The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 240: At this time, why do you want to hit BOSS?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The memory... does become clearer. Whenever I see a scene, I think a little bit, the memory of the previous life automatically pops up in my mind. Although it is not particularly clear, it allows me to roughly know what will be ahead. This is really amazing!

With this feeling, Chu You and others approached while pushing the monster.

When approaching the 19th-level area, Chu You summoned his **** pet Emperor Ji while walking, and an angel with huge wings suddenly appeared here, which left the super-god player behind.

"Go to the front to investigate, there is a guild within about 2000 meters. What is the situation?" After sending this idea to Diji, Diji's wings fluttered and flew to the sky.

Chu You still didn't stop, and she continued to lead the team.

Build the guild over there, and you deserve to be destroyed! Chu You sneered on his face.

It's just strange that no players are still seen here, and the level 19 area is already an area where high-end players set foot on. I want to come to participate in the war... any player here did not see it.

Three minutes into the present, Chu You received Di Ji's idea message.

"Master, I found the target, and it was a level 6 guild!"

"Level 6 Guild? Report coordinates!" Chu You was taken aback, opened the Guild's potential value list, and found that the other party is indeed a Level 6 Guild!


"Got it, what else did you find?"

"From my perspective, there are 20 enemies on the guild ground, not including the enemy that may be hidden in the building, the master."

"Got it, pay attention to the exception, and report it to me as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Chu You and Lin Luoer and others all received information from the system.

System: Your guild is stationed in a high-level caravan outside the territory, the other party is: Wuyun Trading Group! The stay time is 3 hours.

Yo, choose this time, you really rain in time! Seeing this message, Chu You's face turned a lot clearer, and the coldness in her eyes seemed to have lightened a lot, but at the next moment, Chu You's eyes flashed even more like a frost.


War Soul Aning: "Relentless, the Super God Guild's live broadcast was cancelled. Before the cancellation, You Ye appeared."

The soul of War Soul opened his eyes relentlessly. The news for him was no less than a thunderbolt on the sunny day, and he immediately said: "Where does the night appear?"

"The other party is in the Super God Guild."

"So, did he leave the battleship?"

"Not clear."

"I know." After that, War Soul relentlessly ordered the alliance leaders who were still on the ancient road to advance to the level, and the voice sent seemed a little excited. If the troops can safely pass there, then no tactics are needed, and the large troops are immediately assembled to kill the Super God Guild.

However, it didn't take long for the news to make the soul of the war ruthless and frustrating.

The troops still failed to pass the ancient road, and the battleship was still firing!

The Soul of War is suddenly ruthlessly aware of a serious problem, that is, the warship that it is driving may not be the night at all! It's someone else.

A trembling feeling suddenly struck, and the soul of the war shivered relentlessly, his eyes widened.

Suddenly he thought, what was Yu Ye doing during the war between him and the Super God Guild? Where did he go? What have you done?

Is it just guarding the Super Divine Guild? This idea makes the soul of war without emotion to absurdity and unbelief. He didn't believe in You Ye and just sat in the Super God's Guild. The crack army of the Six Kingdoms has been eliminated, and with his energy and humanity, this is impossible.

"A Ning, I think we fell into a big hole!"

"what happened?"

"I don't know, but I feel this way. I can't say it. You Ye is too mysterious."

"What should we do now?"

"I...I don't know."

War Soul Aning has never seen such a painful look as War Soul Ruthless...


"Master, the west gate of the target guild is open. There are 22 enemies there. There are still not many players growing in the guild. From the observation point of view, the teleportation array and the return point are the places where players concentrate." Just as Chu You still While running, he received amazing news from Diji.

"West Gate? Quickly guide me."

So under the guidance of Emperor Ji, the team led by Chu You gradually deviated from the direction.

"Stop!" Just then, Chu You sent a message.

The super-god players gathered immediately after seeing this, and their actions were extremely rapid.

"Did anyone blame it?" Chu Youju glanced and found that there was no strange experience.

"No, it's all cleaned up."

"Everyone summoned me to mount!" Under the command of Chu You, the Super Divine Guild once again mounted all the horses.

"Listen, this is a godsend opportunity given to us by the enemy. Remember, everyone sees the enemy not to fight, follow me!" After that, Chu You urged the mount to quickly rush towards the other's west gate. The super-god player behind him left immediately.


"It was discovered by Xiao Ai, coordinate points 564, 546, 654, there appeared a 15-level wild big boss, five stars!"

"Are you sure it's five stars?"

"It's true, yes, it's a 15-level five-star boss!"

"Lying trough, this Nima exploded its equipment and high-level skill book that absolutely produced black diamonds and above!"

"Are you all here?"

"It's just two people short. MT is working on equipment and it will be ready soon."

"Well, then wait. Are the cooking scrolls on your body ready?"

"All ready, rest assured Captain!"

"That's good, be sure to win the boss, but the president secretly tuned us, but don't let the war soul people find it, otherwise you will have to slap it."

"Haha, you know, the gang of War Souls, fighting Yan Guochao Divine Guild and You Ye, is said to have been beaten?"

"Well, this is the case now. Longtan Wuxue over Yanguo. It is said that the other five countries haven't asked for anything cheap in Yanguo territory."

"Are you all okay, as vice president I am under great pressure, now is the PVP moment."

"Hey, why? Are you afraid of others copying our nest? Forgive him for having this heart and not having this courage, and don't look at where it is, gathering two thousand people in minutes, even if the night comes!"

"Hey, look at it, there are a lot of people rushing towards us over there."

When everyone was talking and laughing while still chatting, a player first discovered the anomaly in the distance.

I saw a red mark appearing in the field of vision, three of which are leading, very fast...

"Lying trough!! Isn't it?"

"My mom, someone came to copy the house!" When the vice president was about to close the door, a black energy ball appeared at the foot of one of the players in this group of players...

‘Super Strike’! !

'boom'! ! At this moment, the 23 players here were all killed by Emperor Ji.

‘Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck...fuck fuck! ! The vice president’s soul roared loudly, he was also killed in seconds, and he was shocked, even horrified! He never imagined that such a fatal coincidence would occur at such a moment!

The west gate is open, which means that the group of players will rush into the guild without any hindrance, seeing the opponent's posture, it will indeed be like this...

‘Quickly, fast, fast, labor and capital, old iron! 'Vice president is almost anxious, this is his mistake, he opened the west gate, but now it is helpless, because the player in the soul state can not use any function, this vice president has died many times, so The automatic resurrection takes 30 seconds, which is enough time for the group of players to rush into the guild gate!

If a priest is present, it will be different, but there will be no players on the scene...they are all lying!

Chu You first passed through the west gate with bravery, Lin Luoer Jiucai also immediately entered.

"Quickly, everyone rushed to the teleportation array, there, give me unlimited points!!" Chu You looked at the core building of the other party's guild and the teleportation array very close, and immediately issued such instructions.

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