The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 806: National Gambling Agreement!

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10:30 am

This private flight plane has flown out of the Mohai City area and entered high altitude. It will take the passengers inside to Dongying.

In reality, Dongying’s environment has undergone major changes due to various reasons. During a certain period of time, there will be a hedge of two airflows, resulting in the deterioration of Dongying’s air quality, coupled with frequent major earthquakes and The rise of sea level has also caused many nuclear energy industries to leak nuclear pollution from time to time, and has also reduced the scope of Dongying’s land territory.

In short, the reality of Dongying is always in a sense of pressure in the end of the world, which has caused the instability of Dongying's country, and it has produced many gray areas.

When Chu You, Lin Luoer, and Baoer were on the plane while watching the blue scenery outside, while eating a rich brunch in a relaxed and active atmosphere, the mobile phone on the table vibrated a moment. After Yu picked up her phone and turned it on for a while, her face was dignified!

"What's wrong?" Lin Luoer said and sent a piece of tender beef to his mouth.

"Oh, you eat first, there is an important thing to deal with." Chu You got up after speaking, and then entered the bedroom in the plane.

"Little Qiao, is this true?!"

"Yes, this plan is very interesting." Xiao Qiao's voice is not loud, she can automatically control the volume of the phone.

"Regarding the Gambling Agreement? Lying trough, how could this be done?"

"Oh, it seems that my birth has brought balance to a certain extent in Heaven, and since it is balanced, then humans will use it."

Chu You blinked, still feeling that this information is too much, and also a little shocked. This is a major event that has not happened in previous life!

Because Xiao Qiao told him on his mobile phone that a high-level international organization is discussing a plan countermeasure, and this plan countermeasure is exactly what Chu You said just now: the agreement on the national game of gambling!

What is the national games agreement on gambling?

First of all, we need to talk about the big environment and the background. Human technology is not capable of large-scale star migration technology, but with its resilience, humans have slowly developed on Mars and opened up human living space.

Although Mars is not an ideal human survival planet, in view of the current human strength and technology in outer space, Mars can only be regarded as the first temporary residence of human interstellar immigrants.

The environment of Mars is even worse, but this does not mean that all the environment of the planet is the same. There are also good geological structure stable land and corresponding good weather environment. These land do not cause great damage to the immigration infrastructure built by humans. Destructive!

So these land spaces are very precious.

There are many countries facing the doomsday pressure in the current global environment. Dongying is one of them. Many other countries in the world have suffered or are prepared to suffer such a cruel fate!

Therefore, it is a big question to whom the living space created by humans on Mars is given! This problem has been very sharp and intense for a long time.

The earth has been unable to withstand any world wars. In order to prevent ethnic cleansing in order to achieve the ultimate occupation of another country, an international organization just discussed such a countermeasure.

That is, a decisive battle in "The World", the winners and losers under the rules, the victorious party can immigrate to Mars, in order to reduce the social pressure caused by the explosion of the population of the country and obtain a permanent residence, depending on It is the alien land of the country!

Of course, this countermeasure is still under discussion, and international organizations are constantly discussing to perfect this plan policy.

And the extension of this plan policy is that members of international organizations monitor in countries with extreme disasters to prevent individual countries from secretly developing extreme weapons! Of course, Xiao Qiaohong will also participate in it.

It can be seen that the game "Tianshi" has been given more and more important missions by human beings!

The balance that Xiao Qiao said in his mouth is because "Tianshi" closed the recharge channel, making it impossible for the country to use the real financial resources to recharge a large amount in order to enhance the power in the game. This does indeed achieve a very influential balance environment.

"Our country of China does not belong to this category?" Chu You didn't feel that China is a country affected by extreme environment. Of course, any country under the current environment will be affected more or less.

"Yes, but Hua Xiaguo made it clear that he would also participate."

"Ha ha......"

"Hua Xia owns me, isn't this big cake all ours?!"

"Not necessarily, Chu You, you have to know that it is terrible for a country to do everything to do a strategic thing. As far as the present is concerned, I can feel that the overall strength of the country may have surpassed you."

"It's just that power can't be concentrated together effectively, so you don't feel it."

"This is still the China country suppressed by you, let alone other countries that are not suppressed by you."

"So when does this agreement come into effect, how do you proceed?"

"Still under discussion, Chu You, to be honest, the heads of state of other regions have no fear of your existence at all! They are very active in this matter."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Chu Xiao smiled happily after hearing Xiao Qiao say this.

"Laughing?" Xiao Qiao was also curious.

"I laughed at their ignorance!" Chu You folded her smile, a certain look flashed in her eyes, and then sat on the soft bed, and she said in a deep voice: "What they don't understand is Super God!"

"Xiao Qiao, I have almost mastered the core strength of "The World", and what stage are they still in?"

"What's the use of overall strength? There is no force that can't come up with a decisive battle!"

"And I am the key force to defeat the opponent in the decisive battle!" Chu You laughed again when saying this, "This is really interesting."

"What should I do? Is it latent to wait for the blockbuster agreement to start after a blockbuster, or how to do it..."

"I did something in front of the world in the game before, I really don't know how the government will feel it?" Looking at the phone, Chu You continued, but the words changed: "If the agreement on gambling takes effect Afterwards, wouldn’t a country go to extremes if it fails?"

"At most, it's just internal self-destruction, and the truth is that if you can persevere, you can find a solution in the world's changes."

"Hehe..." Chu Youqing smiled a little. As a rebirth, no country has died in the country within 10 years due to the environment, but there have been many extreme disasters. Well, many people have died... ...


In a large white conference room, there is a long conference table with many people sitting on it. An old man sits on the main seat. He is the highest person in charge of the government forces in Heaven!

At this moment, a senior guidance meeting is in progress! The whole venue was filled with a solemn and solemn, solemn and solemn atmosphere!

The old man had just made a long talk, and now he took a sip of tea, and the blue light below and the tushanyue next to her were watching carefully, waiting for the old man's next words.

I saw that the high-powered old man glanced at the participants sharply after drinking tea, and he seemed to be able to smell some kind of murderousness from him.

The next moment, the old man continued to speak.

"At this stage, generally speaking, Ye Ye's strengths are its strength in war, while its weaknesses are in the retrogression and barbarism of the nature of the war, in its lack of manpower and material resources, and its lack of help in its overall environmental situation. These Even the characteristics of the night are also disadvantages."

"At the present stage, in general, our weaknesses are the weakness of its war power, and its strengths are the progressiveness and justice of the nature of the war. We are a big country government, with extremely strong human and material resources, but in its great environmental situation Yes, it’s all our characteristics and advantages."

"Since You Ye has only one advantage, and the rest are all shortcomings, our shortcomings are only one, and the rest are all advantages. Why can't we get a balanced result?"

The kind of hand-covered rules introduced by You Ye and the destruction of the Providence Association made the government extremely angry, because not long ago the head of state intended to participate in the "Agreement on Gambling and National Games" being discussed in international organizations. The harsh environmental impacts of certain parts of China must also join in, so that they can get a share of the outer territory!

You Ye's approach is clearly suppressing the overall power of China! This seriously affects the major national interests in reality!

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