The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 294: big flood!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Luoer, pay attention to the balance of the airflow, you need to find that feeling." Looking at Lin Luoer in the sky, Chu You quickly said.

Lin Luoer fluttered her hair, the fallen angel wings behind were not fully expanded, and the left wings were skewed.

Hearing Chu You's words, Lin Luoer hurriedly stabilized her mind.

Nodding slightly, Lin Luoer is still pretty good. Not only is it a school bully not only a beautiful school flower in school, but also very talented to play games.

The team quickly set off and flew towards the deep hinterland of the orcs.

If you open the map that Europa handed you, you can see in the direction of flying with Chu You. Chu You didn't fly directly towards the location of Shen Tie, but slightly deviated from the direction.

What does Chu You want to do?

In fact, it is necessary to start with Chu You knowing about Euroga. Euroga’s forging talents need not be questioned. Playing for players in the previous life is a sensational event. Euroga can create life professions "Celebrities" All the following drawing products, as long as there are drawings and materials, can be handed over to Oroga for production. Who is not such an enviable NPC?

However, how did such a powerful character like Euroga become a player's subordinates? In the end, the player shared his experience, not sharing it. The analysis ability of the majority of Chinese players is terrifying, because this player is Before recruiting Oroga, his level has changed greatly. In addition to various reasons, he posted the process of how to recruit Oroga on the forum.

Chu You also happened to encounter such a similar opportunity at that time, so she looked at the player's experience process on the forum with a reference attitude and opened up Chu You's ideas to a certain extent.

So for the recruitment of Oroga, the master of forging, Chu You's memory is relatively deep.

In the end, Chu You didn’t need to check the terrain of God Iron’s location. He didn’t need to care about the orcs there either. It didn’t matter if it was difficult or not, it didn’t matter if it was simple. Now!

Gradually, Chu You saw a lake in front of her, and immediately determined in her heart that this is the location.

This is an artificial lake, and the orcs rarely establish infrastructure. Once the infrastructure is established, it is generally very important for them and is related.

Since it is an artificially built lake, it is neither large nor small, and the source of the water source should be an exposed underground spring.

The infrastructure established by the Orcs has an important feature: it is simple and rough.

There is no craftsmanship and beauty at all. For the Orcs, as long as it is feasible, it will do...

Eventually, Chu You and others appeared above the lake. From the top and bottom, you can fully observe that there are not many orcs stationed here. I think it hasn’t been attacked for a long time, but the most important thing is that they are absolutely Unexpectedly, someone will hit this place!

Simply looking at this as an artificial lake, it seems to have nothing to do with anything.

But if you can see from the sky, there is a wet river bed at the huge valve mouth of the lake. This river bed is very long, and along this river bed you can vaguely see where it seems to be the end point. There... there is a tall tower!

"Prepare for battle, gather with me!" Many fighting demon Ji suddenly moved towards him, and even some fighting devil Ji's body fell on himself.

"Luoer, hurry up!" Chu You said immediately after seeing Lin Luoer still in her original position. Lin Luoer glanced at Chu You, surrounded by many fragrant beauty, and flew slightly over her mouth, as for Di Ji.. She is already in another place, waiting for Chu You's instructions.

Why should we gather? This is because with the sky as the background, it is easy for the people below to see exactly how many there are above, and it is not conducive to surprise operations, and it is not conducive to playing team battles! But when we gather together, no matter from which direction, if it is a little farther away, then the enemy will only see that a black dot is formed in our sky, which is indistinguishable from our reality, the flapped wings give Covered up, especially in team battles, everyone can act in unison and pounce together, open all the BUFF skills at the same time, and throw the skills together when they touch each other!

This will maximize our damage! If it is scattered, or here and there, it is not conducive to playing team battles, this is all experience.

‘Emperor, you can attract them! 'After sending this message to Diji, I saw that Diji suddenly accelerated and rushed down in the other direction. The orcs on the ground immediately found the incoming enemy, although there was only one. The bow and arrow aimed at it, and after a round of shooting, they chased it immediately.

Seeing the beasts moving below, Chu You felt almost the same, and immediately led the demons to go down vertically!

Soon he came to the top of the lake and locked the huge gate, glanced at the blood volume, Chu You immediately judged that if the forcible attack was too late in time, the orc might be able to return, then still only follow the name of the previous life Players can tell, open the device and let the gate open!

"Don't disperse, just play here and attract the orcs." The orcs here are all 40, and all are very strong.

Immediately, the fighting battle Ji Ji flew over, and began to fight with the orcs here.

And Chu You is flying at high speed and low altitude, he is looking for that device...

Soon Chu You saw a huge wrench-shaped device, and the guarding orcs around him had been attracted by the fighting devil Ji.

Take advantage now! Chu You's eyes flashed past quickly and came here, immediately grabbed the handle with both hands, and then turned hard...

With the constant rotation, I saw that the huge gate moved at this time, and slowly began to rise...

As it rose, some lake water poured out from inside.

Hahahaha, drown you all! !

Chu You’s hand holding the handle turned faster, the gate entrance was getting higher and higher, and the lake water leaking from it was getting bigger and bigger!

At this time, many orcs chasing the Emperor Ji stopped, and they turned back suspiciously, because they all heard the huge sound of water coming from upstream.

The sound of "Booming" was shaking the hands and feet of many orcs, they finally realized that they were fooled, and they shouted back to the original road, and after seeing this situation, Emperor Ji stopped and told this The information immediately told Chu You.

Come on, no one of you can stop me now! The huge sound of water made Chu You feel a little beating in his heart. He knew that the gate of the gate had opened a lot, and he continued!

A large amount of lake water leaked out, striking along the river bed at the speed of eruption, and the orcs who came to support along the way were washed away as soon as possible, and the orc camps here were destroyed, one of them looks like It was the orc leader here who roared loudly in the flood, and he was resisting the impact of the flush with his strong body.

How could this be done, and soon fell into the flood with a huge body that was not reconciled, and was washed down.

'when! 'Sound, Chu You can no longer rotate, which also means that the gate entrance has been opened to the maximum, Chu You immediately flew high, and saw that the huge gate has been fully opened, and a huge amount of lake water has leaked out from here, forming Quite a spectacular scene.

"Hurry up with me, hurry up!!" Chu You kept moving in the air and said aloud, summoning the magician who entered the battle to her side. After a while, 40 magicians all got out of the battle, and the injuries were different. Came to Chu You, Lin Luoer was constantly adding blood all the way.

"Hurry up, everyone will fly with me at full speed, Lorra don't add blood, drive full horsepower, follow me to eat experience!!"

The tower there is a regular elite orc army guarding, and there are many other tribes orcs gathered together, the flood rushed over, which is definitely a great disaster for them, as a causal relationship Chu You, as well as Lin Luoer in the team state, the two can get the big experience value!

Immediately, Chu You and others flew toward the tall tower in the distance with a star-sweeping trend, and below them was the catastrophic flood that had formed the pressure of Taishan Mountain!

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