The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 530: S-level department

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Chu You opened the text message and looked at it.

Zhao Feiyan: Will you come at the bar at 10:30 in the night?

Looking up at the window, the black has already fallen.

Chu You: Come!

After replying to this message, Chu You sat in the office and answered some people's calls from time to time.

When the time was 8 o'clock, Chu You received a call from Li Yuanlao.

"President, the investigation team has been set up. They are all in my office. Will you come over and see you?"

"Okay, wait for me." Chu You left the phone after hanging up her phone.

After a while walked into Li Yuan’s office, many elites have gathered here, and most of them are middle-aged. When Chu You opened the door, everyone looked at him.

In fact, they were deeply shocked by what happened today, and the changes were too fast.

"Good president."

"The president is good..." The greet continued for a while.

Chu You nodded and walked in. The crowd automatically gave way and Li Yuanlao walked over and said.

"The president, a total of 24 people, most of them you haven't seen, let me introduce you."


So whenever Yuan Yuan introduced a person, Chu You shook hands with each other, and also remembered the name of the other party and which department he belonged to.

Each of them seriously looked at the young man shaking hands with them, and there was a sigh in his heart.

After the introduction, Chu You made some comments and came to the computer with Li Yuanlao, logged in his mailbox from the computer, and downloaded the corrupt information.

After that, there was nothing more about Chu You. Li Yuanlao's 24 people were divided into four groups. Each group had a team leader, and so many corruption materials were handed over to the four group members. Each team member is responsible for a part of the corruption information. If you have any situation, please consult Mr. Li.

Also, tomorrow, more people will join the investigation team, but the division of labor is different.

Watching Chu You's phone ringing the document to each group rang, it was Wang Meimei calling him, so he said goodbye to Li Yuanlao.

When I came to my office again, I could see that there were four people standing outside. One of them was Wang Meimei. She carried a few bags in her hand. She had Baoer's snacks and her own dinner.

In addition, there is a prince-level game cabin on the scene, and the other three people are the security personnel responsible for moving the game cabin.

"Come, wait a long time, let them carry the game cabin to my office." Chu You took Wang Meimei's bag and stepped into the office.

"Bao'er, this is the delicious food Sister Mei Mei brought you." When you came to the office, Chu You saw Bao'er online, so she said.


Under his command, the game cabin was placed in a corner, and then the three personnel retreated. Chu You swallowed dinner on the table.

"President, is Fanhe appetite?" Wang Meimei smiled.

"Well, you're working hard."

"President, you are also playing "Tian Shi", what is your name, I am also playing, add a friend in the game together."

At this time Chu You smiled mysteriously, shook her head gently and looked at the other party.

"Mei Mei, after this matter is busy, I have an expectation that I want to set up a new department in the Tianchu Group."

Wang Meimei's eyes opened slightly, and some were unbelievable, "President! No, don't you want to set up a department dedicated to playing "The World"?"

"Yeah, but instead of playing "The World", I plan to prepare a large amount of accumulated gold coins..."

"Collect gold coins? President, you really can play. Are you bullied in the game and need to recruit equipment to buy horses?" When it comes to the game, the atmosphere becomes brisk, and Wang Meimei rarely makes a joke with Chu You.

"Yeah, it's too **** to play in the game, but that's not all. I plan to make this department an S-level department!"

Hearing the S-level, Wang Meimei's complexion changed, and his face looked dignified.

What is S-Class? The boss of the S-level department can talk directly with the president and is not led by the vice president and other big bosses. It is directly led by the president, and it is only responsible to the president! Other senior executives of the group have no right to question!

As a powerful 500 company, Tianchu has thousands of departments, subsidiaries or organizations, etc., but it can count ten fingers for departments with S-level authority.

"Okay, I'll talk about it later, I'm full, thank you."

"Thank you, you're welcome, let me clean up."

Watching Wang Meimei packing up the leftovers he had eaten, Chu You continued with a natural complexion: "You can go and see Mr. Li Yuan later. If there is nothing wrong, go back to the hotel and go to bed. I'm going to coax now Baoer is asleep, she will go to school tomorrow."

"Okay, then I packed and went straight away."


Chu You entered the bedroom of the office. Bao'er was still on the Internet. He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It is now more than 9 o'clock.

"Baoer, it's time to go to bed after 9 o'clock."

"Oh, okay, how about you brother?"

"I still have something to do. Go to bed first. There is everything in the bathroom. Go and wash."

So Baoer walked into the bathroom smartly, while Chu You was sitting in the position where Baoer was sitting, her eyes turned to the computer, and the page was a short essay.

Chu You also looked at it. This short essay is about expressing: life is more than just the eyes, but also poetry and distance.

A sneering smile on the corner of my mouth? I do not comment on this article.

The object of this sentence does not actually refer to all types of people, but to the petty bourgeoisie!

At this time, Bao'er walked out of the bathroom, and the bangs had water marks that made it stick together, and his face was clean and tender.

There is only one bed in the office bedroom. Well, this bed is very large and very luxurious, which makes people lie on the bed at a glance, and then sleep peacefully.

"After washing? Then go to bed."

So Chu You sat on the computer and watched the official forum of the game, while Baoer slept sideways while watching her brother's silhouette.

Probably feeling that the light had an impact on Bao'er, Chu You turned off the light.

Time was passing by like this. When it was almost 10:30, Chu You felt that the baby on the bed had entered a deep sleep.

The unfamiliar environment will give the child a sense of insecurity, so Chu You accompanies Bao'er in this way until the other party falls asleep.

Turned off the computer, stood up quietly, and finally closed the door quietly and left here.

When I came to Li Yuanlao's office, I found that the investigation team was still working, some people were sitting on the sofa eating supper, and some were drinking coffee. Wang Meimei hasn't gone to bed yet, she is here, looking at it carefully with the document in her hand.

Li Yuanlao was sitting at his desk, still talking on the phone.

Xiang Xing will send messages to himself from time to time to inform him of the situation there.

Tonight for many people in Tianchu Group, it is destined to be a sleepless night!

Chu You left, came to the security department and asked for a black Mercedes-Benz car here, watching the car leave the headquarters and enter the vast night market.

At the same time, Dantai Jingning, who was sitting in the dormitory of the Normal University, made up his mind that two of the six-bed dormitory were asleep, one was still watching Internet TV, and the other two were not coming back. I won’t be back today.

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