The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 808: What is the performance score? (Add more to the monthly pass for book friends!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

After the clouds and rain, Lin Luoer's face still had a lingering aftertaste, and now nestled in Chu You's arms like a baby.

"Can you feel anything in your body?"

Lin Luoer's tempting little mouth was attached to Chu You's skin. His eyes seemed to be looking at the ceiling. He shook his head when he heard the other person's words. "There is no feeling."

"Chu You felt weird to discuss this. He glanced at the other person's expression and said softly, "Sleep, I will sleep too, ah~ I haven't fallen asleep naturally for a long time. "

"Chu You..."


"Can you show me your powers?" Lin Luoer said, looking up at Chu You's eyes. She was extremely curious about the matter.

"Oh, then you're good." Chu You said with a smile, and then he didn't see any movements. I saw that all the small movable things in this room floated up suddenly and automatically.

Lin Luoer's eyes widened at the same time.

It seems that the innocence is still unsettled. I saw that these small things manipulated by the mind began to circle in the air. In the process, a small decoration even came to Lin Luoer in front of him. Lived this thing, rubbed it gently, and when she put it on the quilt, the little decoration flew again.

Everything is extremely strange.

"how about it."

"It's amazing." Lin Luoer's eyes were full of novelty, and he couldn't see any drowsiness.

"Hehe..." Chu You smiled for a while, now he can achieve the same level of dual-use, while controlling the mind while doing other things.

At this time, all the little things were put back in place, Chu You said lightly: "This is just a piece of cake, and it will give you a shocking performance."

"Oh?" Lin Luoer was lifted appetite.

I saw Chu You's eyes slightly gray, but not serious.

The next moment Chu You got up, Lin Luoer watched the man sitting on the edge of the bed wearing slippers, but when he stood up and took a step, the whole person disappeared...

This scene made Lin Luoer's eyes wide open instantly, and he sat up suddenly, a tremendous violent wave rose in his heart, and his brain was blank!

"Luoer, I'm behind you."

Lin Luoer turned back suddenly and found Chu You standing on the other side of the bed, looking at her with a smile at the moment, and then the other party climbed into the big bed again.

"How are you scoring this performance?"

"Chu You, this, is this your ability?"

"Yes, I released energy just now, and I call it a spell, anyway, you can understand it, I have experimented with this spell in the game, and now it is used by me, I released the energy, let The space here gave birth to my realm." Chu You looked at Lin Luoer's shock, knowing that the spell he had just scared her.

"I haven't really disappeared, but at that moment, I entered the field... I describe it as a "wormhole", the space is filled with my mind, and according to my mind, it can make the object can be very It is moving at a fast speed, so the space speed inside it is the state of overspeed! This makes me appear at the predetermined position in an instant." Chu You worked hard to explain all these incredible phenomena with technical words.

Lin Luoer is still unbelievable, because she has not formed a systematic cognition of supernatural abilities. In her cognition, supernatural abilities are like the ability of her own body to be clean, although this phenomenon is similar to ordinary People have been turned upside down, but this does not seem to make her feel that this is beyond the human category, the main reason is because the power does not look so powerful.

But this time, Lin Luoer is truly a horror of abilities!

"so smart..."

"There are even more powerful..." Chu You said meaningfully, and then lay down with Lin Luoer hugging again.

"More powerful?"

"Well, that's its fighting ability!"

"It will make you unimaginable. I will let you know in this game."

Lin Luoer still feels too ridiculous and shocked just now, which is completely detached from human beings. It can be said that the man sleeping next to him is not a human but a god!

Thinking like this, I was also looking forward to my own recovery of power.

Then after the two had spoken for a while, Chu You actually went to sleep before Lin Luoer...

Time: 3:52 pm!

Chu You woke up, first glanced at Lin Luoer, and found that this little nizi was asleep, Chu You touched the other person's tender and smooth flesh and got up a few times.

Opened the door and appeared in the living room. Chu You lit a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. At the same time, he looked at Bao'er's room with his eyes. Later, he smiled in the corner of his mouth. He knew what Bao'er was doing in the room.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chu You walked to another room.


In the same luxurious room, there are a few men sitting here, except for a young man who is wearing a black suit, most of them are middle-aged people, and their expressions seem to have a certain commonality.

The young man knew that these people were all Dongying people.

This young man was none other than Li Haorong, who attracted Chu You to Dongying.

I saw Li Haorong smiled and showed his white teeth, and said in Chinese: "This person is of great value to our research. What I want to tell you is that if I don’t grab her tonight, I need you to take her photos. People, no matter who he is, kill me!"

Li Haorong said that the Dongying people around him were looking at the mobile phone, because they opened the translation system, and Li Haorong's words will be recognized by the translation system and translated, which will directly appear on the screen interface of the mobile phone.

At this time, one of the people said in Dongying language: "I wish you a success in photographing her, and no one wants to see the results later."

"Yes, although you have given us huge profits, but if this matter is passed on, the underground trading feast we organized will be completely over." Another Dongying said.

At this time, a middle-aged man looked at Li Haorong with dangerous eyes and said threateningly: "I hope you Chinese people get her to take good care of her and not to abuse her. She is Dongying girl."

"Hahaha, how could it be." Li Haorong lit a cigarette, and when he spoke again, his tone was cold: "It's just that your words make me uncomfortable, what's wrong with Dongying, and the show is superior? You are not kidding me. Right?"

At this time, an old man hurriedly intervened and haha, to avoid the atmosphere into embarrassment and unhappiness.

Li Haorong raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "The time is now at 7:40, and there is more than an hour to open. You wish me good luck to photograph her. If not, you have not completed the task, so sorry. All the children you send to Huaxia will be repatriated to the country, everything you operate in Huaxia will be confiscated, and you will also pay a great price yourself, OK?!"


Time: 8pm. Location: Tokyo City, Tokyo

Chu You was wearing a hooded cap and a black mask on her mouth. She was still wearing a black fashionable protective suit. At the moment, he appeared alone in the bustling urban area of ​​Tokyo with a black backpack, and all around.. .

There are people everywhere...

Many people also wear masks and hurry.

When Chu You came to the zebra crossing with a mobile phone and earphones, he looked up at the sky, and there was nothing more than the starlight emitted by the tall and strong building.

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