The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 568: Let me serve the old nest first

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Opening the backpack, using a high-level sprinting scroll, then Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao turned around and hurried towards the teleportation array in the city.

In the process of running, Xiao Qiao's two legs, it was really a sloppy running, and she moved quickly.

A beautiful landscape was formed on the street, because the high-end swift scroll has not been widely touched by players, and players can really use such high-end items.

Soon Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao came here, and she kept her head down along the way. Even when she arrived here, she also held her head down, and then chose the teleportation array. The next moment appeared directly in the town closest to the Kaleidoscope Guild.

As soon as he appeared here, Xiao Qiao discovered that there were very few players here, because this is a small town of level 35!

With a quick glance, she quickly looked at a player. That was a player without a guild. That player stared at him in a daze, seemed to be stunned? ?

However, Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao's eyes flashed indistinctly, and looked at the place casually, and then quickly ran to an inn, and finally entered the inn. At this moment, Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao's eyes were clear. The color of enlightenment.

That player is most likely the eye liner set by the opponent, because from the equipment on him, it is definitely not equipment of level 25 or higher, and this vision ability is still available. As for how to see through the other party's true identity at a glance, it is because Chu You used to play like this in the previous life. Not only did he play as an eyeliner and wait for the target to appear.

Blocking a person, wanting to clear a person, targeting a person, the above approach is just a very common method.

And the level of this body is only 10, and the other party can see his level. If he just walks out of the city gate, is it too suspicious?

With this little loli's identity, Chu You didn't want to be easily suspected and guessed.

But it will be of great use in the future! !

There are some aborigines in the inn, and they all looked at Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao at this time, and they were also surprised.

"Little girl, how could a person come here?"

"Would you like to come over and sit down, Grandpa treats."

"Don't listen to them talking nonsense, you come, my brother takes you to see the goldfish."


Listening to the aboriginal laughter of the aborigines, Shang Xiang Xiao Qiao also showed a smile on his face. Of course, he did not choose to go, but he ran to the second floor.

Female players do have an advantage in Heaven, but sometimes this advantage can cause trouble.

It is impossible for the 10th level self to receive a task from the other party, and it will only cause trouble to itself, so it cannot be passed.

When I came to the second floor, there were also some guests. Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao immediately said to Xiao Er on the side: "I want that private room by the window. How much is it?"

"Ah? Oh, 5 gold coins, do you need anything else?"

"No more, don't disturb me." Jiao Han said, and after Xiaoli handed over 5 gold coins to the second boy, she quickly walked to the private room.

Open the door, enter, and close again!

When I came to the window and opened the window, a mysterious smile appeared on her face, so beautiful.

At the next moment, the mask magical skill: the ninth-level atomization skill is immediately displayed!

In an instant, this petite body turned into a trace of gray mist and flew out from here

After the virtual mask awakening state reaches the ninth level, its own atomization skills are also the ninth level skills.

Supernatural ninth-level skills, what a terrifying existence? ? !

No one noticed, not even the town, even the hermit, noticed a faint ash of smoke floating in the sky, then slowly rising, and finally slowly drifting out of the city, After crossing the simple city wall, the speed of this light gray smoke was greatly increased at once.

‘Oh’, I’m so far!

The eyeliner before was still dumbfounded. This town not only had his eyeliner, but also a few, but only he could see the face of Little Loli. At that moment, it was really shocking to the heavens. Unexpectedly, I actually saw a little loli like a dream angel in such a place.

At this moment he looked at the inn, itchy inside.

I really want to add friends with her! The player smiled sweetly.

Although I don't have much money, you can rest assured that following me, even if I steal a battery car, I will keep you like a princess!

With the advantage of the air, Shang Xiang Xiaoqiao flew to a place where no one was strange. This gray smoke floated gently under a big tree, and finally turned into a human form.

The next moment I saw an inexplicable light on Petite's body. After 10 seconds, this little loli became a big man!

Chu You's eyes flashed and he reached for a finger. After 10 seconds, the spacecraft appeared here and immediately sat up. The spacecraft immediately rose into the air, and then continued to rise and rise again. When it was 5000 meters above the sky, it quickly flew towards The Kaleidoscope Guild flew away.

The speed of the spaceship is much faster than that of the wings.

Although the town was closest to the Kaleidoscope Guild, when Chu You really reached the Kaleidoscope Guild, it still took 18 minutes. I can imagine how far away it was. I ran on the ground with my feet. I don’t know how long it would take. What.

How did Chu You know the coordinates of the Kaleidoscope Guild? Of course Chu You knows that it is impossible to forget that he has a good memory now. Moreover, he is extremely skilled in identifying coordinate directions.

The spacecraft was descending, from 5,000 meters to 3,000 meters, and then from 3,000 meters to 1,500 meters. At this time, Chu You saw a thin red film on the Kaleidoscope Guild from above.

Obviously, the Kaleidoscope Guild opened the set, but I was afraid of opening the set? How can it be!

"Baby, open the wine barrel and take a sip per person." Drunk Immortal can increase the morale value of the T9 creature arms and can increase the attribute by 37%, but there is only a time limit.

After understanding that all the babies had drunk this wine, Chu You released Emperor Ji, and then said slightly murderously, "Fighting Devil Ji, all flew out with me!"

In an instant, all 160 **** fighting devil Ji followed Chu You to the sky.

"One blow, one blow, let's go!"

With the order of Chu You, I saw a thick layer of white clouds in the sky above the Kaleidoscope Guild, but at this moment, from this white cloud, suddenly a large number of dark shadows came out!

This slightly larger group of shadows hit the guild below at a very fast speed!

As it got closer, the red film could be seen more clearly.

In response, Chu You smiled lightly and landed on the outside of the West Gate with the demon Ji Ji fighting.

It can be seen that this set of packages covers most of the guild's airspace and city walls. The only thing that can not be covered is the city gate!

In other words, an intruder who wants to enter the guild can only break the door!

This is the effect of the intermediate protection cover. If it is a superior protection cover, it will be included in one of the three gates of the Guild’s four city gates, inside the protection cover, leaving only one city gate. If it is a high-grade protective cover, it is all included.

The advanced protective cover is very rare, and it can only be purchased from the advanced dark cloud caravan, and the wild high-level mysterious merchants. Finally, it is the most difficult copy of the tenth-level guild, with a little accumulated merit. To exchange.

However, the Kaleidoscope Guild is only a level 7 guild.

This is also the reason why Chu You first wiped out the Kaleidoscope Guild, and by the way do his own guild upgrade mission.

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