The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 421: Thinking about virtual reality: consciousness dissipates!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Since your own abilities are caused by the factors of the game, it should be reasonable to be able to show the same in the game.

After ordering 70 fighting warfare Mo Ji to defend on the spot, Chu You didn't care. Although the opponent was a four-star elite and a four-star level of 40-45, Chu You was very relieved that they were not 70 fighting battles. Mo Ji's opponent.

According to the "guide technique" in reality, that is, the feeling of feeling and releasing abilities, Chu You frowned, and realized it carefully.

The reason why this happens suddenly is because in the previous game experience, Chu You has secretly noticed a manifestation of his own power in the game. For example, when Emperor Ji reminded him that there was a boss behind him, but before that, he already felt it. In another example, during the battle with the orc commander, the opponent's flash tactics were also caught one by one in advance, and then avoided many attacks.

Why is there such a sense of predictive protection, Chu You didn’t think much about it because of various factors, but now...

When I saw the fighting monsters around protecting me because of the biological initiative, because of the excessive number of fighting monsters, which caused my eyes to be disturbed, so at that moment, my mind appeared With such a flash of light, he decided to try it.

So really faced this mysterious and powerful marvelous force.

In the cloudy and clear skies, 70 fighting devil Ji surrounded Chu You in the center and looked from a distance, forming a'ball shape'. This is a kind of intensive defense by holding the group. Fighting Devil Ji can be said to protect the owner's death, there is no gap that can be inserted into. Emperor Ji took the initiative to attack.

The fighting between the two sides broke out immediately!

The attack of 70 demonic common spells spread out from this'ball defensive net', attacking the elite flying eagle elite cavalry in the surrounding flying state. Then 20 fighting magic Ji cast a "curse of weakness", spreading the gray mist here, so that the flying Eagle Cavalry would be cursed.

Emperor Ji sent a variety of shots. When he saw a bow attacking his opponent from a long distance, it was a death ray (explosion) in that direction. When it was shot, it would cause more than 16000 damage, and then cause more than 16000 every two seconds. Damage, after 5 damages, a greater amount of damage will erupt, and the explosion damage has reached 64000 damage. The Cavalry had only 300,000 HP, and the Emperor Ji’s 10-second attack would take away half of the opponent’s HP.

Although the opponent is moving, the speed of the opponent's movement is greatly reduced after the shot. The beam in Diji's hand moves with the opponent's movement, continues to lock, and continues to output. After almost 30 seconds, this 4-star elite bow The cavalry was damaged and a piece of black diamond-level equipment exploded. Seeing this, Emperor Ji immediately flew over and took the equipment away. Diji also has a pet backpack, but the capacity is not large.

Chu You closed her eyes, but her brows were stretched out, and she looked more relaxed.

Because the heart finally feels that strange feeling, in this state, Chu You feels all the surrounding dynamics very clearly.

Diffusion Diffusion and re-diffusion, spreading the ‘God’s consciousness’ farther away from the sensory network. In this way, the hostile target enters the consciousness that spreads out of itself, then you can clearly capture any dynamics of the other party.

In an instant, the dynamics of more than 20 enemies were mastered by Chu You. This is a very wonderful experience. When the other party will attack, when the other party will display their skills, how the other party moves, etc. Get a clear capture.

Feeling this, Chu You thought about it and instantly locked a flying eagle master riding master in flight. This kind of ‘locking’ is quite amazing, because there are no targets in the horizon game interface. If there is a player on the scene, and he has always locked Chu You, then he will find that Chu You has no target. As for Chu You himself, she has already “locked” one of the enemies. This kind of lock is temporarily called “mental lock”!

After the mind was locked, Chu You thought about it, followed by a numbness in his face, and he knew that the mental consciousness attack of the brain was sent out instantly.

This flying eagle Jingqi Master somehow, the flight trajectory suddenly became chaotic, and the face of the beast and the flying eagle under the crotch also appeared painful. The strange thing is that its blood volume did not show any decline.

The brow frowned unconsciously, and Chu You continued to attack the locked elite monster with consciousness consciousness, when sweat appeared on the forehead and opened his mouth to take a breath.

After only listening to the flying eagle Jingqi Master and the crotch flying eagle at the same time making a miserable cry, the full volume of 270,000 blood suddenly reached the bottom and died directly! No blood flowed out, no trauma, but the face was extremely painful, and fell directly in the air after death.

"Huh...huh..." Chu You opened her eyes, breathing in and out, and her face seemed pale.

Successful...I really succeeded! The eyes are full of shock and surprise.

Although he couldn't see the other party's death, he knew that the other party was really dead. Because there are experience values ​​at this moment.

‘Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding! ‘While still in such a shocking feeling, a continuous prompt sound appeared in the system. This sound was very rapid, and it seemed to remind Chu You to take a look.

System: Congratulations, you have independently created a new skill!

System: This skill is being analyzed...

System: The skill cannot be expressed in specific values ​​or cannot be estimated...

System: The damage rating of this skill to the player body: S7+! To achieve a high degree of taboo!

System: The skill level rating: above the ninth level skill!

System: This skill temporarily belongs to: Forbidden Skill Sequence!

System: Analysing whether you are suitable for "Tianshi" game...

System: Analysis shows: You are suitable for the game of "World", please continue the game!

System: Please name the new skill!

When the last prompt of the system appeared, Chu You saw that there was a format bar in the middle of his visual interface where he needed to enter the name.

Listening to the sound of battle in the ear, Chu You blinked and no longer thought about the other first. The voice whispered quite hoarsely: "I want to read virtual reality"!

System: The new skill ‘Nian Xing Zhen Huan’ is successfully named! The skill icon will be drawn automatically and appear in your personal skill tree.

Opening the personal skill tree, Chu You sees that this new skill icon is actually a portrait, a half face of a person, and looks very similar to himself. The color of this pattern is not used for other skill patterns, and it has a luminous overflow. Colorful, this new skill pattern has only one color, that is, gray, it looks like it is an unusable skill.

With a sense of anticipation, Chu You looked at the skill details.

Mindfulness and illusion: prohibition skills: dominate with the will of the host, the root of the host’s purpose, and adjust the host’s actions. This technique can directly affect one or more physical systems, and influence the laws of the movement of objective things through special consciousness. It also has strong subjective initiative.

Skill damage: chaotic state: It is impossible to estimate the specific damage value. With the output of the host, it will affect the will and action of the target. The most serious consequence is the ability to cause consciousness dissipation to the aborigines and players! Note: The progressive application of this skill makes the goal very painful!

Skill effect: Chaos state: After analysis and calculation, this skill has a powerful hallucinogenic special effect!

Skill gain: Chaos state: After analysis and calculation, this skill has objective material for healing and purification effects!

The dissipation of consciousness means that when the host’s subjective will power to lock the target reaches a certain critical point, it can cause the lethal symptoms of the target. Note: If the target of this symptom is the player, it can cause the other party’s brain to be lethal. The player’s body Death will really happen! (Note: When the player is injured by this skill, the game equipment protection mechanism will be activated, which will force the player who is under the attack of "Nian Virtual Reality" to force offline! However, there is no guarantee that the player will have any sequelae! It is also not guaranteed. Activation or elimination of pathogens in the player!)

Skill characteristics: This skill belongs to the growth stage skills, each time the growth system will evaluate it! And update the details of this skill at any time! "Tianshi" skill points or items with related functions can not be applied to the imaginary and phantom skills, so that their special items cannot be upgraded to this skill.

Skill characteristics: If you use this skill, if the host consumes too much energy, there will be serious physical reactions, the game experience will lose the "balance", the game device's "sleep mode" will not be able to continue to open, the host will automatically log off and fall into real Sleeping.

Skill characteristics: This skill is both a single skill and a group skill. This skill has the potential of ``the towering tree has its own system''!

Skill Potential: Chaos (or infinity!)

This skill has no cooldown time, energy consumption cannot be expressed in specific values, and mana cannot be applied to this skill. This skill is applied instantaneously. This skill does not have any requirements on occupation, level and gender.

To sum up:'Nian virtual reality' is a fusion and projection of the special brain power that the host player has from the real body in "The World". The host player cultivates this difference in the "World" world. There will be a great possibility (this possibility reaches 100%) in the reality ontology. What impact this will have on the real world cannot be assessed for now.

Summary: ‘Nianxuezhengyun’ is a pragmatic and powerful illusion that is lethal to the player’s body. The system cannot effectively weaken this technique under the rules. This skill has unsolvable characteristics!

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