The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 539: Push the war to victory!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

At this time the pupils shrank, and the barrel of a Dongying warship was aimed at the spaceship where he was.

Chu You stopped observing the battlefield and began to accelerate the spaceship.

'boom! Suddenly, a gunshot was added to the sea, and Chu You knew that the bombardment was aimed at him.

A ray shot at itself at a very fast speed from the sea surface, and finally exploded at a distance of 20 meters, and a blue wave of energy spread instantly.

This is not a rune bomb. The rune bomb is aimed at a small target that does little harm to the battleship.

Chu Youla raised the height of the spaceship, making it free from the lock of Dongying's warship as soon as possible. The sea below is already in the war zone, and the Dongying Fleet has opened up a new battlefield.

There was a fierce fighting sound under "Boom Boom....", you can see that every shell fired by each warship caused a shock wave on the current water surface due to a sonic boom, and the scene was majestic for a moment!

The soldiers on both sides flew through this dangerous situation, and launched fierce fighting with each other.

When Chu You's spaceship rose to 1,000 meters, a system prompt came, that was a distress signal sent by a Yan Guo warship.

His eyes flashed and his thoughts moved. From the sail ship, 160 combat warlords flew out immediately. Each combat warlord has six wings of demon wings. You are in the shadows.

At a glance, these fighting magic Ji are also looking at themselves.

You guys, much better than players! Today, you will take me to force me to fly!

A pair of light-bearing wings appeared in the back. Chu You and Di Ji flew out of the spaceship together, turned around and reached for a finger, and put the spaceship into the backpack.

"All follow me closely, take me as the leader, without my order, do not need to leave without permission!" Chu You said loudly in the shadow.

"Now, let's go!" After a moment of flapping his wings, his body flew down, and behind Chu You was 160 closely followed Demon Fighters.

From a distance, it looks like a dragon! A sky snake!

The sky snake flew down with a straight trajectory, and the thin cloud and mist went away very quickly. The battle situation below became clearer and clearer, and Chu You was about to join the battle zone soon.

According to the prompt of the mission, Chu You quickly found a warship that sent a distress signal. I saw that this Yanguo warship was hit by two Dongying warships. The protective cover had been broken, and the hull was severely damaged. Around them, there is fighting.

From time to time, there will be rune bombs coming from the sea. These rune bombs will not cause damage to the enemy. If the explosion does not hit, it will divide more warheads to pursue the target. If it hits it will be a series of explosions, causing a series of injuries.

This Yanguo battleship is already at an absolute disadvantage. Whether it is a battleship bombardment or a fight over the sky, it is in a state of being suppressed.

I glanced roughly at the war zone and found that other Dongying warships were cleaning up other Yanguo warships. I had no time to take care of this, and I was quite relieved that they were also a certain distance away from here.

So he didn't think much about it, he continued to fly downward, and soon reached the uppermost engagement airspace.

When there was only 18 meters away from a soldier of the Yan Kingdom, a sound came from the "ding" system.

The sublimation phase of the SSS-level "Transport Strategic Materials for the Friendly Forces in Front" mission has been activated!

Suddenly, the soldier of the Yan Kingdom appeared a yellow frame in his field of vision. This frame framed the soldier of the Yan Kingdom.

What does it mean? In fact, it is to ask Chu You to transmit this soldier of the Yan Kingdom: Heaven and Earth Vitality Stone!

Without any hesitation, Chu You wanted to try the effect first, and immediately stretched out her palm to aim at the Yan Guo general who was 18 meters apart.

In an instant, the system prompts again in the mind: to transfer energy and combat power for the other party, with the heaven and earth vitality stone as the unit, the number is determined independently!

With a move of thought, I selected 100 Heaven and Earth Vitality Stones!

In an instant, a magnificent energy was emitted from the palm of Chu You, forming a ray of energy and finally injected into the warrior Yan Guo.

In an instant, I only heard the roar of the soldier of the Yan Kingdom, the divine power surged, the energy poured out and gathered around me, the effect was that the recovery of blood has increased the combat strength, and that is to continue to fly in the sky!

The sword in his hand waved violently and repelled General Dong Ying. The General Yan Guo turned around and looked at Chu You with surprise.

"Thank you Master Commander!"

"Fuck me to it!"

It turns out so! A color of enlightenment appeared in Chu You's eyes. He knew that as long as he was 18 meters away from the general of Yan Guo, the other party would appear a yellow frame. At this time, he could choose to inject combat power into this soldier, or he did not need to do so.

The sublimation phase of the SSS-level mission has been activated, and its ultimate purpose is to promote the war to victory!

Of course, to make the victory of this sea battle belong to Yan Guo, the method is more than the one in front of it. For example, how to push it by the player's strength? That is to directly fight the Dongying Fleet! Forcibly achieve the goal with hard power!

However, this is a sea battle. The forces invested by both sides are very strong. The Dongying fleet is extremely powerful. It is impossible for a player to change the battlefield direction by his own attribute strength, and the impact is minimal.

In this big battle, even if a player reaches the 200th level, he can't do this, of course, provided that the player's attributes are not so perverted.

Therefore, it is unrealistic for a player to forcefully change the result with hard power, so there is such a method of healing blood for blessing friendly forces.

This method is more difficult, because it requires a player's overall strength must be extreme.

What is the extreme of comprehensive strength?

It is necessary to withstand the artillery of the battlefield and resist the cold guns of the dark arrows, but also this player...must have money! No, there must be sufficient heaven and earth vitality stones. Not only that, it also requires the player to have super mobility, but also requires the player to analyze the situation on the battlefield. These are indispensable!

The sublimation phase of this SSS-level mission is full of instability, so the player is not forced to do so. It is important to know that if the sea battle fails, then all the efforts made by the player will be a bamboo basket and nothing. In addition, in addition to the tasks of the SSS level itself, that is, 9 to 30 support tasks can get experience rewards. The task sublimation rewards derived from it are nothing.

So how to do it and how to choose it depends on Chu You's on-the-spot response. Now it is just a try to see the effect.

However, what is the most hatred in the game? Of course, it is a player who specializes in supporting blood for teammates!

Chu You's actions stimulated the five Dongying generals. They immediately got out of the battle to kill the generals of the Yan Kingdom and turned to fly with their swords.

His eyes flickered, and in front of him and around himself, he was immediately cast a curse of weakness by the two fighting monsters Ji.

Locked the warrior Dongying who killed himself, seeing the information of the comer, a sneer appeared on Chu You's face.

Nima's, 100-class Samsung elite dare to rush to themselves, really do not know how to write dead words.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" The five Dongying generals seemed to perceive something as well, seeing as if they were dead, their body energy surging, and launched a long lived charge on themselves!

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