The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 286: Starting today, you are Taoists.

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

I feel like I am engaged in logistics...

Returning to his store again, Chu You immediately established the Guild Exchange here and set a handling fee. In addition to Yan Foreign, players in the other six countries used their own exchange to increase their handling fee by an additional 13%.

At the same time, Chu You also divided a part of the area for the construction of the guild craftsman's room. The usage fee is like this. The ordinary production station is 70 gold coins for one hour, the advanced production station is 190 gold coins for one hour, and finally the VIP-level separate production room is 1,000 gold coins. One hour. This is different from the use fee of Yan Guo's craftsman's house. This craftsman's house is much more expensive, and regardless of nationality, the fee charged by anyone here is the same.

The reason why the Celestial Guild asked them to join Chu You’s guild for their professional players was to see Chu You’s guild **** tree gain skill acting on the craftsman’s room. If they were not a member of Chu You Guild, they would not enjoy the guild gain attribute. , Just enjoy the benefits brought by the building grade of the artisan house. The construction level of the craftsman's room of Chu You Guild is level 6, um.. will soon be increased to 7.

Now it's finally ok, China Central City finally has a shop opened by the player. Moreover, the function of this store is extremely powerful, and it has directed the information sold and purchased by many players in Yan Guo to the players of the other six countries.

System: Please name your store!

After thinking about it, Chu You named his store: Shanhai Exchange!

Immediately, the five dragon and phoenix dance characters were hung on it, which was very eye-catching, so that players who came to the "Longsheng Street" could easily see this sign.

Then Chu You invited four NPCs to serve as consultants and also serve as waiters here.

In the end, Chu You came to a high-end tailor shop and bought 100 robes with special attributes here. He prepared them for the Demon Fighters, who originally wanted to hand over the high-end fabrics from the Devil Fighter Ji. The master tailor made 100 pieces of the desired style, but anyway, this is beyond the limit, it is impossible to make, there is no way, then after selling high-quality fabrics to this shop, I bought 100 robes of the same style, which cost 10 Ten thousand gold coins.

I also bought 100 pieces of jewelry without any attributes in a certain store. After doing all this, Chu You felt that she should go back as soon as possible and could not go shopping anymore. Who knows what'opportunities' will be encountered next, and then big Smash a lot of money...

Although these are all profitable, it is definitely a big profit, but in the short term, they do not see much income, and they are engaged in too many long-term investment projects.

Or consolidate your foundation first!

With this thought, Chu You used the skills of returning to the city to come to the fortress guild, and immediately contacted Lin Luoer, asking her to wait for herself in the teleportation circle.

But he came to the devil's den at the bottom of the fortress. At this time, Chu You sent the purchased robe and jewelry to 40 fighting demon Ji one by one, and asked them to put them on.

Immediately the style here changed instantly, full of great sense of violation...

I saw the original 40 naked six-winged warfare warlords. At this time, the six wings disappeared behind them. It is correct to say that after putting on the robe, they automatically retracted their wings. The white and attractive body was covered by the robe, then What is the robe...

In the correct way of opening, this is a Taoist blue robe full of intimacy!

On the back of the blue robe, there is a big pattern. This pattern is the guild logo of Chu You's "Xian".

The fighting warfare all had their long hair, and the ordinary props distributed by Chu You were actually a slightly longer Dao hairpin, which was worn on the hair in order to consolidate the stereotypes.

Okay, 40 mutant T9 Fighting Demon Ji became 40 female fairies like fairies...

Hahahaha, this is so fun.

Looking at the fighting demon Ji Ji who was completely changed by his own bad taste, Chu You finally couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, Taoists, let's do it!"

Soon, Lin Luoer saw a familiar tall figure appearing in a small teleportation array not far away, then Lin Luoer's eyes widened slightly, because she saw the numerous female daozi that appeared behind Chu You.

Lin Luoer instantly locked one of the female Daozi, but the message shocked her!

The message above appeared to be (new) mutant six-winged fighting war magic Ji!

Here, Chu You, come and tell me what the **** is going on!

Chu You brought the fighting monsters to Lin Luoer, who was covered in a circle, and introduced: "They are my army, and the fighting power is very fierce. We need to rely on them to occupy the resources, mine, and brush the dragon clan materials. La!"

"Uh, why are their names called Mo Ji, but they are wearing robe?" It's obvious that they are tired of it.

"It's like this, they don't have clothes and pants when they are recruited, and I bought them this kind of camouflage robes. This is used to confuse NPCs and belongs to a special method of strategic paralysis opponents." Chu Youzhengba Jing said.

"Uh, there is such a good thing?" Lin Luoer's eyes are weird. She is referring to the fighting battle Mo Ji recruited without clothes and pants. Note that the fighting battle Mo Ji looks very beautiful, so recruit The scene that came out must also be very fragrant.

In this way, the crowd once again teleported to the teleportation array that last appeared in the orc territory.

"Luoer, open the wings, we took off." Chu You was the first to use the wings, and there were demon wings behind her feet, and her feet suddenly left the ground.

Seeing the master's actions, the demons at this moment broke apart the six-wing wings and put them out of the back of the robe. This is a style design. The robe will not break because of the opening of the wings.

In an instant, the scene was quite exciting.

Lin Luoer saw this situation for the first time, both shocked and a strange feeling.

Isn't Chu You seeing such a scene for the first time? I saw his admiring eyes on Dou Ji Mo Ji, nodded a moment later, it seemed very satisfied...

Soon the crowd gathered in the sky. The core position was of course Chu You, and the circle became a circle. Chu You was always in the center.

"follow me."

Chu You first left, and immediately the fighting demon Ji around followed closely. The route is actually very simple, that is, the place where the gem mine was attacked last time flew away, and there are several resource mines in that area.

After flying for almost 10 minutes, Chu You landed on a place with a huge stele that radiated golden yellow runes, and summoned his own dear Emperor Ji. Finally chose that monument.

System: You have visited an ancient stele with mysterious power. The morale of your pets and their biological units increases by +30 (for 1 hour). After 24 hours, the ancient stele will have mysterious power.

After the stone stele exuding golden runes was visited by Chu You, the instantaneous light surged and the fluctuating golden energy spread out, and both Emperor Ji and Demon Fighting Ji were blessed.

Hahaha, the lowest morale value of the demon warriors is 46, and the highest is close to 70. What about Emperor Ji? Full morale!

After searching here, Chu You's eyes lit up. He actually found a teleportation array hidden in the woods. Fortunately, the flying height was not very high, otherwise it might have missed this seemingly deserted ancient teleportation array.

Chu You immediately descended and activated it. After paying the gold coins and strategic resources, she instantly opened the transmission channel with her guild.

Everyone took off again, but this time Chu You was very sure to accelerate towards a certain direction. In fact, before landing, Chu You had discovered a resource mine located in front.

This is a sulphur mine, with a slight yellow mist around it coming out of the hole and the underground around the hole. The hole is also very dark.

At this time, I saw a team of black figures in the sky hurried toward here, and the last tall figure flew directly into the hole.

When you came to the cave, Chu You's wings disappeared. He turned his head suspiciously and glanced at the hole behind him. Just now, he seemed to hear an oop? !

System: This is a special area, and prop wings cannot fly here.

Chu You secretly sighed, looking at the ensuing Fighting Devil Ji with envy, their six wings were still there, and fluttered from time to time.

When can you grow real wings? Once you have real wings, all these **** rules will go to hell.

At this time, Lin Luoer stroked his forehead with a hand, flushed in.

"Luoer, what's wrong with you? Hey? You're still bleeding, what's going on?"

"I didn't grasp the flight direction just now. It's ugly. I blame you. I didn't land at the entrance of the hole. I just inserted it. I followed you and I hit the wall. Do you know?"

Chu You: ...

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