The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 549: The final stage of the war (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

When the progress of Chu You's SSS-level mission reached the second stage of 20/30, the sky of the entire main battlefield suddenly darkened.

In the 20/30 mission phase, Chu You can get 150 million experience points, while in 30/30, you can get 300 million experience points. The mission is divided into three phases, and each phase gets a different reward, which cannot be repeated.

Now, the whole sky was dark, and Chu You looked up in surprise.

I saw that the sky can no longer see the azure blue, replaced by dark clouds!

When looking at the distant sky, you can faintly see the blue and white clouds and the warm sunlight.

Chu You, who had a bad feeling in her heart, summoned the spaceship, crammed more than a hundred fighting demon Ji into it, and then returned the spaceship to her backpack after doing well.

At the same time, a reel appeared in the hand, that is an intermediate random reel, if you feel bad, you can immediately squeeze it, and you can randomly move anywhere within 3000 meters instantly! Duration: 1 second!

This thing is the kind of scroll obtained in the ring space when he killed Commander Bassen Orc, as well as the return scroll!

The black clouds in the sky began to rotate. After the rotation began, the color of the clouds began to change.

The innermost is the blackest, and then the purple, cyan, red, diffuse away, and the color is very dark!

After discovering this phenomenon, the heart immediately knew what this phenomenon was. This is a large-scale space technique!

Some big guys are coming!

Thinking of this, his hands could not help but tight, Chu You was already fully prepared.

Not only that, many warships have stopped firing, and the monks in the sky have also stopped fighting, all looking up at the vision in the sky.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of it, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

That's... Is that blossoming and moon? !

At this moment, Chu You saw clearly the people who rushed from there. Two of them knew him. As for the others, he didn't know who it was.

At this time, these figures rushed out to release the spell.

The spell did not appear specifically, it seemed to be a few strange air currents, the speed was quite fast, and it could not be seen without a closer look. This is a high-level spell!

It's just that when the airflow spells released by one side collide with the airflow spells released by the other side, an extremely brilliant light is produced in the dark sky!

What followed was the thunderous thunderous roar!

Chu You realized that the real decisive battle had begun!

After all the figures came out, the spooky huge cloud layer still did not disappear, but it turned slowly.

"Victory will surely be my great emperor! All warriors, rather than broken jade, will follow me! Start your victory charge against the trembling enemies!!"

A powerful voice resounded through the sky so that everyone could hear it.

However, Chu You didn't understand! Blinking, it means that he is very innocent and dazed.

With the sound of this sound, every warship of the Dongying Fleet sounded the alarm sound, as if responding to the powerful voice just now.

Immediately after Chu You heard, those Dongying generals were also cheering loudly, as if they had defeated the Yan Guo fleet at this moment.

Not good! Chu You flew quietly to the rear of a Yanguo warship and watched secretly.

However, at this moment, all the warships of the Yan Guo Fleet opened fire!

At this time, the thumb was hot, and a voice spread in my mind, it was Jin Chuiduo's voice.

"Yu Ye, the situation has become very dangerous, you go back!"

go back? ? Chu You blinked, Brother still has 10 missions to successfully complete the SSS level mission, how can you tell me to go back!

"I'm not going back, my task has not been completed!"

"Your mission is completed, you successfully prevented the opponent's left wing from attacking, stabilized the front, and you made great contributions!"

"No, no, don't worry about me, I'm immortal, I'm not afraid."

"Even if it is an undead body, death is unbearable to you, right? Go back and wait for my good news at the Eastern Fortress."

"Ah~, I am so moved that I want to cry! Duduo, you are so kind to me, but, if I go back at this time, my conscience will be condemned, and I will be guilty all my life, how can I be a man?"

"Duodu, I know you are good for me, but I also... worry about you!"

"Let me look at you, look at you, I will be content. Even if you die, it doesn't matter!"

"Hey? Blossoming, what are you thinking? Why didn't you speak?" Chu You looked at the figure in the sky still playfully. The other party did not cast a spell, but there was a fluctuation in the body, which appeared at the beginning.

"It seems that you are really fearless, so be careful!" After a moment, Jin Cuiduo heard a cold voice.

What a joke, how could I go to such a critical moment in the war! Victory, plus 200 million experience points! ! Two different rewards are available! !

At this moment, Chu You frowned, he heard a distant shout, and suddenly stretched his head from behind a certain part of the battleship, and looked at the sky over Dongying, only to see there, densely appeared Black spots!

I am grass! Did the opponent really charge? ?

In an instant, Chu You suddenly remembered the numerous transport ships behind the Dongying camp when he first saw the battlefield!

Are those monks sitting inside those transport ships? ! This is too scary!

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head, and the figure in the sky fought again, but this time, the commander-in-chief of the opponent changed his tactics and used him to contain Jin Chuduo. An attack was launched.

I looked at the sky and then at the far side, where a terrifying black wave was coming!

Long Yue'er also flew down, blocking a person, but the other two Eight Star Commanders were completely free!

The Yanguo fleet also has a commander, but it is only being controlled by the commander of the opposing fleet, so the situation is really a bit dangerous for a while.

I saw an eight-star commander launch a fierce spell at a Yan Guo warship. This spell immediately broke the warship's protective cover, and then another spell!

In an instant, the battleship immediately sent a distress signal to itself!

While Chu You was still observing, he found that a Yan Guo medical boat was rushing there, wearing a few monks standing there, but the distance was too far to see the star position.

Oops, how do you want to pee at this critical moment!

Chu You moved subconsciously.

Calm down Calm down, this moment must be calm down! !

Now the far cry is getting more and more.

It was at this time that Chu You found that more warship distress signals were coming.

Confronted! Thinking of this, Chu You flicked her wings behind her, her body suddenly vacated, and saw the war.

The pupil shrank suddenly.

I am grass! It's really dangerous ahead! Will this task be completed successfully!

Just under observation, a huge Yanguo flagship came over and flew four guards from inside to Chu You.

"Adult, by the order of the little master, let's protect you." Qingli's voice passed into Chu You's ears.

The battleship underneath trembles violently, and a huge wave appears, it is shelled!

In an instant, the battleship sent a signal of help to itself!

Chu You was overjoyed and said with a big hand, "I accept your protection! Come with me!"

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