The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 279: I am your eternal king!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: Congratulations on the completion of the first phase of the sacred SSS mission "Real Demon 1"

System: Reward experience value of 5 million, and 100,000 gold coins. Obtain sacred drawings: "Building Altar of Demon Chaos".

System: Congratulations on upgrading to level 31.

System: The second phase of the sacred SSS mission "Real Demon 2" is triggered.

Only then did Chu You see that the mission has entered the second phase. He has already reached level 31 and is not far from level 32.

Opening the backpack and looking at the newly acquired drawings, Chu You smiled bitterly. If you want to develop yourself towards the **** camp. Interriel was right, and this would cause endless trouble for himself. Once Yan Guo officials noticed that he was cultivating **** forces, he would never end.

Zhao Feiyan stood at the door, staring blankly at the blushing scene in the room, and was speechless for a while.

Picking up equipment and picking up here, Zhao Feiyan naturally found the devil's secret room. Besides, she saw Lin Luoer running in this direction before, and finally left with a girl.

In the room, 20 naked fighting magic Ji surrounded Chu You. After the concentration is gradually stabilized, Chu You feels that these fighting demon Ji reveals intimacy to themselves, and the charming lilac eyes are flattering, and they do not hide their joy in themselves. .

In this world, they are their only relatives, and they are their only king!

"Yu Ye!" A voice with echo sounded here.

The demons who were still intimate to Chu You immediately turned their teeth and looked at the source of the sound, Zhao Feiyan.

Chu You naturally turned around, immediately appeasing the fighting devil Ji around, and then walked towards Zhao Feiyan.

"What is this?" Zhao Feiyan's words refer to what happened here.

"As you can see, it's all **** demons, it's my army, and behind it is the devil's den." Chu You simply said, "How much equipment did you pick up, is there anything I need?"

"Oh, I thought you were performing a ceremony. I looked in the backpack." Zhao Feiyan immediately opened the backpack, and then said, "Shall I give you all?"

"Ah? No, save the rest of the equipment to the Super God Guild."

"Yu Ye..."

"what happened?"

"I don't want to go back to Chaoshen Guild again, I just want to stay in the fairy." When Zhao Feiyan entered Chu You's Guild, this idea was born, and affirmed.

"That's fine, okay." Chu You didn't ask why, she just agreed.

This made Zhao Feiyan's eyes wide open slightly. She thought she needed a little more tongue, but Chu You agreed so pleasantly.

"What do you think of me like this?"

"Oh, by the way, I have a master-level physics ring and a few pieces of black diamond-level physics equipment." Zhao Feiyan immediately dismissed the topic.

"Give me the master level, black diamond level you see what you need to stay, don't give it to the old kill. Don't ask Hui Ye what they need." Chu You did not have any excuses, preferential equipment selection.

When he received the master-level physics professional ring from Zhao Feiyan, Chu You found that this piece of jewelry requires players to reach level 80 before putting it on.

Jewelry is hard to make, let's stay.

It was also at this time that the message of Yan Guo’s announcement came.

Yan Guo Announcement: Congratulations to the player ‘Little Flying Bird’ for discovering the sacred level treasure chest.

What a lucky man...

Zhao Feiyan looked at Douzhan Moji with strange eyes and said, "Do you want them to not wear clothes and pants?"

"Oh, isn't this better?"

"Go, how come you are not serious. What do you do here, do you plan to let others look at them just like that? Or do you not take them out?"

"Haha, Feiyan, why don't I know that you understand men's thoughts, rest assured, they will have clothes and pants."

"Well, let's go together?"

"No, you're busy with you first, I have to wait here for a while." Chu You said looking at the time and date.

Zhao Feiyan looked at Chu You, and then a group of naked six-winged Mo Ji, and finally left quite speechless.

What did that expression mean just now! Chu You shook her head.

The reason why Chu You stayed here is because he discovered that a week is about to pass. The current game time is 23:42 on Sunday. When the time passes 24, the player’s nest will be available again. Recruited biological troops.

"Old kill, tomorrow the guild will organize an internal event. You will decide the rules of the event. The top five reward Tarotong wings, the first one rewards 10,000 gold coins, and 10 DKP points!" Commander voice.

"Also, those who have excellent performance in the war, ask them to choose a piece of equipment first, and those who are very skilled and obedient, you can train it and become a seed player."

"Boss, don't we have a 20-level master bow and arrow weapon, I think Mo Ming is very capable, he is also an archer profession, or..."

"I get it, okay, give it to him."

"Boss, there is now a voice from the Super God Guild."


"A lot of people suggested to me that through competitive activities, the first few players can join the boss of your guild. They are all looking forward to this kind of thing." Being able to become a member of the world's first guild, "Xian", I have to say that this is a kind of supreme glory, but also a powerful capital.

Chu You glanced at the time again and thought for a while: "Before level 30, those with a combat power of 30,000 can join the guild."

The Killing Commander heard this with a shame. He is now at level 30, but his combat strength is only 18,000.

"Haha, don't think about killing the old one too much, we are too much to promote the seedlings, the foundation is not strong, the level is too early, you should consolidate it during this time, you don't have to worry about equipping." , I hope you still in this life.

In the gaze of many Mo Ji, Chu You came to the nest again. Now the time has passed 24:00, the new week has come, and creatures can be recruited in the nest.

That’s great, it’s cool to have money and resources!

Opening the lair, I saw that there were already 20 places available for recruitment. Without hesitation, Chu You spent another 2.4 million gold coins and massive resources to recruit those mutant six-winged fighting warlords.

In this way, there are already 40 biological army, can 40 be called the army?

Hahaha, from now on, let the world feel the terror of the T9 arms! They will be unstoppable!

Now the night has already landed on the land of Yan Kingdom. The night time in the game is 12 hours and the daytime is 36 hours.

In the small teleportation array closest to the large teleportation array, many phantoms suddenly appeared, quiet and silent. The qualities of the demon fighting magic Ji were quite strong. Without entering the combat state, there would never be any sound.

The huge Tianmen Fortress was like a ghost town, and there was no one on the street.

Among the many phantom groups, a prominent tall figure moved first, and then many phantoms followed closely. If you look closely, you will find that the phantoms are off the ground.

Chu You came to the large teleportation array with 40 fighting devil Ji.

What is this for? Pass them to the human race city?

That is impossible. Among the many transmission channels opened by one of them, one of them did not directly transmit to the town, but appeared directly in the wild.

And this place is the transmission channel that Chu You opened in the orc territory.

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