The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 526: Capture king

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu Wenting subconsciously took the bag full of information.

"Is it heavy? Would you like to measure a weight? The things here are all evidence that you are carrying me, privately embezzling the property of the Tianchu Group and embezzling the property of the Tianchu Group." Said here, Chu You Squinting at Chu Wenting, said coldly: "That's how you pit me?"

"My old man treats you well? Not only does your annual salary of 7 million, but also a big red envelope for you at the end of the year, that is 0.05% of the annual net profit of Tianchu Group, should there be tens of millions?"

"But what about your return? The answer you gave me is..." Chu You pointed to the paper bag containing the evidence. "You are like this? I tell you, if I find it later, it will not take three years, Tianchu Group will be overwhelmed by you!"

"Without a year, I may be powerless!"

"What's the matter? Don't talk anymore? Speaking, didn't you just look like a parent? Just want to teach me, huh, you are old."

At this time, Chu Wenting raised his head and looked at Chu You coldly. His eyes seemed to swallow Chu You.

"Chu You, what do you want?"

"Unconvinced!" Chu You smiled inexplicably, raised her index finger and pointed at the other party. "You are still unconvinced!" The smile on the face suddenly disappeared at the next moment, and the eyes stared at the prey like a snake. He stared at his second uncle.

"I have another kind of evidence. Do you want me to come up with it? The evidence involves you, bribing a group of senior officials!"

"Zi Zi, although the Chu family is a famous master in the capital, but let the evidence out, you, Chu Wenting, you are really finished!"

When he heard these words from Chu You, the expression of panic appeared on Chu Wenting’s face for the first time. He couldn’t know more clearly. If Chu You said it was true, then he shook the evidence as he said and faced There are several possibilities, the first he will be forced to death by those real power figures, the second he will be used by hostile political factions! The third...maybe there is no third, if any, the end will be very tragic.

In short, the Chu family could not protect him!

"Chu You, how much do you master, you dare to mess up!" Chu Wenting's face became ugly, and then looked at the paper bag in his hand, and gave another glance at the other party, no longer talking but sitting on the sofa to open the paper bag Taking out the evidence inside, Chu Wenting should have a good life to see what kind of evidence this Chu You has mastered, how deep his evidence is, and how big and wide his influence is.

Therefore, the credibility of Chu You's words just now can be drawn from the side, don't be fooled by this kid!

"I dare not mess up, it depends on your performance!" Chu You lit a cigarette and said lightly.

Chu Wenting did not reply, he has entered the state.

However, as the pages turned over, the big sweat dripped from his forehead, as if it were a high-temperature sauna.

Chu Wenting didn't really think of it, he really didn't think that this nephew, he actually had so much strong evidence about his corruption, it was too horrifying, and there were some corruptions even he did by himself, revealing The horses are just tampering with some information files through the computer. Not only that, but it also involves the illegal use of the president’s seal, real estate, money, and shares held by Tianchu Group’s subsidiaries to control listed companies, etc., and secretly embezzles many assets through this method.

Of course, there are many more, such as selling huge assets to others at extremely low prices, and others secretly paying Chu Wenting some of the benefits.

In short, there are too many to count.

Moreover, each piece of corruption requires a considerable amount of space to describe it.

Xiao Qiao has been very meticulous and clever. It can link a piece of corrupt content with a span of several months and more than ten months. Not to mention those corruptions with a shorter time span.

If Chu Wenting is more careful at this moment, he will find that there is one thing in common in these corruption evidences, that is, the Internet is more or less involved.

Therefore, Chu Wenting did not find out that there was any corruption in these evidences, such as someone directly charging him money.

The document saw Chu Wenting stop for more than half of the time. During the period when the mobile phone rang, he didn't answer it and just hung up.

Looking at Chu You's eyes, it seemed as if he knew him again.

This nephew, he changed, and no one noticed that he had been reborn, but this man... became too shameful!

At the same time, Chu Wenting also believed what Chu You said just now. I'm afraid that he really has that in his hands. At least 80% of the possibilities are there!

Chu You was also looking at each other. Chu Wenting no longer had the previous momentum. He was suppressed by himself and shrunk. At this time, he looked like a man in the sunset, the walking dead, all dreams followed. Of drifting.

"Chu You, what do you think of me?" Chu Wenting repeated the previous sentence, but the tone and situation were very different.

Looking at this familiar and strange face, Chu Youxie smiled. At this moment, Chu Wenting had an illusion. The nephew in front of him seemed to be a devil.

"There are a few points of my request, you listen well."

"First, suspend your position from now on, and do a good job of handing over the work of the people in the following departments, orderly, and let them report directly to me in the future."

"Secondly, to maintain the interests of the Group, if there are any departments that have moths, assets or other problems, or if there is a problem with the customer, I ask you if you don’t blame me for being even more ruthless." He said softly, "I don't only have evidence of your corruption, but I also have evidence of corruption of your son!"

"Third, hand over 50 million yuan in corruption funds!"

"Fourth, put in those incompetent people you press in; those who do not work in the Tianchu Group but enjoy benefits and salaries; those who are relatives of relatives, you give me their names Statistics!"

"Fifth, the above four items will be completed within two days!"

"Sixth, I haven't thought about the sixth yet. If you trouble me in the future, the knife on your head will "click" and fall off."

"what is your opinion?"

Dry and cracked lips opened, and Chu Wenting said blankly, "I have no opinion, I promise you!"

"Very good!" Speaking of this, Chu You stood up and walked to the desk, took out two documents and a pen, and the president's seal, then turned back to look at Chu Wenting, Chu You smiled coldly, This man now has some souls out of possession.

"Sign these two documents. I'm waiting for the stamp."

"what is this?"

"Are you illiterate? This is of course a resignation application. Look, I have prepared everything for you."

Chu You, haven’t you thought about how uncle Er liked you when you were a kid? I even took you as a son for a while! I remember that when you were a kid, you also discussed astronomy with me and did a lot of things. Have you forgotten all these? !

"Still stunned, sign it. After signing, wait for you to finish the conditions I just told you, then you can go home!"

This resignation document was actually drafted by Xiang Xing, and it was aimed at a group boss like Chu Wenting!

Chu Wenting took the pen and signed his name, then raised his head and said softly.

"Chu You, what about those people?"

Chu You knew what the other party meant, that is, his relatives.

"What else can we do? All corruption is won."

"But they... are all your relatives!" Chu Wenting seems to be doing the last recovery.

"Hahaha, relatives are pitting me, but I am treated as a fool by you, what do you want to express!"

"I think, I...I want to say, let them go, at least, don't let them go to jail!" Chu Wenting knew that his situation was special and different from those people.

"It depends on their lives. You think a little bit more. Hurry up and sign."

Chu Wenting looked at Chu You again, and for the first time felt the horror of the other party. This horror even scared his soul, because the other party, the six relatives did not recognize it!

Chu Wenting closed his eyes deeply. After opening it again, he signed a second name, then opened the ink pad and put his thumbprint on it, and finally gave it to Chu You.

"Hehe..." In a faint laugh, these two applications for separation of employment were stamped with the president's seal.

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