The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 253: Do you suspect that I am short of money?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You chose to bind soul with magical equipment, both of them immediately radiated light, and the soul binding succeeded after 5 seconds.

In Chu You's right hand, black gloves appeared under the cover of the equipment, while the left hand was bare skin where the equipment was not covered.

At this time, the players who have come from the reinforcements have come to this ruined place. Somewhat wonderfully, they just stood at the gate of the city and did not dare to come over, watching You Ye take care of his equipment.

In the eyes of those players, the night’s horror has been completely imprinted in their hearts. Even if there is only one night, but they are no less than a few hundred people, they still dare not come over, and some players who have just entered have even slowly stepped back. Make up your mind and run as soon as the person comes up.

After looking at them, Chu You suddenly felt that it was boring to kill them, and there was a sense of insipidity.

Smiled and chose to return to the city.

"Feiyan, you ask those guilds that joined the United Front Alliance, do they need our help?" As soon as I returned to the guild, I sent a voice to Zhao Feiyan's head.

"It must be, they are still fighting with the enemy."

"Then tell the killing commander and ask them to support it in the past, and also, you let out the words to warn Chu's war spirit, if you still want to strike us for attention, destroy him today!"

Chu You knew that Zhao Feiyan had a way to pass his voice to the ears of Chu's war spirits.

Open the leaderboard, and your ranking is undoubtedly ranked first, and the score value is far behind the second. This kind of points is relatively rare even in the middle and late stages of the previous life.

But this is not part of my concern. I chose the national games value. The target country's national games value is also the first, the number of points is 112365 points, and the second place Qin country is 57423 points, the difference between the two is almost double Too.

"Hui Ye, you come to me, your equipment was picked up by us." Killing Commander said to Lin Luoer.

"Ah, yes? Thank you so much, I will come here." Lin Luoer was very frustrated when he exploded his equipment. When he was hesitant to tell Chu You, the killing leader told the good news.

In fact, the priest did not dare to devour this piece of equipment. Although the scene was very chaotic at the time, the people around him were all super-spirit players. Just hesitated for a moment, and told the killing commander, for which he was rewarded with 2 DKP points.

You must know that if you sell this piece of equipment, it will definitely cost not less than 10,000 yuan, and it is the same professional equipment as him. It is rare to have this quality.

The killing commander only said one sentence: "You are great, well done!" But the pastor was very satisfied.

Chu You roughly estimated that the current value of Yan Guo's National Games points could not be overtaken by other countries for a while, so he entered the craftsman's room and made a temporary resurrection point for the troops.

At the same time, I used mass production to make a product spell book. I can make up to 10 army resurrection idols at one time. While making the production, I paid attention to the changes in the leaderboard. From time to time, I chatted with several friends. It was very relaxed.

In the territory of Yan Kingdom, when the Chaoshen Guild released their hands, they immediately joined the guild camp that was attacked by the enemy’s large forces. Although the number was small, but the combat power was not to be underestimated. After the previous few wars, many people’s The equipment has been renewed and the attributes have been improved.

War Soul Ruthless indeed received the news. This news was actually from Zhao Feiyan to Fan Hualuo, and then Fan Hualuo passed it to him through the offline staff.

When I heard this news, the soulless look of the war soul was full of disdain. Even so, he didn't say anything harshly on his mouth. It was considered to swallow. War Soul relentlessly knows that it is really not the time to fight a deadly battle with You Ye, that will only make the War Soul Guild be destroyed.

The Wanshi Guild is extinguished, the Soul Guild and the Crimson Guild. The strength of these big guilds is recognized as powerful, but they are all wiped out by Yu Ye. From this side, it can be reflected that Yu Ye’s true strength is beyond imagination.

Xia Yueying was offline, she once again made it in front of her laptop, opened the email, and then tapped on the keyboard, and wrote some information that she found useful, why not use voice or record the video directly Send it to the boss?

This is because of Chu You's request, he requested that he must type, because typing can explain the situation in more detail.

After writing no more than 3000 words and then adding some screenshots of the game, Xia Yueying blinked in her eyes. After she made a determination, she wrote at the end:

The name of Tianya in reality: Huang Tianlou, 28 years old, phone number: 139×××...

Xia Yueying did not know whether the news was of any use to the boss, but in any case, it was indeed intelligence. Since that is the case, write it up!

After typing the last word and sending the email to the boss's mailbox, Xia Yueying seemed to sigh.

In the game, everyone did not expect that the joint attack on Yan Guo's face and night to destroy the Super God, but in return for this result, the three major guilds were destroyed, one of which was a level 6 guild, but Yan Guo was very lost Small, and some 5th-level guilds have discovered that they have been shrouded in night fears because they don’t know who the man will choose as his goal at the next moment.

Those people started to open the guild leaderboards and kept refreshing the interface. The guild secretly prayed that the night guild rose to level 7. If it rises to level 7, in theory, the danger of the guild will be reduced by several levels, but no matter they refresh For how long, the potential value of the Yeyou Guild remained unchanged, which made them terrified.

Calling Lin Luoer and Jiu Caier to act together with the killing commander, Chu You said to Zhao Feiyan: "Feiyan, do you think I am engaged in an order-taking business, do you think it will work?"

Zhao Feiyan is the same as Chu You now. They are all people who have nothing to do. Hearing Chu You's words, he was a little surprised. "Order business? Do you mean a model like the fairy tale kingdom?"

The fairy tale kingdom has invested 400,000 gold coins to demand the night to wipe out Wu Guo’s Soul Guild, which is done.


"Uh, this, I'm afraid that if you go on like this, you will become a true public enemy in the near future!" Zhao Feiyan smiled silently.

"So what, in fact, I really want to try what it would be like to be a public enemy."

"Huh, what's the taste? Either it's the rat crossing the street, or the lonely family, only these two situations." Zhao Feiyan didn't wait for Chu You to reply, and continued: "I think it's better to rely on your strength It would be better to pick up the copy and go through the task list. There is also a way to help people take the BOSS first."

"Don't be funny, okay, you suspect that I'm short of money?" Chu You was ecstatic.

"Then you ask me what is the business of taking orders?"

"Yu Ye, you tell me, what happened to you in reality? Cause the capital chain to be broken?"

Chu You: ...

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