The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 289: Fly dragon

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

I really didn't expect that the gold coin resource mine was encountered here, which was really unexpected.

God, you really give face!

"Luoer, do you know what resource mine is ahead?"

"Look at how happy you are, just say it."

"You will know when you get in, let's go!"

After Chu You couldn't wait to walk quickly, everyone behind him immediately followed closely.

When Chu You and Lin Luoer stepped into the cave, a systematic prompt appeared.

System: You have discovered a tertiary gold mine with a total output of 5 million gold coins, and now 5 million gold coins remaining.

"Gold mine? 5 million gold coins?" Lin Luoer said to Chu You in surprise, and he couldn't believe it.

I saw that in this hole, the stone wall is embedded with gold glittering gold, which is extremely eye-catching; players can dig gold mines here, as long as a **** and a physical potion, you can make a home here Get rich.

"Yeah, the gold mine is very special. It has a total value. Once the gold mine is mined, it is abandoned." Yan said Chu You has memories in his eyes. Needless to say, the value of gold mines, but in the previous life, once each gold mine is widely known, it is usually the high incidence area of ​​killing and clearing the field!

It's hard to see a scene of harmony and co-prosperity like other resource mines. You dig yours, I dig mys, and everyone's well water does not violate the river water. The gold mine is different, any rules are useless here, only strength!

The dragon monsters in the level 3 gold mine are the same as the dragon monsters in the level 5 resource mine. They are all 30-level Samsung elite dragon monsters.

Needless to say, Chu You started working immediately and led many battle magic players to start sweeping here. Although the morale value of BUFF disappeared and dropped by 30 points, the combat power was still not to be underestimated. The dragon monsters were all cleaned up, and finally only the inner guardian of the dragon clan remained.

‘Crackle crackle’ will beat the dragon patron saint, ravaged, and Chu You finally occupied the third-level gold mine, and the sign of the ‘Fairy’ Guild appeared above the hole outside.

System: You picked up the sacred level "Drawing: Production: Red Dragon King's Sacred Metal Boots", you picked up the sacred level "Drawing: Production: Red Dragon King's Divine Monk's Sword"

Lying! A weapon drawing actually burst. Although it is not the weapon used by his own profession, but the weapon of the magic sword monk, but this profession is a popular profession of the warrior profession. The players who become this profession are the most in the warrior system, that is, Said that their weapons demand is great.

System: Congratulations, you have successfully occupied the tertiary gold mine. This gold mine will bring you 20,000 gold coins a day.

Every day 20,000 gold coins, the real time is 40,000 gold coins, 5 million gold coins divided by 40,000, then when 125 days have passed in reality and 250 days have passed in the game, this gold mine will be automatically mined and I want to rely on It is obviously a bit unrealized to mine this gold mine by automatic deposit method!

Sooner or later, it will be discovered by other players, and it is very likely to cause trouble. Even if they do not cause trouble, players will come here to mine gold mines, and then they will not be able to enjoy the entire gold mine alone.

It’s hard to say anything, just gold coins!

So the question arises, how can we quickly mine this gold mine, and all the gold coins we get into our own accounts?

Chu You pondered for a moment, then thought of a feasible method.

After opening the map, his eyes finally stopped in a lake area in the territory of Yan Kingdom. Chu You knew that there was a level 40 area. Looking at the time again, I immediately made arrangements in my heart.

Let's take as many resource mines as possible during the day, let's talk about other nights...

In this way, everyone took off again, looking for resource mines in the orc territory, and its trajectory gradually deviated toward the depth of the orc.

After flying for 8 minutes, Chu You found several dragon shadows appeared in the sky in front...

Suddenly his eyes narrowed and stopped, and everyone behind him stopped.

It was really the wrong time to encounter a flying lizard at this time. Chu You knew how difficult it was to deal with a western dragon flying in the sky.

It is a real dragon family, pure and pure, all attributes are extremely powerful, the level is all up to level 100, and the species are all tall.

It is ironic that finding a real dragon is actually very difficult. In addition to the giant flying dragon fixed in the central Arctic Dragon Hall of the Arctic, most of the dragons' nests are extremely secret and the environment is harsh, but even if it is When they discover the nest, they may encounter the situation that the owner is not in the nest. They either go out for food or go out to mate, or they do some evil things that the human race calls the image of the dragon. For example, plundering human princesses, plundering wealth, etc...

This has caused a phenomenon. Generally, when the low-level players in the low-level area look up at the sky, they may find that there is a black shadow in the extremely high sky. They think this is the background of the game. In fact, it is probably a certain giant. Dragon...

From the above, we can understand that the trajectory of the dragon's movement is not fixed, and their figures may appear in any area. The dragon has great autonomy. It is said that dragons have the habit of sleeping for a long time, but they are very long-lived, but they are different in "The World". Dragons do not have the habit of sleeping because they are doing something for the "big robbery". Kind of preparation!

The background of "The World" is that the natural environment of the game has undergone major changes. Everything is fighting for survival space. The player has come...

"What's wrong? Huh? What's that in front?" Lin Luoer flew over and questioned, and also noticed the abnormality in front.

Chu You stretched her hand and touched her nose, and said quite depressingly: "Obviously I found the dragon, but I can't do the Dragon Warrior, it's really a legacy... Huh?" Chu You's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and he found something unusual.

It seems that those dragon shadows are not tall... and there is a figure sitting on the position where the long neck links the body.

This is wrong!

"Go over and see." Chu You lowered her flight speed, slowly leaning in that direction, and behind them were many phantom children.

As he approached, Chu You gradually found out that the dragon shadows in front seemed to be attacking some kind of prey in the woods below, and the dragon shadows started roaring from time to time. This sound is also very similar to the dragon's dragon roar. Great difference. Chu You is now 100% certain that it is not a real dragon.

Since it is not a dragon, what would it be?

When approaching a certain distance again, Chu You could hear each other's fighting sounds, and also saw the true face of those dragon shadows, and recognized them instantly.

These are several fly dragons, fly dragons do not belong to the giant dragon family, even the subfamily dragon has no place.

Except that it is similar to the flying dragon, it does not have the characteristics of the dragon. The name of the dragon has the dragon character because it is in the dark heterogeneity and belongs to the middle rank. It looks similar to the dragon. From this. (Dark xenotypes are vampire blood tribes, zombies, werewolves, etc. They belong to dark xenomorphs, among which the undead tribe are the big nobles in the dark xenomorphs, and even form their own systems).

Fly dragons like the smelly places, and the foul odors produced by dead bodies are especially loved by them. They like to eat carrion. The corpse produced by those swollen bodies is extremely delicious food for fly dragons.

The dragon's combat power is also relatively strong. They have a strong body, but the dragon has no scales and only a thick cuticle, but it can also resist the damage of ordinary physical magic attacks. Their back is black, and their abdomen is The area of ​​weakness appears pale yellow, and attacking there can cause great damage.

Fly dragon's eyes are not as intimidating as dragon eyes, just like ordinary herbivores, with black eyes and white kernels.

Fly Dragon has only one instinct magic, that is, black magic with sound barrier, and enemies who hear this sonic magic can have severe headaches. Their claws are sharp and barbed, with a strong body, which can cause great damage to human infrastructure.

Because their IQs are not high, they are usually regarded as mounts by some dark high-level aliens, which won the favor of those high-level aliens.

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