The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 367: Death ray (explosion)!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

A smile appeared, and my heart was delighted. Diji finally finished engulfing, wow hahaha, I really look forward to what kind of powerful existence pet-level pets will evolve after they have evolved again, to know that Diji is no level, the level is for her Useless, then her growth will only go in other directions.

'come on! ‘My heart moved, and this thought happened to Emperor Ji.

Ah... a strange thing guarded by two warfare devil Ji at a height of thousands of meters After flashing, the body of Emperor Ji could not be seen at all.

At this moment, a sigh of crying and smiling came from this strange object, causing the two fighting demon Ji to sideways stare slightly.

A slight squirming sound of the body sounded, and then the entire object squirmed and gradually shrunk. At this time, long silver-gray hair grew out of the side of the object. More and more, the last woman The head protruded from the covered wings and feathers.

"Suck..." The sound of a cracked flesh suddenly sounded tightly!

A gray, eye-like pattern was cracked at the center of Diji's eyebrows, and a scent of breath invaded, and his eyes were also opened. It was a gray eye; ruthless and cold! It was almost three eyes open at the same time.

'Poo Zi...' A white delicate arm stretched out from the inside and held on one cheek. The eyes seemed to be confused and random, and the mouth slowly said: "I seem to remember something. .. What is it?"

It can be seen now that the object is shrinking rapidly, gradually forming a woman's body, the wings and feathers on the body disappear, and the imperfect and transparent body is replaced by a finely carved fairy jade.

The wings behind are bigger and more textured. Of course, they are more beautiful and beautiful. When the wings are unfolded, you can see the pattern of one eye on each of the left and right sides. This eye is not very big. At this moment, it emits a blue light. The ends of the wings and feathers become slightly blue, and the other parts are white. This effect is displayed on the whole body, reflecting a cold, flawless and perfect perspective effect.

At this moment, the light flashed all over the body, and a gorgeous robe appeared instantly. The pattern of the eyebrows was also printed in this gorgeous robe, but it was black, and a huge eyebrow could be seen under the long silver-grey hair on the back. pattern.

At this moment, Diji's indifferent eyes opened slightly, and her perspective suddenly switched to that of Chu You, seeing everything Chu You saw!

Gently swinging the sleeves, the huge wings behind him suddenly moved, and the whole person disappeared here in a flash, so fast!

While leaving, a thought was sent to the minds of the two fighting demon Ji, few of them, these two fighting devil Ji also accelerated towards Chu You's position.

At the BOSS scene, twelve spells before and after attacked the BOSS body. At this moment, this BOSS is like a fleas on his body, swinging left and right. The big thick hand grabs here and there, trying to get rid of the fighting evil Ji crawling on his body. .

Chu You's eyes immediately aimed at a fighting evil Ji, and she saw her pace jump like a dragonfly on the body of the BOSS, and quickly approached the neck position, then quickly squatted with both feet, and finally vigorously exerted force, seeing the right time Withdrawing the weapon, the body leaped upwards, and the weapon stretched out of the eyes of the BOSS.

-46542! A total of more than 40,000 damage values ​​appeared in Chu You's horizon.

"Howl~~" The hand that originally greeted the other Douhan Xieji was immediately withdrawn, and he grabbed the Douhan Xieji, shaking his body even more violently.

Some of the other fighting evil Ji was dumped, and finally landed in a non-destructive light, while others let go and pierced into a relatively weak area, and the blood volume of BOSS fell again quickly.

In another place, the earth elves are self-healing and have no time to take care of what is happening here. They can only hear the wailing sound from their mouths. They seem to see the same kind of hurt but can't help but mourn.

At this moment, Chu You seemed to feel the soul, and looked up to the sky. At the next moment, her eyes widened slightly, and there were surprises in her eyes. A silver-gray figure immediately appeared beside him, and the soft silver-gray hair even touched his cheek. The silver-gray shadow flashed past and left, and a wonderful aroma breathed out. This is Fragrance left by Emperor Ji moment.

Suddenly the light was shining behind him, and Chu You looked back, because the process just now was only a moment.

Emperor Ji extended his palm and aimed at the huge BOSS. The bright light burst from the open palm of her hand. I saw a gray ray hit the BOSS body instantly. This gray ray seemed to be like energy. From the palm of Emperor Ji continuously, connected to the BOSS body.

-14424, -14869, -14541, -14546, -15044...

A damage value of more than 10,000 appears every second. BOSS screamed that he wanted to get rid of Emperor Ji's direction. However, this was a waste of effort. Emperor Ji always seemed to appear in the correct position immediately before the other party changed his position. The ray was still injected straight into the body of the BOSS. When five seconds passed, the body part of the BOSS hit by the ray suddenly burst into a muffled sound! At the same time, it glowed with gray light.


System: The tree elf of the earth elf is affected by syncope, duration: 2.4 seconds!

-15112, -14654...

Such an effect appeared, but this skill still didn't stop. The damage was still continuing. Chu You was shocked. He immediately opened Di Ji's attributes and checked it.

-59014! There was another muffled noise.

I saw all the skills of Emperor Ji, added a new skill and two features.

Death ray (explosion): Sends an energy ray with a harmful effect to the target, the damage value depends on the current attribute value of Diji, the basic damage value of the skill is 2000, the opponent will produce damage every second, and when 5 consecutive damages are generated, accumulate The energy element in the target bursts, and the damage is 80% of the total damage of the first five! And cause syncope effect, and the ray itself has the effect of slowing down the target's action. Consume 360 ​​mana per second until the mana is exhausted, and the process can be interrupted at any time!

Note: If the target teleports and disappears during the period, when the same target is hit with a ray again, the previous continuous damage mark will disappear and cannot overlap. Only when 5 consecutive damages are generated again will the burst be triggered!

Death ray (explosion): Sends an energy light with a harmful effect to the target. This light has a ten-strike effect. The damage value depends on the current attribute value of Emperor Ji, and the basic damage value of the skill is 2000. If the target produces 5 damages in a row, Then the energy elements accumulated in the target body burst, and the damage is 70% of the total of the first five damages. If all ten combos of this light act on the target, then the final energy element bursts, the damage is 120% of the total damage of the first ten! And cause a syncope effect, when the target is damaged by light, it will cause the target to have a slow action effect. Mana cost 2000.

Death ray (explosion): The above ray can be turned into light at any time, and the light can also be used when the light is emitted. This skill does not cool down!

I saw the magic value of the Emperor Ji's character at this time. This magic value is his own magic value and multiplied by the percentage. At this time, it is rapidly declining. At this moment, the magic value suddenly dropped by 2000 and almost bottomed out!

I saw Emperor Ji with a sip, and the ray of the palm of the hand instantly detached and became a ray of light. This line of rays that changed from ray to light was connected to the BOSS at the beginning. If the BOSS moves momentarily Skills, then you can get rid of the dilemma, but it does not and the body is slowed down, that is gravity plus! Most importantly, it was stunned.

I saw that the light was continuously shortened and shortened, and then shortened. When five damages occurred, the body of BOSS made another muffled sound, -57215!

The five-shot combo of light does not have a syncope effect. At this moment, the BOSS has recovered, watching the energy light continue to cause damage, it wants to deviate from the position, in order to get rid of the linear damage of the light, as long as the body part is out of the light, then The ten-shot combo of the light cannot be caused, because the light is not locked on the target, but a long light shot at the target position. Any life along the path will be injured if the light is contaminated, and The body will become sluggish.

On the occasion of this momentous attack, a spell came out of the hands of the Demon Fighter, who was the one with the highest morale. I saw that the attack of this spell was the eyes of the BOSS. The BOSS stopped moving and stretched out. The arm blocked the spell.

The speed of the light is extremely fast, but it will not cause damage in a second like the ray. The light causes two damages per second, so after the BOSS is interfered, then it will bear all the damage of the light!

-14541, -15321, -14854, -14954, -15054!

When the last ray of light disappeared into the BOSS body and disappeared completely, a thunderous muffled sound burst out of the BOSS body in an instant.

Just listen to ‘Boom! "A loud sound, resounding through the sky, a huge value appeared in Chu You's horizon.


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