The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 824: Huaman Jiuzhou!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

System: Do you want to create a guild here? !

Chu You: Confirm!

System: This place is special. Creating a guild will change your guild attributes!

System: This is a move to expand the territory. The resources consumed by any guild construction will be doubled. Of course, you will be rewarded by the Chinese God!

System: Need to create a guild here: 15 million gold coins!

Chu You: Confirm!

System: Please name the guild!

Chu You: Huaman Jiuzhou!

System: Named successfully!

When the heart moved immediately, a shock immediately followed, and then the Heavenly Dao Fulu escaped, flew to the sky, and quickly shot a colorful light in the sky.

But in the ear of Chu You heard the sound of gold coins being deducted, there are 15 million gold coins left on this account, which is equivalent to half spent!

It can be seen that there is a complicated core rune array on the ground, and then from this rune array, a Qin and Han style guild core building emerged from the ground!

The first-level guild was established successfully!

Chu You immediately heard a series of system prompts!

System: You have completed the expansion of the territory, you have been rewarded by the Chinese God, you have obtained: Huaxia Elite 50-level four-star halberd x 100, Huaxia Elite 50-level four-star archer x60, Huaxia Elite 50-level Four Star Guard × 30, Huaxia Elite 50-level Four Star Mage × 30!

I saw a space crack with a sense of oppression in the sky. A ray of light emerged from this crack, and then on the ground around the core building of the guild, a total of 220 Huaxia elite 50-level four-star battle NPCs appeared!

System: You have received the reward of the Chinese God ②: Three layers of magical arrays in the forbidden domain!

Forbidden three-layer magic circle: After use, your guild sphere of influence has a safe zone feature. Except for yourself and your authorized guild members, no player can use force here unless the opponent has a higher layer than the forbidden three layer Special targeted props of magic circle can use force!

This thing has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that even if other players can’t use force here, they don’t have higher-level props than the three-layer magic circle in the forbidden area, but if they want to attack this guild, they can do it.

How to do it?

That is to attack the guild outside the guild's sphere of influence! Such as battleships! Such as a spaceship! Such as arms!

The advantage is that, within the guild's sphere of influence, any player will be affected by the magic circle here, and most of the skills will be in a sealed state! So that players cannot directly use force skills in it!

System: You have received the reward of the Chinese God ③: unstable one-way teleportation space crack × 1!

Unstable unidirectional teleportation space crack: This object can only be used on a certain body part of the Chinese God. After use, open a unidirectional teleportation array connected to your guild! Due to its instability, one-way space cracks can only enter a maximum of 20 people at a time. Once someone enters, the space cracks will be closed after 1 minute and reopened after cooling for 1 hour!

System: Of course, you also have the right to manage its space cracks, so that it is in a closed state that can be opened at any time!

System: Your guild belongs to the guild that expands the territory, so your guild has a neutral attribute!

System: The neutral attribute guild can establish diplomatic relations with the eight major powers (the new dynasty), and it is also possible to conduct trade transactions here!

System: If you continue to keep its guild purely neutral, players from foreign regions can also visit your guild to trade and sell goods, but unfortunately the two cannot theoretically establish diplomatic relations!

System: Your guild has a chance to prompt the Ocean Heart Phantom Trade Group to visit your guild!

System: Note that the ruling guilds of the seven primitive countries can view your guild information and can contact you, but they cannot impose positive or negative titles on your guild!

This means that not only You Ye can see the coordinate information of the Huaman Jiuzhou Guild from the ruling interface. If other dynasties have a ruling guild, their consuls and home officials can also view the information of the Huaman Jiuzhou Guild, but It is not possible to issue hats to the Huaman Jiuzhou Association.

System: The Huaman Jiuzhou Association is not under the jurisdiction of the eight dynasties! Directly under the jurisdiction of the Central City of China, no dynasty officials can exercise its official title privilege here!

System: Warning! When you build an overseas guild force, you may be attacked by: extreme weather from nature, as well as the attacks of super sea beasts around you on your guild, and the attack of a strong pirate group that appears in the nearby waters! Any attack is fatal to your guild, please establish defensive measures as soon as possible!

System: Warning! Establish an overseas guild force so that your guild is at the forefront of war. Once a ZVZ war occurs, your guild is likely to suffer a strong attack from a hostile region first! This is also fatal, please establish defensive measures as soon as possible!

System: Because your pioneering work has the merit of expanding the territory and at the same time, you are the first player to establish a guild on a neutral island, so you have triggered the sacred SSS mission: "Holy Free Trade Island"!

Sacred level mission SSS level: Sacred Free Trade Island Phase 1: Please upgrade your guild: Huaman Jiuzhou Guild to level 5!

Mission rewards in the first stage: Earn 10 million experience points, receive sacred fashion chests x 1, fantasy fairy jade x 1, sacred awakening water x 100

Seeing this, Chu You's expression finally changed a bit, and her brow furrowed.

As a rebirth, he knew that the cost of establishing a guild overseas was quite huge and dangerous, but to be honest, he really did not expect such a huge amount!

The previous life did not have a thorough understanding of this aspect!

The benefits of establishing a guild overseas are also huge. One or two can be glimpsed from the tips of the above system.

So, after Chu You was promoted to level 10, why didn't he establish the "Xian" Guild directly here, but climb the top of Wangshan Peak to build the Guild? !

First, Chu You was a little scared in the latter part of her previous life and must seize the business opportunities of Yan Guo!

Secondly, Chu You is a rebirth, not a predictor. He cannot ensure that the Guild can resist any risks during its development!

Third, it is not in the fundamental interest of Chu You to choose this base camp!

It can be said that if there is no possibility of a second account, it is impossible for Chu You to create a guild here.


But not creating a guild here does not mean that Chu You is not coveting the huge cake here!

Turbulent Songs neutral island has extremely rich resources!

It can be said that the richness of its resources around this island is one of the best in Heaven!

Therefore, even if there is no second account, Chu You will come here sooner or later, or order someone to create a guild here and occupy the island!

It can be seen that the position of the neutral island in the song of the surf is very important in Chu You's heart. The planned itinerary in Chu You's heart belongs to the front position!

So, the question is, what are the rich resources around the island? !

To say that Chu You is most coveted for a certain resource here, belongs to the mineral deposit hidden in the deep sea under the island: the ore of the **** of the deep sea!

This kind of ore has its figure in the original material list of making 200 high-level advanced items in the late period of "The World"!

At the same time, many aborigines in the seven districts are also buying this kind of ore at a high price!

In the previous life, a big man had calculated an account. If all the following **** ores were collected and sold out to the aborigines, the total amount of gold coins they obtained exceeded: 1 billion gold coins!

And this is just a simple algorithm for calculating the total amount of gold coins sold to the aborigines without bargaining.

If you take it out and sell it to players, or sign a sales agreement with those aboriginal trade groups, and establish a trading partnership, then the total amount of gold coins will go up!

And this is just one of the resources around the neutral island of the song of the surf!

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