The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 522: big boss!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Hello, Uncle Li, I'm coming to the headquarters now. I want to talk to you about something. Um... yes, I brought a child. You asked Wang Meimei to wait for me in the lobby, well... that's it, Bye."

After hanging up the phone, I looked at the phone page again, and the post-red message on it said the investigation report on Wei Jiutang. In this case, the police had no right to handle the case. The National Security Agency took over. Its abbreviation is : MSA.

This case, MSA thinks it is a premeditated murder case!

However, it is filled with too much mist and strangeness, which makes people puzzled, but one thing is for sure, MSA found traces of the existence of third parties in the place where Wei Jiutang died! What are the traces on the scene, in fact, they are the traces of Chu You's vehicles.

The clue is of course more than this, but none of the cameras around sees suspicious vehicles or suspicious people.

In short, the fog was heavy, and the result of forensic testing at the death site was that the driver was the murderer. The daughter-in-law of the Wei family had a fight with the driver to protect Wei Jiutang, but this way of fighting was also very horrendous, unlike humans. Behavioral patterns.

Wei Jiutang caused death by concentrating on the heart. From the facial expression and the cause of death, he was intimidated to death. It was scared to death by the driver, and finally the driver committed suicide.

Then the question arises. This other person, a third party, exists. What role did he play in the murder scene? !

The suicide of the driver is very similar to the murder of Wei's wife and Wei Deshuang's bodyguards at the annual conference forum, which reminds the person handling the case to a word: dead!

The murderer behind the scenes is mysterious and very powerful! Unbelievably powerful! Not only did he have a loyal deceased loyal to him, he also possessed a network attack method beyond imagination. Being able to steal phonebooks and imitate the voices of others caused Wei Jiutang to leave all the way. This is like a military attack!

There are too many doubts. The biggest doubt is why the murderer behind the scenes wanted to murder Wei Jiutang and his family in this way? Was it happy to die two dead? !


The two people in the car had already eaten, and Xiao Qiao was unmanned, and the car quickly drove into the headquarters of Tianchu Group.

When he came to the doorman's office, the car stopped and the window shook down. Chu You looked at a doorman and waved at him. Immediately, the doorman hurried over and prepared to follow Chu You's instructions.

"Call your doorman minister."

"Okay, okay." The guard nodded quickly, turned and walked into the office here.

At this time, a domestic car came behind. Because the door was not fully opened, Chu You's vehicle completely occupied the aisle, so the domestic car behind was forced to stop. But the owner's mentality is better, and he hasn't urged the horn.

However, at this time, a team of Tianchu Group also came here. This is a team. There are a total of five cars. The front is a black distinguished car, and behind it are two black extended cars. The car is all black, all Mercedes.

The status of the master who can enter the gate of Tianchu Group is definitely not simple.

Because Chu You's car was stuck here, the team behind was forced to stop.

"Beep beep!" The black car in the front started honking, but he didn't know who the owner of the car was.

Bao'er glanced at Chu You first, then his head protruded out of the window and looked at the back of the car. There seemed to be amazement in his eyes. After turning back, he looked at Chu You again, but did not speak.

Chu You glanced lightly at the rear-view mirror and didn't start it. She continued to stop here, as if the old **** was there.

At this time, another guard came out of the office, looked at the long convoy, and glanced at Chu You's vehicle again. Without saying anything, he turned and walked into the office. He wanted to open the door to the maximum.

However, this phenomenon angered Chu Nan and said to the driver, "What are these guards doing! Don't you have long eyes? Will you change it next year!"

The vehicle they are in is the first black Mercedes-Benz car with a value of 500,000 yuan.

Chu Nan looked at the vehicle that blocked the door. It was a large super-premium SUV. He had never seen anyone from Tianchu Group drive this car.

"Who is that person?"

"I don't know." the driver said.

"Continue to honk!" Chu Nan said impatiently. So the car kept honking. You need to know that the two extended cars in the back sit with his father, as well as some other big men in the group, and of course, distinguished customers.

At this time, the half-opened door continued to open, and the domestic-made car in the back immediately turned around and opened it. When he entered, he glanced at Chu You's vehicle curiously.

Because the window of Chu You's driver's seat was closed, he could not see clearly.

"Mr. Chu, our boss said that he would come over immediately, about 2 minutes, he is not here for the time being." Then the guard said with embarrassment.

Now you can see that all the guards in the guard's office have come out, looking here with curiosity in panic, they have never encountered this phenomenon.

"It doesn't matter, I'm waiting for him here." 2 minutes is fine. It can be imagined that the other party must come here in a hurry.

At this time, some people in Chu You heard the sound of someone getting out of the car, and then heard the voice of Chu Nan.

"Hey, who is this car, why don't you stop at the gate, don't you say, isn't the group's people not allowed to come in? Don't blast out soon." The words are very arrogant, want to come in Tianchu Group It got used to it.

At this time, a clever guard came quickly to Chunan, said in a low voice.

"Brother Nan, please whisper, that's the big boss."

"Big boss?" Chu Nan hadn't reacted for a while.

"It's Chu You! Who is the big boss except he is the big boss?"

At that time, Chu Nan's face changed, his eyes stared at the red SUV, and immediately ran back, said to the driver of his car: "You drive past him, hurry, let the team drive in."

Looking at Chu Nan's complexion, the driver was a little strange. Brother Nan was always very awkward. When did he look a little panicked?

So the black convoy drove in beside Chu You. Although they couldn't see each other, everyone in the car would look at the red SUV that blocked the gate.

Chu Nan came to this car, with a solemn appearance that rarely appeared. He bent down and looked down at Bao'er. He was very surprised. Then he saw Chu You playing with his mobile phone.

"Hi, Big Boss hasn't seen you for a long time." He is older than Chu You and a relative, but the other party's identity is higher than him. If they say something unpleasant, they all work under Chu You. Therefore, it is not appropriate to call Xiaoyou, but it is difficult to call Youyou, so it is better to call the big boss.

Although Chu You is the big boss of the group, he is actually in a marginal position in Chu’s family. This is not to say that his status is not high enough, but that it is because of the rebellion of Chu You’s parents and the rebellion of their son Chu You. The powerful family does not want to see Chu You's family!

Take a look. After Chu Tian’s husband and wife passed away, this Chu You came to the Chu family less often. In the past, the Chu family did not appeal to Chu You, but at that time, Chu You seemed to have an anti-bone. Both are ignorant, and over time led to the separation of the Chu family and Chu You.

Because of this, Chu Nan and his father Chu Wenting worked for Chu You, but to be honest, they looked down on Chu You from the bottom of their hearts.

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