The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 826: The secret room switch in the villa

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

At this time, the reward: the three-layer magic circle in the forbidden area was used.

After use, this powerful binding scroll is integrated into the core of the core building. From this moment, the sphere of influence of the Huaman Jiuzhou Guild is there, and the effect of its three-layer magic circle in the forbidden area will be extended to where!

Then, I took a look: the unstable one-way space crack, this is a strange item. After taking it out, it is a small version of the space crack that is very strange!

After thinking for a while, I came to the teleportation array and sent it to King Qin City, and then King Qin City directly came to China Central City.

Appearing in the super-large east teleportation array, Chu You walked out of the crowd and came to the street to get a luxury carriage.

The carriage led Chu You to a place with few people, and finally came to a long bridge. The location here is extremely remote. Here, Chu You got off the bus after trading 10 gold coins for the coachman.

Looking at the carriage leaving, Chu You came to the right side of the bridge. Looking far away, almost all of them were clouds. Only one or two majestic buildings stood in it, and only the outline could be seen further away.

At this time, looking down, you can see an extremely large dragon-like snake body passing under the bridge. The huge body gives a sense of oppression, and it can also be seen that the body is in a petrified state. at every turn.

Looking at the left and right sides, the next moment, Chu You made an amazing move.

I saw him over the bridge fence, then jumped down, and jumped towards the giant dragon body. After 2 seconds, Chu You stepped on the petrified state of the main body of the Chinese God and stood firmly.

Then Chu You used it here: unstable one-way transmission of space cracks.

Guided by the small space crack in his hand, I saw Chu You crouched down again, and pressed this thing gently into the body of the main **** of Huaxia. I could immediately see the space crack into the dragon's body.

System: The crack of the one-way teleport space is successfully integrated. This location will be the one-way portal to the neutral island of the song of the surf!

System: Due to instability, once someone enters, the portal will close after 1 minute, and the maximum number of people entering is: 20 people!

System: The Wave Mansion Jiuzhou Guild on the neutral island of the surf has formed a portal, and you have the right to set it up there!

Chu You understands that this object can only be established in the space between Huaman Jiuzhou Association and China Central City.

After finishing this place, Chu You went offline.

In reality, Chu You's body moved, which attracted the attention of everyone in the plane.

I saw him holding the game helmet with both hands, and then removed it. He entered the game in a sitting position. The seat under him was a soft sofa, which was extremely comfortable.

Putting the gaming helmet aside, Chu You reached out and picked up a delicate fork on the white table in front of him, and then fork a piece of tender beef before feeding it into his mouth.

At this moment, Bao'er was wearing headphones and watching the movie. At the moment, he glanced at Chu You and continued to focus on the screen in front of him.

"Luoer, you come with me." After that, he wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, got up and walked to the aircraft lounge, Lin Luoer immediately got up and followed.

After the two entered the room, Chu You did not close the door, leaving a slight gap.

Looking at Lin Luoer's bright eyes, he said, "Luoer, it's like this..."

Then Chu You told Lin Luoer about the second account, which caused the other party to be surprised and surprised. Anything that happened to Chu You was very strange and shocked in the eyes of others.

"Got it, I think so now. I want to let the president of Huaman Jiuzhou Association let you do it. You help me watch it, and I tell you that the president of Huaman Association has a sacred SSS mission." Said here a pause.

"According to my experience, if you give the position of the president, this best sacred mission will also be passed on to the new president."

"Well!" Lin Luoer nodded with emphasis.

"Let’s do that first. After Xiao Qiao creates your second account, I’ll ask someone to take you to upgrade the second account. Finally, the position of the chairman of Huaman Guild will be replaced by your second account. guild!"

"Okay, I listen to you."

Next, Chu You told Lin Luoer about the current situation of Huaman Guild in detail, until Lin Luoer completely understood it!

At this time, the plane has entered Changling!

That’s right, it’s Changling, not Yuanjing, because the seven leaves of Gongshui must be kept in the secret room of the old house.

In the process of landing, Chu You made a call.

The target of the call is Wang Meimei.

The content is: Tian Chu Guild Department creates its own guild and arranges its own personnel. Don't wait for Chu You to create a guild!

This surprised Wang Meimei.

"Okay, by the way, the staff recruitment has been completed."

"Well, I know."

"Mei Mei, after the guild is created, you call the guild boss to add my friends. I will approve it when I go online, and then enter the guild again."


In this way, until the plane had stopped, Chu You was still chatting with Sister Wang, Lin Luoer, Baoer, Gongshui Qiye were all looking at him, not eager to get up.

After another chat, Chu You hung up the phone.

Then several people took their things and got off the plane.

When I came out, I could see a black business car parked here. This was arranged by Xiao Qiao. In fact, Chu You can do the same, but artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence, which is more thoughtful than humans.

In this car, a group of people marched towards Chu You's hometown.

Chu You’s home was a super-large villa. This time, Baoer visited this place for the second time, while Lin Luoer visited it for the first time. At this time, he looked at the luxury villa with curiosity, but there were some other looks in his eyes. Because she knew that Chu You's parents were gone, this oversized villa was uninhabited.

The four entered, leaving Bao'er and Lin Luoer in the lobby, and Chu You himself took Gongshui Qiye into the depths of the villa.

In a room full of art, Chu You looked at the eyes of a portrait and looked closely!

Then I only heard a soft sound, and it seemed that some kind of institution here had opened.

Chu You knew that the portrait of the character was the key to entering the secret room. The eyes in the portrait contained a high-intelligence scanning machine, and the retina in his own eyes was the key. After the high-intelligence micro-instrument scanned his own eyes, the dark room was dark. The door will unlock.

It is worth mentioning that no light appeared during the scanning process. It looked as if Chu You was gazing at the person in the portrait...

Then Chu You came in front of a wall, and there was also a painting on this wall. Well, a large medieval painting. At this time, I saw Chu You moving inside, and the portrait in front suddenly split into two, an elevator. The style of the door appeared in the eyes of the two.

He knew that in order to open the door, he actually had to reach out and press a certain figure in the portrait. There was a switch there, and only after the switch was triggered would this situation appear in this mural.

There are actually two opening procedures.

The elevator door was opened, and the scene inside was really an elevator...

"Qiaye, come with me." Chu You, who had entered the elevator, said so.

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