The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 242: Kill kill!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"I'll check it out now, fuck!" Tianya disappeared here with an angry face.

As soon as he appeared in his Wanshi Guihui back to the city, and saw the scene in front of him, Tianya was almost forced into a daze. For a time, his brain was blank, where he stood.

"Appears! Appears! Their main force is coming!" Some people from the Super God Guild shouted loudly, because there were a lot of players of all ages coming back to the city.

"The group attack skills are thrown up for me!" The killing commander also saw it, shouting excitedly.

"Pap Pap Pap Papap," a sudden surge of group attack skills was instantly displayed from the weapon of the super-god player. The warrior group attack skills are instantaneous, and there are very few readers. Although the mage attack is powerful, most of them are to read the article. In the rapidly changing war, the role of the soldier becomes irreplaceable.

There are a lot of deaths here, and Tianya is bottoming out. If it is not the skill attacks that the surrounding players inadvertently offset for him, and his own attributes are good, he is also a member of this spike.

Tianya immediately used the escape skills, and he suddenly blinked and disappeared, and the next moment appeared at a distance of 20 meters. The eyes are still horrified and shocked. He is a mage player!

Then Tianya turned his head and looked at the other party. At the resurrection point, there were three red names killing and killing there. Although these few people were few people, the attack on the resurrected players and the damage to the resurrected buildings seemed to be more Powerful!

Aeon players can hardly take two steps once they are resurrected, and they will die in the hands of the tall man. And the blood loss of the resurrection building is faster than that of the teleportation array. This is also caused by the man. It looks extremely tough and brave and ornamental.

Tianya shivered, and in a flash, a great fear shone over him.

He immediately opened the friends bar and sent an urgent voice to the soulless portrait of War Soul: "Relentless, my guild was attacked by the Super God Guild, You Ye is here, come and help me!" In addition, other guild bosses sent the same message.

"What are you talking about? You Ye and Chaoshen are with you? Are you sure?" The soul of war is merciless with shock and disbelief.

"Why am I lying to you, I am here!" Tianya hurriedly cried.

"Well, your guild is in alliance with our guild, I will call for someone to come."

Alliance? Lying! Tianya patted his forehead, and he felt very regretful. Because they have been competing with the War Soul Guild for the leader of the Chu Kingdom, the two sides have grievances in private, so there is no alliance, but now if he wants to form an alliance, he must go to the core building, where he can use the function to make the two guilds. Alliance.

But look now, can you go by yourself? Tianya is about to cry.

"No, I can't get through, fuck! The core building is occupied by them! You still come running, ruthless, if this time can resolve the crisis, I will give you 3 million in reality, good brother, help me! "

"Don't panic, I know, I immediately mobilized to come to support." War Soul said mercilessly, don't panic, in fact he was more shocked than anyone.

Lying trough, a guild boss can't enter his core building? How bad is it? With such a short time, Yu Ye and Chao Shen have occupied the 6th-level Wanshi Guild?

And from the voice of Tianya, it seems that they have no solution for You Ye. How amazing and horrifying is this? !

"Feng Yun, Wan Shi's home was copied by Ye Ye, hurry to the past to support, not many people, and bring elite." For the difficulty of commanding large troops, the soul of war is mercilessly understood, I am afraid that when a large army of tens of thousands of people is organized, then Bian is done...the time left for them is really not much, after all, the other party has already occupied the core building.

"I said that he was so anxious to go back to the guild. It turned out that it was like this. Lying trough, the night was open, all the maps were visible?"

"Unclear, saying that these are useless, hurry up and gather at Galo City."

There are still allies in the Wanshi Guild. On the stage of their allied forces, other Guild players appeared, and more and more. This building was upgraded by one level from the end of the world. The number of incoming allies was 300. If he raised this building to level 6, the number of incoming allies was 500. Unfortunately, he only increased by one. level.

Who would have thought that a big guild would be taken home by the enemy? This kind of thing is almost impossible, beyond the common sense of the player.

However, Chu You knows clearly that in the late stage of the game, many strange tricks can make some big guilds collapse in a short period of time, and the Dahuaxia District is full of talent. I just used a simple method.

"Emperor Ji, go over there and wipe them all!" Chu You sent his thoughts, and the target was the enemy's allied troops.

The Allied incoming station cannot be introduced indefinitely. When the maximum number of personnel appears, the Allied incoming station will be closed and will be refreshed again after four hours.

Emperor Ji's wings moved and accelerated to fly over. In almost just three seconds, Diji arrived over the other party.

She quickly judged, and immediately selected a point, which can make all players under it within the skill range.

The sacred wings behind it suddenly flowed into a masterpiece. Correspondingly, all players standing on the Allied Introductory Station were suddenly hit by the 10,000 Storm.

After the first round, the players underneath are almost completely wiped out. In the second, third, and fourth rounds, the players appearing here are instantly killed, one by one, one by one.

In the eyes of Tianya, I saw that the Allied forces were introduced to Taiwan as if they were attacked by a fire. Seeing this, he closed his eyes in pain.

"Wow wow wow wow, it’s amazing, the Super Divine Guild actually appeared in the headquarters of the Wanshi Guild, let me just say, Ye Ye is in a secret operation and will definitely surprise you. Have you heard of the Wanshi Guild in Chu? The guild that has been upgraded to level 6 is the same as the Yexian guild. You see it now, this is about to be destroyed!" Qin Suwan was finally able to see the live broadcast, and was immediately excited to explain it.

On the message board, there was a handwriting of "666666" by netizens.

"How did they get here? You need to know that the guild has a city gate. The blood volume of the 6th-level guild city gate is definitely not low. It can appear in the Wanshi base camp so quickly. The way of the night must be eye-opening. Qin Suwan was full of curiosity, and continued: "We saw, wow, die back to the city one by one, and the players who came to the battlefield also died. The Super Divine Guild completely controlled here, brought the rhythm, mastered very good."

"Now the perspective is on the resurrection point, the stain... It's a night, see if it is, he is cleaning up the resurrected players, this match is simply 6666 to fly!"

At this point, Chu You’s avatars had all been played out, because there were no players around, and they had locked their targets to the resurrection point. Before this, this resurrection point was continuously attacked by Chu You, and the blood volume was already at one and a half. He was attacked by a fire trap and his blood volume dropped faster.

After Chu You attacked for three times, she suddenly turned to the player who had just been resurrected. It was a "swipe". Without looking at it, she turned back and continued to attack the resurrection point.

It didn’t take long for this resurrection point’s health to hit the bottom. Chu You performed a “strike”, 7 avatars plus a real body, a total of 8 range group attack skills hit the resurrection building together, and it finally Losing its due function, it collapsed!

Players bound to the resurrection point of the guild will lose the resurrection point at this moment, and they will be randomly bound to the resurrection points of the major cities.

Chu You didn't stay any longer. She picked up his weapon and attacked the constantly harassing players around him, one knife at a time, but he didn't see that he had cut two knives on the same player.

"Emperor Ji, attack the teleportation array!" After seeing that there were no more players at the incoming station, Chu You sent her thoughts. Emperor Ji immediately flew over the teleportation array and attacked with 1.5 shots.

At this time, the blood volume of the teleportation array was still seven to four, and three blocks of blood were dropped.

"Yu Ye, listen to me, I give 5 million, I give 5 million, please let me go!" Tianya shouted loudly when she saw Chu You running towards her, it was extremely sincere in her eyes.

"Oh, ghost believes you!" No matter whether the other party is sincere or not, Chu You will not miss this opportunity, will force out the halberd weapon, and Tianya will separate...

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