The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 615: Not necessarily? ! (Gangan for ‘Unclear and Unclear’, 2/4!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

In this way, a continuous stream of conquering players entered the Moon Han Palace.

Gender battles between male and female players are very rare, especially when both parties have invested thousands of people, and the two sides are fighting for the first time. Many male players have never killed sisters, so the male players of the Guild After starting to get the first chance, you are proud of the enemy, and some are even chasing people, laughing while chasing!

The scene was like a big wolf suddenly being thrown into a female bathhouse, staring at the stars and flying dogs.

The sorrow of this cessation of war cannot be stopped, because they have a major weakness, that is, there is no temporary resurrection point, and the dispersion of power at this moment is undoubtedly fatal.

Soon after returning to the city point, a large number of people were sent, and the female players of Yuehan Palace immediately counterattacked.

In such a harsh growth environment, the promotion from the first-level guild to the sixth-level guild has fully proved that the female players of the Moon Han Palace have a terrible combat power!

Afterwards, Shuangliu fought a battle in the area of ​​the resurrection point. Although the guild had successfully set a temporary resurrection point, it was no longer decisive at this time.

The location of the resurrection point of the Moon Han Palace is relatively close to its core building, so this is a must-have place for soldiers.

The situation is very urgent for both sides, and both sides have made a taboo. For the Moon Palace Palace, the location of the resurrection point was actually taken down by the enemy and stood on the heels; for the Battle Guild, the beginning The decentralization of the forces resulted in the inability to concentrate the forces, and the forces gradually passed away.

At the moment when the two sides were stuck together, the Eye of the Water Blue had opened the friends bar while calling and called allies for support, and a sub-column was suddenly automatically generated in this friends bar, and one of the voice messages came from there.

This surprised Shuilan Eye, but the situation was anxious at the moment. She didn't think about why this happened. I saw that it was a ruling avatar with a golden pattern symbolizing power. It was beating at the moment.

Shuilan Eye immediately selected it, and a man's voice reached her ear instantly.

"I am Ye Ye, and I ask you, how is the battle against the battle going? I am already waiting impatiently."

What does it mean? ?

Shuilan's eyes couldn't figure out what the other party meant, and the other party was actually Ye Ye. How did he find himself? And you can contact yourself directly without a friend request? Is this the prerogative of the governor? !

"Are you Ye Ye? I don't understand what you mean." Shuilan Eye replied cautiously.

"Oh, it's still a female stream. I mean, the guild of guilds can destroy you now?" Chu You was surprised to hear the voice of the other woman. A female boss of the current sixth-level guild is relatively rare.

Do you destroy me? ? Shui Lan's eyes were completely at a loss, because she couldn't understand what Ye Ye's position was.

If it can destroy me, will you come to help us in the Moon Palace?

If it doesn’t kill me, does it...

Looking at the situation in front of him, Shuilan's eyes gritted his teeth and said an ambiguous answer: "Not necessarily!"

"Not necessarily?"

"Well, although they are strong, we are not weak."

"So they can't fight today?"

The eyes of the water blue eyes flashed again, and the energy was completely concentrated in the dialogue with You Ye at the moment, regardless of the situation on the spot.

As a woman, her instincts drove her to try to win the sympathy of Ye Ye. The woman likes to be attached to the strong.

But there are many ways to win the sympathy of the strong. The Eye of Water Blue chose a stiffer way.

"Our guild is still a generation of women, and now it is at a disadvantage, but I am confident that we can hold it!"

"Oh..." Chu You closed the conversation window, and he already knew what to do.

With the closure of Chu You, the category bar in the friends column of Shuilan Eye suddenly disappeared, and you can no longer see the avatar, let alone contact the other party.

Regarding this, Shuilan's eyes were stunned. From now to now, he was completely at a loss. He didn't understand the purpose of Yu Ye. How did he know what happened at this moment? What inside is hidden inside? Suddenly, Shuilan Eye thought about this problem very complicated!

On the other side, 160 fighting monsters had already flown out of the spaceship, and Chu You also flew with them, and finally formed a tactical spherical formation.

Obviously, Chu You's goal is to fight for the Guild.

Because when you know the real situation, Chu You can't wait for a long time. Since you can't get the Moon Palace Guild in the Battle Guild, and you don't pay, then I will do it for you! Don't waste your time anymore. Brother is very busy.

The moment when you chose to contact the consortium and contacted the boss of the other party, Chu You only recognized it. That's why Chu You came to the consortium instead of the Moon Han Palace. He didn't even see the coordinates of the Moon Han Palace.

"The boss of the battle, ask you one last time, don't you pay?"

However, Chu You did not get a response from the other party.

So he closed the window and ordered Dou Ji Mo Ji to fly to the other's base camp.

If the boss of the battle agreed to give Chu You 700,000 gold coins, then it's hard to say, Chu You's next target is probably the Moon Han Palace.

As the devil Ji approached, players of the Guild of Guild soon discovered the anomaly in the sky.

In Chu You's eyes, many people are sitting and recovering at the location of the opponent's resurrection point.

"What is that? Will dark creatures also appear during the day?"

"I'm afraid it's not right. It's very similar to the soldiers of You Ye!"

"His... they come close, is the speed to return him fast, fast, quickly call the boss, someone is coming to the city!"

"Tell them to hurry back to the city, don't get entangled with Yuehan Palace anymore, the old nest will be stolen!"

In an instant, a lot of information appeared on the channel of the Guild of Guild.

By this time, the war of cessation was completely shocked by the information, Ye Ye...Ye Ye came so soon? ? ! !

Now it's nothing. I can only go back to the city quickly for today's sake. I can't fight here anymore.

"Everyone listens well, all go back to the guild! All go back to the guild! Quickly!" After the war ended, the first one to use it to return to the city.

Seeing that the boss had returned to the city, his face was frightened, and everyone no longer thought about anything. He immediately returned to the city, and a large number of white mans flashed instantly.

Because the Guild of Guild suddenly gave up resistance, the female players of the Moon Han Palace quickly entered.

When the war of cessation appeared at the point of returning to the city, he happened to see the scene of terror.

I saw a large group of black dense flying creatures flying quickly over him, and soon approached his own core guild building.

In an instant, I saw a lot of skill light shining there.

And at this moment, the war of cessation of war stopped so dumbly that nothing could be said.

After a few seconds, a large and dense flame-like impact stream bombarded the core guild buildings.

The cessation of the war and many players who have just returned saw that their guild core building collapsed!

System: Your guild is destroyed, unfortunately your level is automatically downgraded! At the same time, you have lost a certain amount of coins.

At the same time, all the players who were still in the Moon Palace were downgraded at this moment, and the guild logo disappeared. This scene not only stunned the remaining players, but even the female players who rushed to the opposite side were surprised in their eyes, but it was only so.

In Chu You's field of vision, agreed to appear a system prompt.

System: You have eliminated the 6th-level guild, and your guild's pre-upgrade mission is completed! Congratulations, you can go to the eighth guild

System: You acquired the other party...

System: You have obtained war resources...

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