The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 563: The president wants to buy sanitary napkins!

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"Baoer, I'm waiting for you outside."

'clang! ’

After finishing talking, Chu You closed the door. Although it was unclear what happened to Bao'er, there was nothing wrong with him.

Just stood there, looking at Bao'er's petite and tender body. To be honest, it is difficult for Chu You to overlap the previous life's Baoer on the other side. At that moment, Bao'er was like a strange and pure angel who appeared in front of him suddenly.

Because it is such a treasure, she is like a ghost that disturbs her mood!

The bedroom lit up in an instant, and the lights were all turned on. In this room, Chu You smelled a different smell.

I saw that he came to the bed, looked at the quilt, reached out and grabbed it at the next moment, and then opened it abruptly.

In the eyes, the blood is plum blossoms!

The blood stains on the sheets and quilt.

Suddenly, Chu You understood that Bao'er came to the first wave. It's not too early to come to Bao'er, who is almost 11 years old.

After glancing at the bathroom, Chu You walked to a closet, opened it, took out a set of thin bedspreads from the inside, then left the room and went outside.

This bed was gently covered on Wang Meimei.

His eyes flashed at this moment, Chu You gently opened Wang Meimei's bag, and found no sanitary napkin.

So he walked to the desk and dialed the phone of the senior contact room, and soon the call was picked up by the female staff on duty.

Listening to the respectful and sweet voice, Chu You calmly said: "You, listen, just you, take a security guard and buy me a pack of sanitary napkins outside."

"Ah?" Hearing the president's words, the beautiful operator was suddenly shocked.

But soon she responded, "Okay, I will go right away. May I ask the President, what brand do you want to buy?"

What brand?

Chu You was also a bit sullen in his eyes, but he still said calmly: "Which brand do you buy for me? Remember, you need a trumpet."

"Oh, I remember, I will go right away."

"Well, what's your name."

"My name is Tian Yuanyuan."

"Okay, then you go and buy it and send it to me directly, thank you."

"You are welcome. I will go now."


After hanging up the phone, the beautiful operator stood up and walked quickly out of the door.

At this time, the team leader on duty had just walked in, holding a cup of brewed coffee in her hand, and looked at Tian Yuanyuan with some surprises. Her post was an important one and she could not leave without permission. You must report anything. Not low. It belongs to a job with easy pay and high salary. The only bad thing is not free.

In fact, Chu You didn't know that Tian Yuanyuan was an orphan who came out of You You Orphanage. She is an orphan and belongs to the high-quality trainees who successfully entered Tianchu Group in 2007.

"Yuanyuan, why are you going?"

"The big president just told me to buy something. I'm planning to report it to you." Tian Yuanyuan said with a happy and mysterious expression.

"go shopping?"

"Huh." Tian Yuanyuan still nodded mysteriously.

"What to buy?"

Tian Yuanyuan's eyes flashed. Although the president did not explicitly say that there was no need to talk to outsiders, but sanitary napkins or something must be the privacy of others. How can the privacy of the president be said casually! !

"Uh, I can't say this, the privacy of the president, do you want to know?"

"Ah? Then go back quickly."


The bathroom door opened, and Baoer came out of it, appearing in the extremely bright bedroom and also in Chu You's eyes.

Bao'er's head was tied with a red rope in her hair, wearing sky blue tight thermal underwear, and the delicate curves of the body were perfectly displayed like running water.

Bao'er's body was well developed, and the two little jade rabbits stood proudly and full on their chests.

The bright neck and porcelain-like face, as well as the delicate white feet, the snow-white childish skin exposed outside the thermal underwear, are like white clouds floating in the blue sky.

But in the big eyes, it is a bit red, that is the rainbow after the rain of pear flowers, this...

Especially added the touching scene of Baoer at the moment!

Bao'er dragged the corner of his clothes as if nervous, and his eyes did not dare to look at Chu You.

"Brother." Baoer yelled softly, a little husky in his voice.

Chu You looked a little infatuated. The temperature inside the room did not make people feel cold at all. At this time, there was an impulse in her heart. Chu You wanted to hug Bao'er and wanted to hold her tightly in her arms.

After recovering, he glanced at Bao'er quietly, and found that Bao'er was also secretly watching him, and suddenly Chu You was agitated and completely awake.

"Go to bed and lie down so as not to get cold."


Bao'er slept on the bed, Chu You walked over and squatted down, looking at Bao'er, and Bao'er was also watching him in the bedding.

"Bao'er, you're here for the first time." Chu You spoke softly.

Bao'er nodded, his voice still so hoarse. "I used to think that I was going to die, I bleed a lot of blood, and I kept bleeding, I thought I was leaving you, I don't want to, so I'm so scared."

"Well, is it better now? This is a physiological condition that happens to girls. I have asked someone to buy you a pad."

Bao'er nodded, her face red and red.

"We have a book on physiology and hygiene. The teacher said less during class. Maybe I didn't listen to it. I don't know if it's the one mentioned in the book this time." Bian said Baoer quietly pulled the quilt For a moment, trying to cover up the blood on the bed.

When Baoer said this, the door of the office was tapped lightly.

Chu You immediately walked over and opened the door. Standing outside the door was a girl in a uniform with a bag in her hand.

"President, this is what you want."

"Okay, thank you very much, Yuanyuan, right? Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, it's my pleasure, President, then I'm gone."


The door closed again, as if I forgot something, didn't pay?

Wang Meimei, who was sleeping on the sofa, still did not wake up. She wanted to exhaust her this day.

Chu You entered the bedroom and closed the bedroom door.

Bao'er looked like a quiet cat curled up on the bed motionless, watching Chu You quietly, her eyes like a deep pit, not knowing what she was thinking.

Came to the front, took out a pad, Chu You blinked and passed to Bao'er, "Will you pad?"

When this sentence was spoken, Chu You immediately felt something was wrong!

"I try." Bao'er took the pad, opened it, and looked at Chu You again with big eyes.

Chu You felt something stabbed in her heart, and stood up and said, "I play with the computer." After that, he turned around and walked, and heard the sound of Suo Suo behind him.

Just when I walked to the computer, I heard Baoer whispering behind his back, "I'm fine."

Chu You turned and looked at Bao'er again, and said softly, "You're too tired, Baoer, let's take a rest. I turned off the light." So I went to the switch and turned off the light. At that moment, the room was dark. Down.

Only at this moment, Chu You heard Baoer's voice, "I think you will sit with me for a while."

I felt something stabbed in my heart, and then Chu You pulled the chair in front of the computer in front of the bed, turned on the lamp, and sat down to look at Bao'er, "Can't you sleep?"

Bao'er nodded.

"Are you still worried about this? Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Girls have this kind of time, this is a sign that girls grow up and mature, it is a good thing, don't worry." Chu You comforted.

Baoer didn't reply, just looked at Chu You, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a moment.

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