The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 528: First, buy me a game cabin

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu Wenting's face was gloomy and unhappy, and when he came out, he felt a sense of unreality. It seemed that what happened in Chu You's office was very unreal, like a nightmare.

Before entering Chu You's office, he was the boss of this super-large group company, and he made a statement. But after entering that office, he seemed to have become a prisoner of rank, status, etc., and there was nothing.

That nephew, the means he used for his own work was to lie on his stomach, and his fatal blow was fatal! Even with no room for resistance, Chu Wenting had a ridiculous feeling that he had lived in vain for more than fifty years. The mood is simply too complicated.

"Lao Chu, what's wrong with your face, so bad." A big man from the personnel department came across and said with surprise in his eyes.

However, Chu Wenting just squinted at him, and his mouth snorted softly. He seemed to have foreseen the destiny of the other party, and the two sides passed by like this.

This surprised the big man. Erzhang was puzzled and confused, and some people behind him had similar expressions.

Looking at Xiang Xing beside Chu Wenting, the big man's eyes flickered, frowning tightly.

"What's wrong with President Xiao, President Chu?" the female secretary on the side asked curiously.

"It's not clear, but I don't think the big things are going well. Go and find out what happened to me."

"Okay, let me go."

Looking at the female secretary's back, Mr. Xiao, the relative of Chu You's mother's family, walked toward his office with this worried look.

Along the way, some people met Chu Wenting with a smile and nodded, but the big brother who was usually close to Youjia was holding his face, not looking at each other.

This made many people very shocked. When Chu Wenting was followed by Xiang Xing, the pace of the two was rapid. Some people began to speculate secretly. They realized that an unprecedented big storm is coming.

Suddenly, some small news began to spread from the top of Tianchu!

Chu Wenting and Xiang Xing came to the office of Chu Wenting, where Chu Wenting had to do the first thing Chu You asked, and Xiang Xing was responsible for monitoring and assisting in handling some things.

As for the end of get off work soon, can some things at work be postponed tomorrow? This....don’t be kidding, okay, the sky is going to fall!

When Chu Wenting picked up the landline and made the first call, the rhythm of Tianchu Group officially began!

"I told you to come back soon and you will give me back soon!!!" Chu Wenting almost shouted at the phone at this moment. Xiang Xing on the side was expressionless. Hang up the phone Chu Wenting made a second call.

After receiving the wind, Chu Nan almost ran all the way to his dad’s office. That was the call of Chu Wenting’s female secretary. His tone was full of worries, and the content was like this: Your dad had something serious, specific I don’t know. It seems like I changed my person after I came out of Chu You’s office. In short, please come and see.

Chu Wenting's office door was knocked open by Chu Nan.

"Dad! Daddy, what's the matter? What's the matter? I heard people say..." At this point, some panting Chu Nan shut up, because the old man's eyes were scary.

"Go out," Chu Wenting said softly, as if it was the tranquility before the storm.

"Get out!!!" Chu Nan's hunch came true, and the old man was in a rage.

Looking at the son who was horribly backward, Chu Wenting glanced at Xiang Xing next to him, his tone was no longer so violent.

"Wait, you are going back to my hometown now. Do you know that you are back to your hometown! Call your mother and call her to go too. You will sleep in your hometown today. Also, if I haven’t come back tomorrow, don’t go to work tomorrow . Go."

Chu Nan nodded blankly, and left like a lost soul.

When the time for get off work was over, the gate of the Tianchu Group and the underground garage became lively. No abnormalities could be seen on their faces. What happened to the senior officials of the Tianchu Group had not reached their ears. That’s right. Which one can get off work now is a senior executive.

Wang Meimei brought Bao'er to Chu You's office. Bao'er came here for the first time. The office is distinguished and luxurious, and the atmosphere is extraordinary.

At this time, Elder Li is no longer here, and he is now preparing to establish an anti-corruption investigation team! Are recruiting horses.

Wang Meimei looked at Chu You with shock in his eyes. If he gazed carefully, he could still see the fear in his eyes. Li Yuanlao called her before and said briefly about Chu Wenting.

Don't mention how terrified Wang Meimei was. I really can't think of it. In just one afternoon, this extremely young university student who was still studying, completely won Chu Wenting, the second character of Tian Chu Group? ! It’s incredible, it’s a fantasy!

"Bao'er, have you eaten dinner?" The man looked at Bao'er at the moment.

"Eat, but it's delicious, brother, you haven't eaten yet." Baoer reminded.

"Well, I know, I'll eat later, and Bao'er will come to show you a place." Said here, Chu You took Bao'er's hand and walked to a closed door, which was the inner door in the office. .

Open this door, and the scene inside is different. If the outside looks like a work place, then the inside is a luxurious family residence, of course there is no kitchen!

The bedroom in the office is large and luxurious, even more than the presidential suite.

At this time Chu You squatted down to look at Bao'er and said with an apologetic smile.

"Today we will not go back and sleep here, my brother has very important things to do."

"Okay, I listen to my brother."

"Well, you have computers and TVs here. I'll ask someone to buy you some snacks and come back later. You can play here by yourself and sleep when you are sleepy."

With a big blink of an eye, Baoer leaned his head to Chu You's ear and whispered, "Brother, my schoolbag is still at home."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I'll ask someone to go back and get it later. I'll send you to school tomorrow. Are you okay?"


"Okay, you can play casually now, come out if you have something, I will be outside, and call if you are not."

Wang Meimei watched Chu You come out from inside with a smile, and then closed the inner door.

"Mei Mei, Uncle Li called you and told you about Chu Wenting?" Chu You looked at the other party and said directly.

"Tell me ten minutes ago." Wang Meimei tried to calm down the ups and downs.

"Well, this is the case. Chu Wenting was hit. I might be busy this time, so I need a full-time secretary. Are you willing to be my full-time secretary?" Here, Chu You looked at Wang Meimei, A slight smile: "Of course, this is temporary."

There is something in Chu You’s remarks, which means that this time is very busy. You help me deal with some things and share my pressure. After the Tian Chu Group transitions to a stable period, you can be promoted, otherwise why Will it be a temporary secretary? !

As soon as Wang Meimei heard it, it was Chu You's another investigation of her.

But then again, is it better to get a promotion and raise a salary, or is it better to stay with this young and powerful man? For women, this is a big question worth pondering!

So for a moment, Wang Meimei's mood did not know what words should be used to describe, it seems that they are not appropriate enough.

"Okay, it is my honor to be able to work with the president." Wang Meimei raised his hand to hold the temples behind his ears, disguising the complexity in his eyes.

"This time may be very tiring, you need to be mentally prepared."

Wang Meimei smiled softly, "Not afraid, this will be an unforgettable memory."

"Well, let's start working now, first of all, you buy me a prince-level game cabin!"

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