The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 259: Tianmen Fortress

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You retired and left the palace. On the way back, her face was calm like water, but if you stare carefully, you will find that it is a bit cold.

How could it be indifferent? Since I decided to take the upper route to contact advanced NPCs, I have paid a huge price and a lot of time, and the ultimate goal is also achieved. As long as the Dao God Jade Seal is placed in the Tianmen Fortress, his guild will become " The First Ruling Guild in Heaven.

However, he is now required to pay 1 million gold coins to the court every Sunday, otherwise, it does not mean that the ruling power is directly recovered, the Taoist God Jade Seal has all got it, and no one can take it back, only to attack the fortress, from There is no second way to reclaim the Taoist Jade Seal in your own hands!

If you don’t pay gold coins, your good relationship with the government is likely to be weakened. If you don’t pay, you will be an enemy of Huayou!

Standing in the area where you can use the back city, Chu You finally gave a slight cold hum.

No one in this life can take away what belongs to me!

No one can take what I want in this life!

Emperor Yan, if you do this, let me be in the throat!

Back in the guild, he opened the backpack, which contained a strange item, it was the Taoist jade seal.

Dao God Jade Seal (recognized as the Lord): The core artifact of the ruling fortress, please place this object within the shrine of the Tianmen Fortress within one day, otherwise this object will be invalid. After locking the Taoist Jade Seal, it can be sent directly to the gate of the Tianmen Fortress for you only once.

Chu You's eyes narrowed, and then a system prompt appeared.

System: Have you opened the crack in the teleport fortress? You only have the right to use it once!

determine! Ideas in the brain send out...

Suddenly, in front of me, a time-space crack appeared. This crack was different from the normal crack. It was a golden flame crack, and its center even reached an incandescent level.

Standing in front, I could not feel a little warmth. At the next moment, Chu You stepped in with one foot. Afterwards, her whole body sank into it, and the golden crack disappeared.

System: Your position is: Capital of Three Heavens, you explore the relevant area, experience value +3000.

System: Congratulations, you found the Tianmen Fortress!

Ignoring the environment on both the left and right, Chu You raised her head and kept her eyes moving upwards. This is because, in front, there was a very large fortress that could be described by the towering!

The giant city gate reached a height of 70 meters, a width of 20 meters, and the city gate was black. It looked very old and very heavy.

The city walls are white, like jade, giving an unreal feeling. There was no soldier above the city wall.

With your head tilted back slightly, you can vaguely see the tops of the palace buildings that stand inside the fortress.

When Chu You wondered how to open this heavy city gate, the city gate opened at this time.

Chu You looked up, because many figures could be seen from the gate.

When the city gate was only opened to accommodate three people and discharged, and still open, the people inside came out.

On the extraordinary horse, sitting with people of the same temperament, came out slowly side by side, followed by knights, and some knights held high flagpoles, and the flags fluttered.

They walked slowly towards Chu You. When they came to the front, many of them were dismounted.

One of the middle-aged men wearing heavy armor came to Chu You, first saluted him slightly, and Chu You returned the gift calmly.

The middle-aged man said, "Are you a champion, Master Ye Ye?"


"Can you come up with the Taoist Jade Seal?"

Chu You immediately took out the Taoist Jade Seal from the space backpack to let everyone see clearly.

After confirming Chu You's true identity, the middle-aged man looked more respectful and said.

"I have seen the champion Hou, and I used to be the commander of the Tianmen Fortress. The rank of the general is Yu Wenqing." The middle-aged man Yu Wenqing bit the word "Zeng" very heavily.

"I've seen General General." Chu You's eyes flashed as if she realized something.

"This time we went out to meet the adults, but we did not hide them. We are under the will of Emperor Yan. We will rush back to Wangcheng today. We can't catch the wind for the adults. Please also ask the adults not to worry about it. And the Tianmen Fortress is yours from today Yes." Sure enough, Yu Wenqing told Chu You's conjecture.

"In this way, now the Tianmen Fortress is empty?" Chu You smiled a little. He really didn't expect that the other party would do so absolutely, without leaving a little manpower. In order to convince the Sima, the soldiers who once said that the Tianmen Fortress had increased a lot of funds for the court. If they took charge of it, the court could transfer the troops of the Tianmen Fortress to other places and use them elsewhere to reduce the number of Tianmen Fortress. expenditure.

Well, the other party really listened to their words... how shameful this is.

"Uh... that's true, but I will leave one person to be familiar with the environment inside the fortress for adults, and he will leave later. This is the will of the court."

"Haha, well, since this is the case, then let's hand it over!" Chu You didn't want to talk too much.

So Yu Wenqing left a civil servant for Chu You, this is an old civil servant, looks more than eighty years old, named Shangguan Xu.

But Yu Wenqing left the area with all the troops stationed in the fortress. The endless soldier, Chu You, estimated that there should be no fewer than 3,000 people. And all are 70-level warrior mage assassin priests, all kinds of occupations, even Chu You also saw the alchemist appeared in the army.

When the army completely disappeared in his eyes, Shangguan Xu opened his turbid eyes, his hunchback was extremely powerful, at this time he looked up at Chu You and said hoarsely, "Hou Ye, the fortress is already an empty city, we Do you enter the city?"

"Bring it." Chu You nodded.

Although Shangguan Xu was very powerful, his footwork was not slow. Chu You found that whether he walked or walked slowly, the opponent always walked in front of him to keep a distance of two small steps.

With a slight smile, Chu You suddenly disappeared in the next moment, and appeared at a position 15 meters ahead in a flash.

However, what I didn't expect is that the figure of the old civil servant still stands in front of me, and I am inseparable from myself...

"Boss is good at repairing."

"Hou Ye does not have to praise the little official. On the road of monasticism, I have stalled, but Hou Ye is limitless." Shangguan Xu is very polite.

"Oh, the boss has won the prize." When he said this, his steps stepped into the shadows, and the two entered the half-open city gate.

"This fortress is a fortress built by the ancient immortals using the Great Immortals. According to legend, this fortress was once a border city, and is called the most distant level."

"Oh, there is such a saying, so what does it resist? Is it the entrance to **** below?"

Shangguan Xu shook his head, and a glint flashed in his turbid eyes.

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