The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 585: Absolute territory! (Congratulations to the leader of Alpaca Book Friends! 3/4)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"His ancestors! I want to go and see for myself." Su soul suddenly said mercilessly, and then spread his wings and flew down, he could not sit still.

The other guild bosses behind him looked at each other, some with wings also opened their wings and flew down, and the rest could only watch.

In the core hall of the fortress, in the wide staircase within that door, all the troops of Chu You have been assembled, plus his own total of 162 combat power.

Chu You stood up, slowly walking back and forth here with her hands on her chest, sometimes lowering her head and raising her head, her eyes inexplicable, no one knew what he was thinking.

After another five minutes, his feet suddenly stood still.

Eyes looked at the majestic gate with only a third of the blood volume. This gate was attacked just now, and the blood volume decreased but soon stopped.

At this moment, his eyes flashed and his body retreated into the Moji Group.

At this time, the formation of Dou Ji Mo Ji has changed, they are closer, and Chu You and Di Ji are tightly surrounded in the middle.

It was at this time that the ten fighting monsters cast a curse of weakness here, and gray mist filled the area, making the fighting monsters only show their outlines.

Everything is extremely quiet.

But at this moment, suddenly, a large amount of red and purple spell light emerged from the dense fog, so many spells hit the giant door one after another, causing the giant door's blood volume to drop rapidly again.

"Hey, hello, look at this gate. I'm going to go. How can the blood volume drop so fast?" A player found such anomaly and said loudly in a very shocked tone.

"Really, lying trough, is there a monster inside to break the door?"

"I heard that at the bottom of the ruling fortress is the entrance to hell, should this gate lead to the entrance to hell?"

"Don't scare me, can't the NPC beat us and release the demon?"

"I think it's better to stay away from here anyway!"

The last sentence aroused the consensus among the players in this small area. They all squeezed to the side, yes, it was squeezed, because there are too many people here, and they can’t move.

Such commotion soon attracted more attention.

"What's wrong, what's squeezing!!"

"There are ghosts over there!"

"There are demons over there!"

"Yu Ye is coming out!!" The last sound was a player of the Soul Guild. When he caught the attention, he immediately realized that this was by no means a gate leading to the entrance of hell. It's night! One hundred percent! He is very sure.

"Yu Ye is coming out!!" The player shouted hard, not only this, but also the frequency information on the guild channel.

"Where is he!!" This sentence, almost all the soul management, said at this moment almost simultaneously.

"In the fortress lobby!!"


This majestic gate with the power of rune blessings collapsed, and a loud noise came out, which instantly attracted the player's attention to the past.

However, although the gate collapsed, no one rushed out and nothing.

The player directly in front of the gate now stared blankly at the scene inside, which was filled with gray mist.

At the same time, I can vaguely see that there are a lot of figures in the fog, these figures have wings, many wings, dense and dense.

Which play is this?

At this time, the attack device of the hall that had not collapsed emits a red ray of rays. At the same time, the core device also emits a lot of green ray of rays, and hundreds of players fell instantly in the hall.

But not even a ray shot into the channel that had just been broken open.

Hundreds of players fell down to free up a lot of space, but they were quickly replenished by players pouring in from outside.

At this time, several players with curiosity and courage ran into the misty passage, anyway, they were dead in the hall, and see what was going on inside.

It was just when they were about to touch the gray fog and wanted to rush in, several spells were shot out, and, screams were instantly screamed from the mouths of these players and fell to the ground to die.

This time surprised a large group of players outside.

"Yuyue is there, Youyue is there, kill it." The soul player shouted excitedly.

The players around were momentarily stunned. The agitated players looked at the figure in the dense fog, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Nima's, a little bloody, OK, let go, let me come, I will take the lead!" Several soul players were instructed by the boss, and they constantly encouraged the players here to kill the channel.

Two ghost players rushed in, and the result was the same as before, and soon died.

"Have you guys not to walk through this entrance, let us walk through this entrance, we will stop the night, you quickly output!" The outside soul sent this sentence to many guild bosses ruthlessly. These bosses and Ruan soullessly added friends to each other.

Suddenly, the army of Chu players outside was even more riotous, and most players were instructed by their guild bosses.

"Our love guild also joined the team of the soul." The boss said.

Now anyone can tell that the god-class lord of Yan Kingdom, Ye Ye, is about to pick fruit.

Many bosses dare not imagine how serious the consequences will be once Chu Fortress is taken by You Ye.

You know, pushing the fortress battle to this stage, if you calculate the total number of player deaths, it is estimated that it has reached millions.

That is to say, if more than 300,000 players from the Chu Kingdom have averaged the total number of deaths, everyone has died at least 10 times.

What is the price? ? ! !

After paying such a big price, and getting nothing, wouldn't it be crazy? ? ! !

This can no longer be described as a shame, because the word,,, is not enough! !

Inside the fortress hall, a large group of players launched an attack on Chu You.

Judging from the situation, the players of the Chu Kingdom are on the extremely passive side. They not only have to carry a large-scale group attack of NPC power, but also face the Yan power in that channel, the "Xian" Guild of the Yan Kingdom! It is also the world's first guild!

But the position of the First Guild of the World is now extremely dangerous.

I have to say that Chu You has put Chu players in a dilemma. It's a pity to give up. The NPC power is already blood, there is only one attack device left, and the eight-star NPC's blood volume is also less than tenths. After one, there was only one Seven Star NPC left, and it was still blood.

How can you give up this situation!

So, on the side where Chu You was opened, a large number of players came in and threw forward.

The ruling stronghold of the Chu Kingdom is about to be flattened by us. How can we be afraid of you when you have a night? ? ! !

The 160 fighting monsters are in a floating state at this moment. In this relatively small position, an absolute field has been formed and a situation of unprecedented opening has been formed!

The channel can only have a maximum of 13 people side by side, which has greatly weakened the human tactics of the Chu players.

And because there is a ‘curse of weakness’ flooding here, and a large number of death spells are shot from the hands of Dou Ji Ji, which almost comes in dead one by one, no negotiation is possible.

Therefore, the players of the Chu Kingdom warriors want to be truly in contact with the Demon Fighting Heroes.

The Curse of Weakness exists for three minutes. Although Chu You is not a clever tactical commander, he can command a unit and pay attention to the skills of a unit. This can still be done. I feel that when the fog time is about to expire, just call a skill. The cool fighting Devil Ji continued to cast the Curse of Weakness.

In short, there is always a fog of curse.

Did the Chu You side suffer no harm at all? Of course not. The long-distance class can shoot a skill, and then he will be gloriously sacrificed. Players who have added status skills can shoot a few more skills, but their skill damage is just like itching on the battle devil Ji Ji, almost can be ignored.

Chu You didn't realize that it was this little bit of cannibalizing tactics that made the players of Chu State at the current stage of development, actually want to win the ruling fortress.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu You suddenly had the illusion of playing the game of "zombie".

At this moment, a large group of winged players suddenly flew in the sky above the entrance of the passageway, but their endings were almost the same, because the Battle Demon Ji completely cast the curse of gray mist here.

Now this passage is full of the smell of death.

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