The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 542: Commander to Commander! (Fourth more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The interior of this Dongying battleship has been killed completely, but it is a pity that Chu You did not win this battleship. At the last moment, this battleship was chosen by the crew to sink.

This warship is sinking slowly at the moment.

"Ding!" At this time, the system appeared a prompt sound, eyes suddenly glanced at the information.

System: Congratulations, your rank in Dongying District has risen to: Sixth Class Soldier!

Regardless of the mobile phone call reminder, Chu You and Di Ji flew into the air together, joined the fighting devil Ji who was already at an absolute advantage, and carried out the final attack on the remaining few **** Dongying 100-level soldiers.

There are two five-star stars, and the rest are Samsung elite 100-level NPCs.

Opened the army page, Chu You checked the loss of the fighting battle Mo Ji in the previous battle, you can see that none of them died, but there are several blood volume at four tenths, and 50 blood volume at tenths Six, 30 blood volume is at eight tenths.

At the same time, in this battle, Chu You got a total of 60 souls of blood.

Nima's, without his brother, the life of Devil Fighting Ji Ji will still be in danger!

On this page, I chose a fighting blood devil Ji with the lowest amount of blood. At the next moment, Chu You found that figure among the crowd of fighting war devil. There were several **** wounds on her body, and immediately came to her side and handed her blood potion.

In this way, Chu You shuttled back and forth among the wounded Demon Ji groups.

Oops, the potion is not enough. Not only that, the amount of potion healed is too rubbish! For the battle monster of 200,000 blood, the blood potion in the backpack is simply not enough! In the first place, the amount was not much, and in the second place, the amount of blood potion recovery was not strong.

It seems that you need to get a top-healing soldiers den!

Looking at the fighting war devil Ji, who was still not full of blood, there was a frustration on his face, and he deeply felt the lack of personal avatar.

It took 10 seconds to summon the spaceship, sent the battle monsters with four-tenths of blood into it, and then recovered the spaceship. There are now 153 battle monsters in total. Among them, 80 fighting demon Ji blood volume is in seven or eight.

Aside from those unhappy thoughts, cheer up, Chu You looked up at the sunlight on her head, squinted and raised her hand to cover it; turned around and said, "Follow me according to the previous tactics!"

So Sky Snake set off again and went straight to another Dongying warship.

I saw the sky snake swaying upright in the blue sky, then twisted his body and flew over the high altitude of this Dongying battleship, and finally inserted it straight into the battleship below.

Chu You's idea is very simple, that is to break through the enemy's protective cover and directly kill the inside of the other party's cabin.

Yan Guo’s warship was immobile and was in a tragic situation of being beaten.

Two waves! Only two waves blasted each other's protective cover! The other's flying soldiers immediately returned, and they could see seven or eight soldiers standing on the deck of the battleship.

At this time, Chu You looked up into the distance, and three warships drove in that direction. One of them was bigger in terms of its outline. It was the flagship of the other party.

"Kill kill! Kill all!" Chu You suddenly waved his hands, and 153 fighting magic Ji and Di Ji rushed down in an instant.

With a flap of wings, the body quickly approached the Yanguo battleship that had stopped still. Chu You knew that if the Dongying flagship arrived, this Yanguo battleship would really be over.

Looking down at General Dongying who was returning, Chu You flew over them, and the two sides passed each other in this way, and no one ignored them.

After a moment, it landed on the Yan Guo battleship. Chu You quickly entered the cabin, which was filled with a **** smell, and a lot of equipment had been damaged.

The wailing and roaring sounded here, and there was already a mess in it.

Chu You didn't look at these, he grabbed a crew member and asked him to bring himself to see the captain quickly.

After seeing the captain, Chu You found that he was already blood, and now he supported the precise device, and below it was the Rune Array.

"You let go!" Chu You shouted loudly.

"Is the commander? Well, we have been saved!" The captain flicked to the side with pain.

The palm of your hand immediately covered the device, and the breath above immediately wrapped around your hand.

System: You need to consume 1000 black gold magic cores, 50 barrels of mad god's wine, and 1000 heaven and earth vitality stones.

Chu You was determined in an instant, unambiguous, but he said on his mouth: "You will hurry and leave, the enemy flagship is coming."

"Yes, we saw it just now." The captain's eyes lit up with a desire for life.

After the injection, Chu You closed his hand momentarily, still frowning and quickly left here.

System: SSS "Transport Strategic Materials for the Friendly Forces in Front" Progress: 2/30.

After coming out, Chu You immediately joined the battle of the warship opposite Dongying, and in that airspace of battle were everywhere the debilitating curse gray mist released by Dou Ji Mo.

"Speed, set fire to attack this five-star!"

At this moment, 153 Fighting Demon Ji one after another looked at the master Dongying, who was being attacked by the master. The next moment, with the charm of the female demon, the fighting demon Ji shot one after another. Numerous spells bombarded the five-star general Dongying who had been entangled in Chu You.

In an instant, the highest fighting NPC's blood volume fell sharply. Although he did evasive movements and evasive skills, a large number of spells still hit him.

"Ahhhh!" The five-star general suddenly screamed, and the weapon in his hand dropped off and fell.

At the same time, the Yan Guo warship that had been beaten to the nest began to move and evacuated to the rear.

Under the command of Chu You, he killed all the 100-level Dongying soldiers here in a hard-hit manner, and then rushed into the cabin with the fighting devil Ji, and the extremely screaming scream came from inside in an instant.

With the addition of Fighting Magic Ji, for these special Class A crew members, the progress of their slaughter is quite fast.

"Go!" With Chu You screaming, I saw many battle monsters flying out of the exits of this Dongying battleship, all directions, not the exits, and finally hugged together in the sky, The scene was quite spectacular.

System: Congratulations, your rank in Dongying District has risen to the seventh rank!

It was too late to take a closer look at the results of the battle damage, and he would fly in the other direction with Devil Fighting.

But at this moment, a rumbling sound rang in the distance, and I was shocked in my heart, knowing that my position was already within the range of the other party.

Suddenly the body sank quickly, and then saw a launch line passing through.

Chu You turned his head and saw that there were three figures flying out of the enemy battleship that was still some distance away.

A moment of surprise passed by, because the flying speed of one of the figures was really fast!

"Go for a walk!" Chu You used an accelerated flight in an instant, and flew to the rear with a diameter, without turning.

The clouds and the scenery below were swept by very quickly, and Chu You's eyes were calm, with no special emotions.

After a while, his eyes suddenly opened, and the violent intention suddenly appeared!

He turned around fiercely, and the fighting demon Ji, who was flying at high speed behind him, flew over and flew behind him.

The shadow of the wings was extremely dense in an instant, and Chu You was so quiet, looking at the unclear front, the birth light wing behind him, floating gently and slowly.

When all the fighting magic Ji flew behind him, a figure was standing in the sky 40 meters apart. He, with long black hair, stood with a gun!

Looking up undetectably, Chu You's calm eyes locked on the other side.

Muhua Yejiu, the eight-star elite commander, belongs to the commander of the Dongying Navy Third Fleet, blood volume? ? ? grade? ? ?

"Oh...Oh buy Mosi, what's the toga? ( are also the commander?)" Muhua Yejiu said with a special magnetic sound, his expression faint.

"I don't understand, it doesn't matter. Pushing me down is the last thing you regret in your life." Chu You also had a faint expression on her face.

"I just want to kill you now, or be killed by you?!" Saying the last sentence, Chu You shook her head slightly.

Kill you, the third fleet of Dongying will be headless!

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