The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 592: Things between men (for the prince's beautiful jade, Grandmaster Congratulations,

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Now the Chu stronghold can't be beaten, and You Ye's guild can't even hit it, then the anger of the players of Chu can only be sent to the players of Yan State. Who is called Ye Ye's nationality?

In reality, Zhao Feiyan extinguished the cigarette butts, and there were three cigarette butts in the ashtray.

After finishing, he got up and came to the game cabin, then waded in, and finally turned on the sleep mode to enter the game.

What is the mentality of the Chu players now, in fact, it does not affect Chu You at all, in his words, why do love go!

The Chu fortress was struck down, and then a problem that had to be faced was also in front of him, that is, after 9 days, when the barrier film disappeared, how to guard the attack of the Chu players.

If the Chu fortress is armed to such an extent as the Yan fortress, the gold coins it needs must be an astronomical figure. It is estimated that it will take a long time to recover the gold coins that are invested in by relying on taxation. Can be considered profitable.

This question, Chu You thought quietly in the hall for a while, and then he gave up the idea, because he thought of other ways.

Because at this stage, there is no need to engage in such a large-scale defense.

"Yu Ye, congratulations, I have seen it outside, it's amazing!" Zhao Feiyan sent a voice.

"Well, easily won."

"Easy? Then the next goal is the other five major fortresses?"

"Let's watch this at that time, they will not take the initiative to fight me."

"Oh, so Chu players have made you a wedding dress."

"That's right."

"Tell me, what good is it to lay down the stronghold."

So Chu You told Zhao Feiyan the relevant news. He opened the Chu Guild interface while talking, and the name of all Chu Guilds was displayed on this interface.

The ranking is based on the guild potential value.

Then the first place is: War Soul Guild (Level 6), President: War Soul Ruthless!

There are many privileges of the consul, that is, if the other party has set up to shield strangers from private chat, then the other party's setting is invalid for the consul!

Who calls you all my people!

Then, a trace of bad smile appeared on Chu You's face, and the name War Soul Ruthless was pulled into the ruling contact interface, and then a voice message was sent to War Soul Ruthlessly.

At this moment, the management of the souls of War Soul Ruthless and the War Soul Guild are meeting, and the content of the discussion is whether to organize a war event with Yan Liu against Yan Guo.

However, this discussion triggered a dispute between high-level war souls. Why?

That is, during the battle of the fortress, the War Soul Guild made an act against the night. If it was a big righteousness and a conscious obligation of the Great Guild, then now, when the fortress can no longer be taken, it is ruled by the other party, then If you continue to act against Ye Ye, you will be ignorant of current affairs.

As the largest guild of Chu, it is obvious that the existence of the guild is always being concerned by the other party!

How was the Kaleidoscope Guild destroyed? Can the War Soul Guild have the strength of the Kaleidoscope Guild?

The answer is also impossible. Since it is impossible, then the existence of the guild is not due to the Soul Guild, but to see what the man in You Ye thought.

If you continue to do things you don’t like about You Ye, you can imagine that the Soul Guild is the next Kaleidoscope Guild!

The root cause of the dispute is here.

Judging from the growth trajectory of You Ye, how many magnificent grand princes were destroyed!

It used to be the "ROD" Guild of the Second World Association, the "I Win Gang" Guild of the First Tang Dynasty, the "Kaleidoscope" Guild of the First Guild of Chu, the Crimson Guild of the First Guild of Wei, and the "Wanshi" Guild of Chu.

Including the "Genesis" Guild that makes anyone feel scared!

Open your eyes and watch their end! See how this man Ye Ye dealt with these guilds!

All guilds are extinct except the "Creation" guild, which is now dying from the night, and not panicking all day long!

How can your War Soul Guild survive forever?

A guild rose from level 1 to level 6, it is wise!

From the very beginning, a guild became the first guild in a country. It cannot do whatever it wants. There are many things to consider, and it involves all aspects. What's more, the War Soul Guild can be upgraded to level 7 at any time, and the reason why it is stuck is not to upgrade, it is precisely because of Yuyou.

In this case, don't let the emotions of humiliation and failure blind you to the guild's survival eyes, and lose your reason and fight against the night like an almost natural enemy!

"I say a word." War Soul spoke relentlessly. The scene was quiet, and all the big men in War Soul Guild looked at him.

"It's already the case now, and..." Speaking of the word, the soul of war suddenly stopped relentlessly, and the expression on his face was quite strange.

This surprised a lot of high-level executives, not knowing why such expressions are merciless.

At that very moment, War Soul relentlessly received a message prompt from the friends column, opened it while talking, and then he saw that a'ruling contact' column appeared in this column. Most importantly, these four words are golden!

Open it, and finally the soul of the war will relentlessly see a beating head on this interface, and this head has a golden pattern, which is extremely gorgeous and cool.

This golden avatar is even a bit familiar, but the soul of war is relentless and no longer needs to think about it. He already knows who this avatar is, because the name of this avatar shows: The Consul!

Then I also understood what the golden avatar is. It was the guild icon of the ‘Xian’ Guild, but here, the icon of the Xian Guild was stained with a gorgeous golden light.

Choosing this headshot in shock, a voice instantly appeared in the mind of the soulless war spirit.

"Relentless, hello."

The soul of war relentlessly silenced, then replied faintly: "I'm not good!"

Watching the soulless look of War Soul change again, everyone became more curious.

In this regard, War Soul Ruthless had to say to everyone: "You discuss it first, anyway, I don't approve of going to Yan Kingdom to do those things." After that, War Soul Ruthless went out.

"Don't collapse your mindset, hold on to Brother!"

"Yu Ye, what are you looking for from me?" War Soul's merciless eyes narrowed slightly, struggling with twelve points of energy. You Ye actually contacted him personally, which made his heart more complicated for a while.

"Your war spirits also want to play in Yan Guo?"

"Are you threatening me?" The soul of the war sank heartlessly. In his opinion, the other party's words were quite threatening.

"What do you think?"

After hearing this sentence, the bravery of the soul of the war soul relented suddenly, and the courage was lost.

"What's the matter?"

"I see your War Soul Guild quite smoothly, so, you help me do things, I guarantee you are all right!" Chu You said this, but the next sentence actually said something quite threatening.

"My guild is only two tier 6 guilds away from the tier 8 guild. I actually don't want to see one of the targets is you."

"Relentless, if you say nothing now, I will destroy you now! I am very honest!"

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