The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 282: Send you to school

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Generally speaking, Chu You actually got some useful combat products, some of which made Chu You rejoice. These things are all put into the space backpack.

The loot that Chu You likes: gold bar × 7 (one gold bar can be exchanged for 100,000 gold coins), gold bag × 16 (a total of 10345 gold coins are obtained), Tier 7 pet egg × 1, Aude powder × 102, crystal syrup of life × 2 , 1 piece of black diamond equipment for priest at level 25 and 1 piece of black diamond equipment for assassin at level 25.

At the same time, Chu You also obtained a lot of high-quality cloth. To be honest, he was ready to throw it away, and put it with those useless things, but when he saw all the naked Mogis, an idea immediately appeared, he was ready Use these high-quality fabrics to make uniform style clothes, which are used for the daily wear of Devil Fighting Devil Ji, so they are put away.

"Everyone stands up, and now I know the king's favorite, that is, gold coins, when looting, gold coins are the first priority!" Many Mo Ji seem to understand.

Lying! You must understand! !

After taking a rest for so long, coupled with the recovery speed of Devil Fighting Mo Ji, the status of Mo Ji is almost full.

In the end, Chu You took them back to the ruling fortress and entered the devil's chamber to settle them. In fact, Moji recovered faster in the den than in the wild.

Opening Cui Nuanjun's message, she was found in the sunset villa of the guild, Chu You quickly passed from the fortress to the guild, and then ran to her villa.

Entering the game villa, no one in the lobby, Chu You came to the second floor, looking for and searching, and finally found Cui Nuanjun in a bedroom.

To Chu You's surprise, he found that Cui Nuanjun was sleeping on the bed.

Came to the bed, observed it, and glanced at the game time again. Chu You sat quietly on the comfortable chair in the middle of the bedroom. Cui Nuanjun slept soundly, which was very strange to the player. Thing, but the fact is that the hero NPC needs to sleep. This may invisibly affect the sense of experience of the game as their master player, right?

I'm already lying in bed, but you sit in a chair for me?

"Luoer, when did Xiaojun leave?"

"Oh, it's been a few hours, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, wait a minute for us to brush the resource mine!"

"Brush resource mine?"

"Yeah, help me occupy resource mines while brushing dragon materials."

"Oh okay, you will call me then."

Finally, I can take a rest. In a quiet environment, it is easy to make people feel relaxed. It is so quiet and comfortable for 1 hour. At the same time, I think about the future road with an open mind, just like the bed inside. There was a movement.

Chu You looked back and found that Cui Nuanjun got up and looked at himself dimly, and then there was a color of unbelief in his eyes. After trance, Xiaojun blinked hard and finally determined that the person in front of him was his master.

Immediately on his face, he said happily while getting out of the bed.

"Master, when did you come here?"

"Ah, for a while, don't you sleep for a while?"

Xiaojun came to the side with pleasure, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Chu You. Looking at the tea set on the table, Chu You suddenly remembered the cottage tea set seized by Dou Ji Mo Ji.

"Full sleep, the master drinks tea." Big eyes stared at himself, and Chu You took the tea cup. Xiaojun immediately sat next to each other.

Chu You took a sip of tea and said, "This is the case. I will send you to the War College for further study, where you will learn many useful skills."

"Ah? How long will it take?" Xiao Jun was taken aback.

"It doesn't take long to see your talent."

"Should it take a long time?" Xiao Jun stared at Chu You's hand and said softly.

"Why am I lying to you? I have started recruiting the army now, and I need your help."

"Master can go with Xiaojun."

"Oh, I still have a lot of things to do, and I can't calm down. It's not suitable for me. Listen to me, the sooner the better!"

"Well, Xiaojun listens to his master."

"Well, let's go now, it's dawn." Chu You stood up.

"the host..."

"what happened?"

"Can you hug Xiaojun." The voice was very low, and Cui Nuanjun was afraid to look at Chu You. His face was already crimson, and his eyes were still fixed on the other hand.

Cui Nuanjun's appearance at this time was extremely moving. Chu You jumped inwardly, reaching for the next moment and gently pulling Xiaojun into his arms.

Cui Nuanjun immediately hugged himself with his hands, and at the same time felt the strength of Xiaojun, it was a tight hug, as if fearing that he would fly away at any time.

With one hand gently touching Xiaojun's hair, he looked down at the gentle gentleman snuggling tightly in his arms. Chu You sighed inwardly.

Just let the hug last longer!

Chu You's hand rested on Xiaojun's waist, feeling the other person's body temperature, while sniffing the fragrant hair.

Finally, Chu You’s hand continued to move down and stopped at Cui Nuanjun’s buttocks. The opponent’s pants were very close to the skin, and the feel was very exciting.

Cui Nuanjun's body seemed to move a little, but then he quieted down again, and let Chu You feel himself like that...

Chu You did touch twice in the special place, and some could not put it down. Finally patted there lightly, the two slowly let go.

Looking at the confusing junior in his eyes, Chu You almost felt impulsive.

Fuck! Where is it binding me? Chu You felt an agitation in her heart, and wanted to win the other party and couldn't get her hands down.

"Master, either, or you want it now..."

"Okay, let's go." The charming atmosphere gradually disappeared.

The two walked out of the sunset villa together, came to the teleportation array and passed to the capital of King Yan, and finally from the teleportation array of the capital of King Yan to the Central City of Huaxia District!

Central City is the largest city in China and the most prosperous city because it is the city of the main god.

"If you occupy all of this place, you will be invincible in the world?" Chu You thought so, looking at the prosperity in front of her.

"Come with me." Chu You directly took Cui Nuanjun's little hand, which made the other party slightly shy and very happy.

The master is gradually accepting me!

Came to a coordinate sign, Chu You looked at it, and finally stopped at a certain place, knowing the direction, and left immediately.

On the way, Chu You found a carriage, immediately rented a particularly luxurious carriage, and sat inside with Cui Nuanjun. The coachman in front was driving the carriage to Chu You's destination.

The carriage is very spacious and delicate, with fresh fruits stacked in a crystal tray, and the carriage is covered with expensive black velvet blankets.

The two leaned against the carriage window, Chu You looked at the scenery along the way, while Cui Nuanjun leaned on Chu You and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The carriage was driven by four tall purebred white horses, and the speed was very fast, but even so, it took 5.6 minutes to reach the destination.

The two got out of the car and a majestic building stood not far away. This is the college district.

"Am I going to learn war skills there?" Xiao Jun said at this moment.

"Yeah, let's go in, hey..." Chu Yougang was about to walk, but Yu Guang saw a relatively small college next to it.

His eyes flashed, "Let's go there first." Chu You led Cui Nuanjun to the smaller college next to him.

I saw two pretty girls standing at the gate of this school, but their costumes were exquisite maid costumes!

Chu You looked up and saw the name of the college.

I saw a big pink font on the sign of this college: Maid Training Academy!

A young girl found Chu You and Cui Nuanjun, and there was a shock in her eyes, and she immediately bowed slightly. Qingli said: "Sir, do you want to send the girl around you to our college?"

Hearing the other party saying this, Chu You was unmoved, and the other party obviously misunderstood.

With a slight smile, he said: "Are you a player? I'm here to buy a maid and serve my lady."

Cui Nuanjun held Chu You's hand suddenly and exerted a little force, his face was a little bit red, and said softly, "Master, I don't need..." Although he said this in the mouth, Cui Nuanjun's heart was very sweet.

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