The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 816: Twists and turns! (Gabe for ‘Time’s Cooking Babe’! 2/3)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Just when Chu You was performing the ‘Ye Too Beautiful and Tender Rhythm’.

The previous underground auction sounded a harsh alarm!

Dongying's most powerful underground organization discovered the terrible scene of Li Haorong and his men, two of whom died in the room!

Who actually destroyed the Chinese leader of the Ito force!

And the trick is extremely inhumane!

That miserable situation, once you don’t want to see it once, you will have nightmares.

Then many big guys in the underground organization appeared in this room, and the chairman was also in this column. At this moment, he couldn't believe it, because when he wanted to come to the other party, he would dare to do so, it would be a fan of all of them!

When we don't exist! ! Too wild! !

Then a news made them more angry.

The 1.5 billion yuan dealt by Fujiwara Jun, this huge amount in their account, is actually the result of the remittance caused by the mistake of the Daisy Bank system! In other words, the money is from Daisy Bank, because of the banking system, the money went into the pocket of their organization!

Now that the Chrysanthemum Bank has chased it over, it is necessary to ask for this 1.5 billion yuan!

But the Chrysanthemum Bank is famous in Dongying!

Underground organizations immediately understood that the other party must have used advanced hacking methods to let Daisy Bank advance the money, and this money seemed to Daisy Bank to be a mistake of their system!

Lying! ! What a big dog! ! Dare to play with us like this! !

I think so, but let the big brothers of this underground group realize that the information left by the other party is not necessarily true!

Someone immediately investigated the information of Kenji Fujiwara, and the result was that the picture of Kenji Fujiwara was exactly the same as that of a dead person a few decades ago. This is a stolen picture! At the same time, the message left by the other party is simply to find no such thing!

This completely stunned the underground organizations. How did this "Fujiwara Kenji" come through their strict selection? ! How did it pass in the beginning? !

Behind this, of course, is the result of the super calculation of the world's highest artificial intelligence!

The methods used in it are extremely complicated!

All the seemingly'coincidence' factors finally led to the whole incident of Fujiwara Kenji!

The main thing here is that the screening and examination of underground organizations and various means have intelligent systems participating, which creates opportunities for the other party!

No idea! The intelligent system of underground organizations is very powerful, and from time to time there will be new technologies and new forces to update their intelligence from time to time!

So they always think that their intelligent system is very powerful!

Well, since this person cannot be found, then search through the monitoring of various sections! Check from the moment the other party gets the mask costume! And the other party is driving the car they sent, you can also track the location of Fujiwara based on the location of this car!

The intelligent system of the underground organization has a certain networking relationship with the central intelligent system of Dongying Government, and the desired surveillance video can be transferred from the central intelligent system.

Then...then they encountered resistance from a powerful force in the network!

Sure enough, the other party has the strength of a hacker team that cannot be underestimated!

Because all the surveillance video on the road did not appear this person! That high-end commercial vehicle has also disappeared!

So, the question is coming, who is most likely to know or say, the person most likely to have seen the true looks of Fujiwara Kenji?

The answer must be the guide who received Kenji Fujiwara!

So who is this person? !

Now the information of this guide has not been found on the intelligent system.

Yueye Yui is only a peripheral member of their organization. It is defined as: a profession dedicated to receiving guests or attending business activities. It belongs to ordinary members who do not know the insider, or a model employee of a company under the underground organization!

Fortunately, unfortunately, there was a big guy who knew the intelligence information of the guide who received Kenji Fujiwara.

Why does this big guy know the content of this message?

The answer is that this big guy has always been in love with Yue Ye Yui, but he knows that Yue Ye Yui is still a virgin and has been trying to find a way to get this girl!

So for this activity of Yueye Yuyi, this big guy knows.

So I called Yueye Yuyi, but I couldn't get through!

Can't get through? ? ! !

So, use the intelligent system to immediately obtain information based on Yueye Yui's mobile phone number, and get the location of the other party's current location from the intelligent satellite!

At this moment, the intelligent system of underground organization and Xiao Qiao really confronted each other in the network!

Soon, they realized how terrible the other party's hacking power was, and had a clear and intuitive understanding, because their intelligent system was almost defeated by the other party in a crushing way.

What should I do if I can't find the location of Yueye Yuyi? !

A call was made to Prime Minister Dong Ying in the middle of the night...

This incident alarmed Dongying's top gangster! In the eyes of ordinary people, the prime minister of a country is the top gangster, but in the view of the privileged class, the prime minister is nothing more than an agent they introduced!

Under the authorization of the Prime Minister of Dongying State, the central intelligent system was activated to obtain information on the mobile phone numbers of two nationals, so as to find and locate the other party's current location!

Then the central intelligent system attacked the dark force on the network, but then everyone felt desperate, because that force was so powerfully incredible!

This is the central intelligent system of a country.

However, at this time, the resistance of the other party's powerful network force quietly disappeared!

In an instant, the central intelligent system obtained the current location information of Yueye Yui’s mobile phone, but the information about Fujiwara Kenji did not obtain the least valuable information. The other party’s mobile phone number was just a cover-up, and the real number could not be obtained. It seemed completely Erase, the intelligence inside the black business car can't start.

Well, it's better than no breakthrough.

At the same time, the analysis of Li Haorong’s death has long been the result, the other party is'Fujihara Kenji', this person is extremely dangerous, he is likely to be an evolver, and is also a very aggressive evolution By!

Lying! The seven leaves of Gongshui and the other evolvers they know, so far, their supernatural powers are not strong, and they are all in the "sprouting" stage. Whether they can continue to grow is still unknown, and the "Fujihara Kenji" who killed Li Haorong 'S supernatural power is so powerful!

And the source of the supernatural power is "Tian Shi"!

And how long did "Tianshi" open service? Is the supernatural power of Fujiwara Kenji so powerful? !

This is a bit scary!

Of course, some people think that "Fujiwara Kenji" may be a military-level biochemical person!

Therefore, when obtaining the current location information of Yueye Yuyi, the underground organization has transferred two military-level biochemicals!

Finally, the underground organization sent a fully armed organization member, plus these two military-level biochemicals, they took a total of 12 black bulletproof commercial vehicles to the destination quickly.

How to find Yueye Yuyi with such a powerful facelift?

This is because they not only obtained the current location of Yueye Yui, but also obtained the chat history in Yueye Yui!

They knew that ‘Fujiwara Kenji’ would have the most primitive behavior with Yueye Yui!

Pray, Kenji Fujiwara will stay in the gentle town of women tonight!

ps: follow WeChat public account (limaoxs666)

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