The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 612: Hot search first topic: You Ye Tutor!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Love and affection only felt a pain in the heart. This real pain was clearly conveyed in his brain, making him unable to help but make a painful muffled sound.

Players die with love and affection!

The sky once again assembled the fighting devil Ji, with Chu You's command, I saw this group of spherical tactical formation of devil Ji quickly moved to the other side.

The field of vision of the player below also moves with the opponent's movement.

Soon, the fighting devil Ji group came to a position above a T4 monk's soldier nest.

The following players are all a group of players around 20, which is far less than the player level in the core building.


In an instant, the 160 fighting magic Ji swooped down, and Chu You was still in their middle position.

With a wave of precision strikes, the blood volume of this T4 monk's army nest dropped to more than one-half, leaving only one-third. This is all the damage caused by ordinary attacks.

Another wave! The monk's arms nest collapsed, and a rare armies nest was exploded by Chu You.

A sentimental player feels like a knife, because this soldier's nest belongs to him, but the monk's nest, which took too much time and energy and money, is now ruthlessly destroyed by Chu You.

His eyes flashed, and now it is no longer possible, the general trend is gone, and his strength must be preserved!

Watching the demons Ji turn to another goal, this player began to flee here with more than 50 monks. These monks were cursed by the fighting Mo Ji, and all the blood is now! If you don’t leave the cursed area quickly, you must not all die. The arms have a great binding effect, that is, you can’t return to the city with the player.

The guild is now extinguished, unable to teleport, and all can only escape by two feet.

This area is the armies nest area of ​​the Love Guild, not only this T4 level arms nest, but also several other T level arms nests.

Chu You's idea is very simple, that is to eliminate everything.

In the field of vision of his observation, a large number of players and arms are pouring out at the three gates of the Love Guild.

There was a trace of cruelty on my face, and I like to do something to kill, hehehehe...

Immediately, Diji led 30 battle demon Ji to assault toward a gate position.

Chu You and others quickly destroyed the soldiers’ nests. The guild building has lost its vitality, and it does not need to be destroyed. It will die naturally.

It can be seen that some soldier nests at this moment are as if they have life, standing up on their own, slowly moving their hopes away from here, this is being controlled by the player's owner.

However, all the fantasies of the Love Guild players must be destroyed by Chu You!

Players use the town to return to the city skills, this Chu You can not control, but everything that can not escape, will be ruthlessly slaughtered by Chu You!

In the Kaleidoscope Extermination Guild, Chu You wanted to do this at that time, but the fortress battle was at a critical stage at that time, so he hurriedly knocked out the other party’s core building and left, a little regret; he remembered the kaleidoscope’s arms nest. There are many more love guilds.

In the process of extermination, Chu You looked at the gold coins obtained, the total number was more than 100,000 gold coins. Strategic resources are wood: 5562, ore: 12330, mercury: 2102, crystal: 3321, sulfur: 6652, gemstone: 895.

Haha, the Qingyi Guild is nothing more than a strong and capable guild, far from being as fat as the Kaleidoscope Guild.

It is precisely because the sentiment is too weak that Chu You cleans up very quickly. The other party has no war intentions. When the core building collapses and the system sends a downgrade reminder, the players of the Sentimental Association seem to be like lambs. Resistance front, blindly leave and escape.

Kill kill! Go all the way to the end!

After the love guild was destroyed, it was one level 6 guild away from upgrading the level 8 guild.

In addition to the four sixth-level guilds of Yanguo's annihilation, falling flowers, fairy tales, and Chu Kingdom's sunshine, one guild was destroyed, and seven guilds paid gold coins. In total, 14 tier-6 guilds had 2 guilds left. You have no contact. The Soul Guild is not considered a 7th-level guild.

After killing the last enemy, Chu You contacted the next guild in the place of slaughter: the Guild of Guilds!

When the Love Guild was destroyed, the news quickly reached the ears of many big guilds in Chu. In addition to silence or silence, the speed of the night was still so sharp. The process of destroying the guild was very fast. It seemed The Sentimental Association did not form effective resistance at all.

Although it is expected, there is still a sense of panic. You Ye, this person, is terrible, and more importantly, this person is too presumptuous!

When Chu You contacted the boss of the Guild of Guilds, there was a heated discussion wave at the China Forum, especially the Yan and Chu forums!

What are they discussing?

It is the guild mentor system!

When some relevant information of the eighth-level guild in North America spread, people realized that a major thing was that they could lead people to upgrade!

The important role of the guild, due to the announcement of the eight-level guild information, let players now pay great attention to the potential of a guild.

If you don't pay attention, you can't do it. The upgrade of Heaven is really a painful thing.

Especially those local tyrants, even more so! The effect of eating experience spells is also not ideal, mainly because the speed of spawning is too slow, and the experience bar is so high. That's all it takes to do tasks, and it takes a lot of energy. In short, I can't find a satisfactory path to rapid upgrade.

But the eighth-level guild is for players who want to make a fortune through the game, as well as local tyrant players, see the hope!

All of a sudden, many studios, big guilds, and big legions noticed that the eighth-level guild contained a great way to make money.

How many tier 8 guilds does the World Guild have now? It’s just one family, and it’s North America, and who will be the first eight-level guild in China is undoubtedly the Yexian guild!

Once You Ye's guild rises to the eighth guild, then You Ye has the possibility to become a mentor!

Look at the world! Look at "The World"! Who is the ideal tutor? ! There is no doubt that it must be Ye Ye!

The 74-level mentor, plus that terrifying combat power. Terrorist strategic arms, brushing 70-80 class elite monsters is definitely not a problem, efficiency is a bar, if you become a night apprentice, wouldn’t it be flying! Yan Guo players are really blessed.

In this regard, many players are envious of Yan Guo players, because they all have the possibility to become apprentices in the night.

However, some people have pointed out in some posts that Chu players can also become apprentices of Ye Ye!

According to some rumored news, Youye had private contact with the bosses of several big guilds in Chu. It is said that you can add friends to each other!

Since friends can be added, there is a great possibility to become a member of You Ye Guild!

This time, it made many Chu players' hearts complicated. On the one hand, they were still hostile to You Ye and wanted the fortress to be taken by Chu players. On the one hand, they wanted to become a member of Ye Ye's guild and become a Ye Ye apprentice. Towards the pinnacle of life!

Suddenly, many players in Chu Kingdom seemed to have overturned the Schisandra bottle, and they didn't know how to express it.

However, some of the Chu players were heart-beating and jumping. Most of them are local tyrant players. They boast that they still have a little money, and their hearts are alive, thinking about how to become a night apprentice.

Although You Ye seems to be rich, shouldn’t he refuse to give money as an apprentice?

What if the money is not enough? Then send the beauty to the house! Some people have such thoughts.

Among these posts, there are many posts that hope You Ye can lay down the fortresses of the other five great powers, because that way, that country can also become apprentices of Ye Ye!

In short, many players have changed their views on Youyue. It’s really that Youye’s level is too strong and the combat power is too high. It really became his apprentice, which is definitely a big blessing in life!

After being brought up by You Ye, it would be above 10,000 people under one person!

Soon, the topic of becoming a night apprentice became the hottest topic of major websites for a time!

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