever you see Chu You's blood volume drop, Lin Luoer throws out a healing technique, adding blood to Chu You, Lin Luoer has no pressure, everything can be prejudged calmly, unlike other players, you I don't know how much blood he will lose at the next moment...

Many avatars were hit, and when all avatars were close to the player, a single "strangle" skill left a large area around, and players within the skill range fell to the ground and died.

On the city wall, Jiucai'er was condescending and continued to cast spells to attack the crowd below. In the higher midair, the Emperor used a whirlwind to attack the enemy with a shot speed of 1.5 seconds. Each attack can take away the life of a player. The guardian beast is not so perverted, but it is indeed very powerful. Levels 10-12 are generally in the range of spikes, which is two attacks on blood-thick players. The guardian beast soon tore a tear from the players in the Tang Dynasty. The players behind were squeezed in the distance between the city gates, while the players in front faced the crazy attack of Chu You and other avatars.

At such a rolling speed, 1000+ Tang players can’t resist for a long time, the defense line...or the human wall is falling down in a very fast row, the scene is like a wave of people, but just falling down Of players can no longer stand up.

In society, my victory brother is very depressed, and he is extremely depressed. This time he also came to participate in the attack on the Super God Guild, but just thought of it, it would be such a humiliating dismal ending, it was a shame!

"Do you lie in it! You can't beat it, everyone can return to the city, one can return one!" Commander Tang Guo who was rescued yelled again, so those players who hadn't been attacked hurriedly displayed their return skills. In fact, they This idea has been there for a long time, so when they heard this command, they chose to return to the city without hesitation.

"Tell the **** beast not to fight here, go to the guild forces to clear the field, Feiyan, you will repair the destroyed city gate again!" Chu You sent a voice to Zhao Feiyan while attacking. Once the guild city gate is broken, it can be repaired, but it takes time to repair the city gate, like the city gate of the fourth-level guild, it takes 4 hours to repair. There is no accelerator to assist the builder to complete it quickly.

And most importantly, the city gate in the repaired state cannot be attacked. Once attacked, the state disappears and the repair fails, which wastes strategic resources in vain.

"Understood!" Zhao Feiyan was in the core building of the guild at this time, and she saw the interface of the super **** guild sphere of influence in her horizon, but there were many red dots in the range, especially in the player area of ​​the Tang Dynasty, the red dots were densely packed. The red dots outside the city walls are more sparse. A red dot represents a hostile player.

At this time, she saw her hand reaching for a slightly dense red dot outside the city wall. In a flash, after the roar of the unicorn unicorn who was attacking the players of the Tang Dynasty, she shook her head and flicked her head. The huge body jumped over two walls at once, and fell outside the walls, shaking a dust.

The limbs rushed towards a place, which was where Zhao Feiyan pressed his hand!

Qin Guo players hundred people looked at the equipment here, and they were stunned. Although those equipment are ordinary equipment, they are also equipment, and it is clear that there has been a war here. Judging from the explosion rate of the equipment on the spot, that game The war must be quite fierce.

When they couldn't figure out why no one was picking up equipment, the guild guardian beast uttered a very loud roar and rushed at them.

Chu You had already killed the city gate at this time, but after solving the last Tang player who was about to be sent back to the city, Chu You had no idea and immediately read a command to Di Ji.

Emperor Ji's wings fluttered in mid-air, rushing towards Chu You with a shadow-like speed.

In an instant, in Lin Luoer's surprised eyes, the two collided together.

After the fit, Chu You became an archangel, her feet floating off the ground. This shocked the others on the scene again.

"You directly send the Castle Peak City, and then run towards the ancient road level, and quickly support the killing commander, I will be there soon!" After that, Chu You disbanded the team mode and turned on the accelerated flight mode, only to see the wings behind Chu You In one shot, the whole person walked high into the sky, and soon Chu You's figure became a black spot in the eyes of others.

The worries of the Super God Guild have been completely resolved. As for the rest of the little ones, Chu You believes that they can solve them by guarding the Divine Beast.

When the battle was about to end, Chu You received news from the killing commander that the ancient Dao checkpoint was already in full swing, and Chu's main force was about to reach its warship position.

Be quick, be sure to take one step before they reach that location! Looking at the rapidly consumed flight time, Chu You directly opened the backpack and used the items that increase the flight time, Flying Yuanjing.

I opened the map, glanced at my flight position, and turned it off. The location is correct!

Looking down at the ground underneath, he flew beyond the sphere of influence of the Super God's Guild, flew over the complicated terrain, over the forest of tomorrow, over the mountains and lakes.

The air flight is not disturbed by the terrain. With a straight line, Chu You flew towards the dock of her warship. During this period, she continued to use the flying Yuanjing.

Another place, Lin Luoer Jiucai'er and 12 assassins came to Castle Peak City through the teleportation array, and then summoned their mounts to rush towards the ancient road level. The two's mounts are velociraptors, which have the advantage of speed. Soon the assassin behind him was thrown away.

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