The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 284: The information behind the main brain red

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Is this your subordinate? This woman looks extraordinary, but you are really blessed." The chief of the war looked at Xiaojun for a few more times, seeming to find something, and nodded, with praise in his eyes.

"Exactly, her name is Cui Nuanjun, the dean can call her Xiaojun, and Xiaojun says hello to the dean."

"Good dean." Xiaojun answered cleverly.


Looking at Chu You again, the dean of war said: "I wonder what kind of war military subjects you choose for Xiaojun?"

"Is there a professional form? I want to see it."

"Haha, of course, you don't remind me that I have forgotten this point. Hey, you are quite clear."

Chu You smiled back, did not answer the call, and then took over the subject list handed over by the War Dean.

As you can see from the above, as long as you have money, as long as you have time, you can become a versatile hero or versatile coach!

Elementary War Science-(Several)-Master Level War Science.

Elementary Diplomacy-(Several)-Guru-level diplomacy.

Elementary financial management skills-(several)-master financial management skills.

Elementary Commander-General (Several)-Master-level Commander-General.

Elementary logistics-(several)-master-level logistics.

Elementary leadership technique—(several)—master-level leadership technique.

Elementary Wisdom—(Several)—Guru-level Wisdom.

Primary First Aid—(Several)—Grandmaster First Aid.

Elementary investigative techniques-(several)-master-level investigative techniques.

Elementary Navigation-(Several)-Grandmaster Navigation.

Elementary academic—(several)—master-level academic.

Elementary magic—(several)—master-level magic.

Elementary Offensive—(Several)—Grandmaster Offensive.

Primary defense-(several)-master-level defense.

Next is the stunt, and its subjects are more numerous. Chu You looked at it seriously. After almost half an hour, Chu You raised her head and said, "If all subjects have to learn Guru level, how long will it take?"

This sentence shocked the dean of the war, and said as appropriate: "It depends on how Xiaojun's personal talent is obtained, and also depends on the level of the mentor who taught her."

"What level is your highest mentor?"

"Honorable mentor! The mentor who can get this title is extremely amazing, and the students usually understand it quickly and keep it in mind."

"You can help me figure it out, if Xiaojun has all learned and still learned the guru grade, and the honorary tutors are invited, how long will it take? At the same time, I still need one-to-one service! I can't learn with other students ,money is not a problem."

"Well, apart from Xiaojun's personal talent, the number of guaranteed days should be...300 days!"

"Can it be interrupted at any time? Do you understand me?"

"Of course you can, understand and understand that the champion Hou Rili has everything. In an emergency, you can take Xiaojun out at any time, and then send it back later. It's okay!" The war dean fully understands the psychology of those powerful figures If there is no suitable subordinate to lead a team to fight and feel urgent, then the subordinates who are still training can only be temporarily pulled over to lead the army to fight.

Chu You patted Xiaojun's little hand and said comfortingly: "See, I can take you out at any time and study here with peace of mind."

Xiaojun looked a lot easier than before, and nodded happily. "June will not let his master down."

Then he looked at the war dean and said, "This is it, Xiaojun. I'm studying all subjects here. The professors who teach her must be honorary mentors, and they can only be one-on-one professors." Take a breath and exhale again: "Get a price!"

The Dean of War looked at Chu You in disbelief, his eyes widened wide, and he said halfway, "I'm afraid there will be no more than 7 million gold coins in total. You need to know that there are 104 honorable mentors who only serve her!"

"7 million gold coins is 7 million gold coins. There is no problem. Now I will pay the tuition for Xiaojun." After talking, Chu You traded 7 million gold coins to the war dean.

"Zizi, your little girl is lucky!" At this time, the war director looked at Xiaojun and smiled. Cui Nuanjun lowered his head shyly and looked at the two little fingers twisted.

"By the way, Xiaojun wants to be alone. I have also invited two maids to serve her. How much does it cost?"

"(⊙o⊙)... Uh, it turns out that these two unbelievably beautiful maidservants just serve Xiaojun, and want to come to the champion Houfu to be beautiful!"

"Haha, the prize is over."

"Well... Champion Hou is so bold and cherish his subordinates, our hospital provides independent rooms for Xiaojun free of charge."

"Haha, then thank the dean. From now on, Xiaojun will leave it to you."

"Haha, you can rest assured of the champion."

Chu You nodded and turned to look at Cui Nuanjun, "Xiaojun, I will come to see you at any time, well, then I will go."

At this time, Xiaojun's eyes were a little red, and he was very sad. But at this time, everything felt pale, pursed her lips and pressed hard, and finally said: "Remember to come and visit me. Xiaojun is most afraid of missing." The last sentence was like a mosquito.

"I know. I'll come to see you when I miss you. Well, I won't say anything. I'm gone." Nodded to the chief of the war. After saying goodbye, Chu You left here.

The War Dean reached out and patted Xiaojun's weak shoulders, "Sister Xiaojun, you will be a master!" The old dean finally said this sentence.


In reality, at the door of an old courtyard courtyard, a luxurious long black car was parked, and an old man walked down from inside.

When he came to the door, he handed everything over to the security personnel in the two black suits at the door, and walked in lightly.

Led by a capable woman, the old man entered a room.

It was a bit dark inside, but there were six people sitting inside, some smoking, and some talking softly. When I saw the old man coming, the sound was silent, and then an old voice came from one of them. : "Lao Huang, you are here, come in and sit down, you will be sent away."

The old man known as Huang Lao smiled slightly, and when he came in, the capable woman outside immediately closed the door and walked away.

"Oh, it's really not easy. When I come here, I have to remove all the electronic devices on my body. I feel like I'm back in ancient times." Huang Lao walked in and sighed.

The seven people here are elderly, and one of them answered.

"This is something that cannot be done, just in case, you are not unclear about the ability of Hou Hou, any electronic device may become its eavesdropping tool."

"That's right, after all, today's electronic devices are more or less equipped with network communication functions."

"Oh, even if it is an independent or isolated working equipment, as long as it is covered by the signal, it may leak out, unlike before."

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's have a meeting, huh... everyone hasn't seen it in a long time, it's not easy to get together."

"Gathering our old men here, the background is that the red queen actually awakened voluntarily. I couldn't believe it when it came to my ears."

"Haha, nobody in the world can operate in secret now, and the fairness is truly achieved. It depends on the ability."

"I really don't know how the national teacher did it, how can I allow the highest artificial intelligence to be independent."

"It is said that this is inside, and the national teacher can't stop it. Now it's okay. The red queen is still evolving itself. It is said that there are dead people over there..."

"No? The highest research laboratory in the world is occupied by Red Queen? They don't have any countermeasures? Take a nuclear bomb!"

"Don’t be funny, God’s Nest Research Lab itself is a super nuclear bunker. Its core device is thousands of meters deep underground. How is it banging? Now that all people are driven out after being red, it’s impossible to destroy them. God’s Nest The defensive system of the laboratory has been controlled by Honghou."

"Don't say this now, just talk about us. Alas!"

"Then I would like to say first that our experimental body of the world has achieved certain results and integrated it into "The World". We captured some data sent after the red, and the word "World Auction" appeared many times."

"Huh, what a coincidence, so is our crimson body."

"It's really uncomfortable. If there is no awakening after the red, our experimental body will successfully maintain a trajectory with the system, so that the opportunity is in my hand."

"Self-sufficiency, under such absolute fairness, we can still achieve a certain effect is already cheating."

At this time, an old man sitting on the throne opened his mouth, "Yu Ye is not simple, he is really not simple, my experiment not only has the information you captured, but also captured the name "Yu Ye" twice A message appears."

"Hiss... so, after Master Naohong started to pay attention to the night? Old Li, your experiment is really not easy, will we talk in private later?"

"Aren't You Ye really hung up? Or are you regarded as an internal tester after being red?" said another.

"Impossible, after the game update, according to the research and development game researchers I spent heavily on, the game has changed, and the name of "Yu Ye" appears twice after the game update."

"But in any case, Red Queen has noticed the player You Ye."

"Oh, he can destroy thousands of people by one person, and the combat value is more than 100,000. What about the mass players? The players with thousands of combat power have reached more than 1 billion!"

"I want to know, will Houhou take measures against Ye Ye? It will be easy for Honghou to make a person's message disappear completely."

The old man sitting on the throne shook his finger, his eyes inexplicable, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, I want to kill it, kill it early, there may be some game in it!"

" mean, there is something to be afraid of after the red one?" The old man took a breath. The old man's words on the throne are very important. Since he can tone, he obviously knows the behind-the-scenes that he did not know. information.

"That's why, I really believe that the national teacher has some means left. The old man is also not easy. The red queen was created by him. It is said that he is looking for You Ye."


PS: I wish you all a happy National Day Mid-Autumn Festival. Tomorrow is the National Day holiday. Please turn on the Doutu mode correctly! !

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