The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 537: Medical ship and super battleship

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The rumble of the battlefield was still ringing in his ears, but the god-level player with a combat power of 770,000 was frowned, and he cared about the battlefield where Jin Chuiduo went.

There must be earthshaking there, right? I really want to go, there must be a big fish there? Promoting victory in this war, but more experience points are waiting for you!

An inexplicable smile appeared on the face, opened the map, and looked back to the spaceship suddenly. This T2 class spacecraft took off again. At the same time, the spacecraft suddenly released a large amount of demon wings. It is a dense battle of magic monsters.

160 Fighting Devil Ji tightly surrounded the spaceship, Chu You controlled the spacecraft to fly to the destination. Since the mission performed this time was different from before, it was not pulled too high, and it no longer rose 300 meters above the ground. .

Flying all the way to Chu You, I saw a large number of warships traveling on the sea. They all looked like sail battleships, but they were different. The size of the battleships was large and small. There was a light protective cover on the surface of these warships.

Those flying people I saw before, they flew out of these warships.

It can be said that this is a naval battle that is different from the ordinary meaning. The battleship only provides a mobile tool and fire cover. The real star battle among the battleships is the NPC.

You need to know that urging flying weapons requires energy consumption, otherwise you have to do battleships, just sit on flying weapons and kill them.

Gradually, Chu You found the frontal combat zone, where various T-class warships were blasting, and in their sky, a large number of silhouettes were fighting there, the battle was quite fierce.

‘Emperor Ji, go over there and watch for concealment. ‘Chu You has released her investigative eyes. For some of the characteristics that Emperor Ji possesses, she can be used as Chu You’s eyes.

Emperor Ji's flight speed was faster than Chu You. Suddenly the wings flew towards the battlefield, and they flew high.

Chu You was waiting in the friendly camp. At this time, he discovered that there was a different ship under the ground. This ship looked more like a kind of auxiliary ship, because it had no guns on it. Understand, this is a medical boat.

The ship was cruising slowly, not going straight, and the trajectory of sailing was erratic.

At this time, Chu You saw a battleship with smoke coming out from the front, the protective cover was gone, the hull was destroyed, and the situation was very optimistic.

Then it was found that the medical ship approached the damaged warship. When the next few magic channels were connected to the battleship, Chu You looked closely again and saw that in this magic channel, many wounded people were lifted from the battleship. This magic channel is like a wind channel, with acceleration power, and the personnel immediately enter the medical boat after entering the magic channel.

In the end, the magic channel released a peculiar healing power and began to heal the damaged battleship. As time passed, the dense fog on the battleship became weaker and weaker, and the damaged and curved barrel began to recover.

"Master, I think I'm in a safe place." Diji sent a message.

So Chu You no longer looked at the medical ship, but moved his heart. The next moment his perspective instantly switched to Di Ji's perspective.

When he saw what he saw from the perspective of Emperor Ji, a trace of surprise flashed through his eyes, because he found the shadow of the enemy.

Emperor Ji was flying very high, still in high-speed movement at this moment, no enemies around her came to harass.

Chu You sees that there are many Dongying warships sailing on the sea, and they are still sailing at high speed. From their trajectory, they have a tactic in it.

Besides these Dongying battleship groups, they look more like a fleet, not like Yan Guo, they look like a miscellaneous fleet that they have formed together.

At this time a warship attracted Chu You's eyes.

"Diji, stop and stop maneuvering, the master's eyes are about to dizzy."

Emperor Ji heard no expression at the back, and immediately stood quietly in the top of the cloud. The huge wings behind him slowly fluttered.

"Look at the point of view from the left."

Diji looked obediently to the left, her eyes cold.

"Good guy! It's so big, won't it be a T8, T9 battleship!" Chu You said in surprise, only to see a super-sail battleship came from the sea in the perspective of Emperor Ji. The number is very shocking and terrifying, so the main muzzle is not less than the height of an adult? !

Hit him in seconds and be killed in seconds!

Chu You licked his lips involuntarily, and a trace of dignity appeared on his brow, and then he saw that there were more ships behind the huge battleship, and those ships looked less like battleships, more like Transport ship!

At this time, a Dongying logistics ship was close to the super battleship. This logistics ship, like a medical ship, released five magic channels to the other party. The corresponding position illuminated by the magic channel was a rune.

Is this super battleship refueling? !

Just continue to observe, and suddenly two figures flew out of this super battleship, and immediately flew over in the direction of Emperor Ji.

Chu You was shocked first, then overjoyed! Brother 160's Mo Ji Babes are already hungry and thirsty, so take your two blood!

"Emperor Ji, bring them to me." Immediately after finishing speaking, she was out of perspective, the spaceship was raised again, and flew beyond Emperor Ji's direction.

At the same time, the medical ship below sent a message to itself, which is a signal of the mission reminder and also the role of the Eastern Fortress command system.

The SSS-level "Transport Strategic Materials for Forward Friendly Forces" task requires the transport of strategic materials not less than 9 times forward, and 90 million experience will be obtained after completion. If it is the maximum 30 times, 300 million experience points will be obtained. Our victory, plus 200 million experience! As for the rewards, it is sacred equipment!

All 160 battle monsters Ji were collected into the cabin. From the map, Chu You's spaceship and Emperor Ji were approaching at a straight distance.

After a while, in the blue sky, Chu You found Emperor Ji's shadow, followed by two figures behind her.

A cruel sneer appeared on his face, ‘Emperor Ji, flew into the cabin. ’

Emperor Ji didn't hesitate, inserted straight into the spaceship's cabin at a straight speed, and the two figures behind him stopped instantly.

Chu You did not fire the gun. The rapid fire of the T2 class spacecraft shells did not work at all for NPCs of class 100 and above, and was completely able to avoid it.

The other party keeps a distance of 50 meters from the spaceship, which allows both parties to see the opposite side clearly.

Chu You raised her eyes and locked the opponent.

Miyamoto Zangyi, a 5-star elite general, belongs to Dongying Navy Third Fleet, rank? ? ? Blood volume? ? ?

Xiang Zhenghao, a 5-star elite general, belongs to the Dongying Navy Third Fleet, rank? ? ? Blood volume? ? ?

The two Dongying 100-level NPCs on the opposite side glanced at each other, and they could all see a hint of joking in the other's eyes.

"Hey, I'm just passing by, I just look at it and go." After Chu said, he hurriedly steered the spaceship and slowly shifted the direction. It seemed that he was really ready to go.

"Hahaha." Miyamoto Zou burst out laughing, the weapon under his hand appeared in his hand instantly, and his whole body floated out of thin air. At this time, he held his sword obliquely, and the sword lighted up. Shenhui, his expression froze, said lightly: "You can't go."

And Xiang Zhenghao, who was on the side, could not wait, the energy breath appeared on him, and it seemed that there would be a wave soon.

"Hao Erjun, do you take a blood or do I take a blood?"

"Take this person's head!"

Hearing this, the two of them opened their eyes wide, their murderous energy burst, their energy surged, and they set off in an instant, and they disappeared instantly.

"Ultra-fire escape illusion chopping big shuriken two paragraphs!"

"Da Xianshu kills for thousands of years!"

Chu You entered the cabin in an instant, and the second general of Dongying, who had already launched a move, also entered the cabin in an instant.

‘Boom! -11.095.678! ’

‘Boom! -10.985.126! ’


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