The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 846: Fortune rig!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

After giving Lin Luoer 2 million gold coins to ask her to buy a high-quality raw material collector in the Central City of China, then Chu You took Herara and eight holy archangels to continue to walk inside.

Along the way, Chu You really found a lot of Drana Dragonstones, but when he passed a distance, he stopped.

I saw his eyes locked on a strange thing embedded in the wall, and released the fairy halberd on his body, just a wave!

'puff! ’

A stream of liquid sprayed out from there, and then the liquid formed a slow flow.

What exactly did Chu You cut?

Just listen to the same sound as the previous dragon sound again from the depths.

"Oh, the immortal halberd is the immortal halberd." There is a satisfactory color in his eyes. The thing he cut, to be precise, should be the biological tissue structure developed from the relics of the Dragon Emperor!

This thing, the average player is chopping constantly, which has nothing to do with the level of attack power, but depends on the destruction attribute value of the player's hidden attributes on the environmental objects, but it seems to have no effect if it is cut off.

Doing this is purely to satisfy the curiosity of the previous life, and now the wish is solved.

Chu You knows that the reason why there are many dragon crystals in this cave is because this rhizome-like biological tissue is moisturizing, and the owner of this biological tissue is the ancient Dragon Emperor!

It's no exaggeration to call this hole a dragon hole.

Keep going, and the way is to fly!

I was flying at a high speed in the cave. Anyway, the distance from the bottom of the hole is really nothing strange!

System: Player ‘Yuebanqingshan’ joins the guild!

As time goes by, the organization structure of the relics of the Dragon Emperor gradually increases, and it feels like it has entered the body of a certain creature!

At this time, another powerful dragon sound sounded, the sound did make people feel a sense of oppression, but this has no effect on Chu You.

At this time, there was a split in the front, the left and right sides are the passages, and the front is the ... cliff!

In other words, after arriving here, Chu You can finally fly out from the direction of the cliff.

He did so afterwards, and Herala followed the Holy Archangel behind him.

The field of vision widened at once, but it was filled with a mist, and the bottom was a white mist that was not bottomed out, but it could also vaguely see the structure of the geographical environment, such as naturally formed bridges and ancient instruments with artificial traces. , For example...

"Yu Ye, here is very similar to the environment of the abyss hell." Herrala said after looking out at the sight with wide vision. Then frowned, "I can smell the strong breath of the dragon clan, You Ye, I hate the dragon clan!"

At this time, 10 people were holding a group in the air, Chu You was in the middle, and looked at the environment here. Well, it was almost the same as Herla said.

Because, it is hard to imagine that it looks like a black object in the shape of a giant pillar not far away, it is actually just a kind of biological organization structure, and it is difficult to find that it is actually wriggling if you do not look closely...

Like this kind of thing, you can see no less than three here, people who don't know think it is the terrain environment.

All the biological tissues here are only grown from the relics of the ancient Dragon Emperor in the deepest part.

So, what is the relic of the ancient Dragon Emperor in the deepest part? !

"Herala, tell you a secret, I've been here."


"At the bottom, there is a dragon. What we are going to do today is to kill the dragon!"

"Be a Dragon Warrior?"

"You also know the story of the Dragon Warrior?"

"Um... many of your fairy tales are also widely circulated in the abyss and hell." After that, Hera stretched out her little finger and flicked at the head of "White Snake Satan", his expression was very skinny.

"Of course, limited to the upper demons like us who are interested in human legends."

"Um know, let's go, come with me." After Chu Ye's wings, the six-winged wings flicked, crossed the holy archangel in front, and flew out of the holding circle, followed by the nine people behind him again.

"Are you just killing the nasty dragon now?" Herala said behind her, her tone a little eager to try; was Tu Long a happy thing in her eyes? !

"No, go to start an instrument!" Chu You's eyes brightened when she said this.

"Oh, listen to you."

In such a large space, there is really no stranger wandering, but here is full of oppression, which will make the average player feel uncomfortable.

For a while, Chu You and others came to a huge instrument.

What is the shape of this instrument?

The answer is: like a drilling platform!

The role of the drilling platform in reality is to explore and develop subsea oil fields!

It can be seen that there are many rune patterns on the surface of this ancient instrument like a drilling platform, but the lines of the rune patterns are not bright at all, which means that the drilling platform instrument is not started, or may be abandoned.

But from the perspective of the reborn, Chu You, this rig is just not started, it is usable!

So, what does it do after it starts? !

I saw Chu You flying into the drilling platform, and pushed open a door that was clearly the key, and finally flashed in.

The inside is dark, and you can't see anything, but it's hard for Chu You, who has the eyes of the magic system.

The environment inside is not a lot of modern instruments. The rune array that replaces that operation is a lot of rune patterns.

How to say, just like the alien technology, the principle of operation and the energy required are closely related to the rune.

After watching for a while, Chu You found the key!

Fingers touched a palm-shaped ‘pothole’ outlined by rune patterns, and then Chu You stretched out his palm and printed it with the palm template below.

Suddenly the system prompt appeared!

System: Note that you are preparing to start the ancient instrument of lost civilization!

System: To start and run the instrument, the vitality value needs to be injected. The maximum value is 1 million yuan, which lasts 30 minutes!

System: The instrument that enters the working state can automatically absorb the mysterious mineral deposits on the seabed: the ore of deep sea gods

System: Player ‘Wild Dragon’ joins the guild!

System: Player ‘Remnant Love’ joins the guild!

Yan Guo/Chu Guo Announcement: Home Office Officer Ye Nixuan: Don’t ask me about membership again, if you want to join the guild, please buy the potion I hang on the exchange, each bottle of potion is priced at 2 million gold coins, apply after buying Guild membership request, I will deal with it in time, if there is a delay, please forgive me!

System: It is detected that there is a Tianji vitality stone on your body, and that a special item on your body has a sufficient vitality value. You can select the object to inject the vitality value to the instrument to let the instrument run!

The system prompts that there are three ways to choose Chu You. The first one is the Jinduo Dao Soul in the body, but the Dao Soul has a storage capacity of 1 million yuan in gas, and the second one is Ji Dao Tian Tian Aya. Ji Dao Heng Tian Aya has 10 million yuan worth of gas storage capacity, the third kind is the world's vitality stone.

As for the choice method, Chu You certainly chose Jin Chui Duo Dao Soul, because Ji Dao Heng Tian Ling will be of great use next, um, Tu Long...

Then with the inner feeling, Jin Chui Duo Dao Soul baby girl opened her eyes, and Bao Xiang's solemn her white as jade body exuded golden light.

Correspondingly, the light on the palm of Chu You is shining, and this light is the vitality value. At this moment, the vitality value is continuously injected into the palm template. That place is like an energy tank. In short, the vitality value must be inhaled. Inside.

With continuous inhalation, first of all, the location of Chu You lit up, which was the light radiated by the rune lines, and the console was activated!

Then you can see that the external rune pattern of the drilling platform also lights up...

Finally, I only listened to the terrible loud noise of rumbling from under the drilling platform, which even caused the whole platform to shake slightly.

System: You have injected 1 million yuan worth of gas for a duration of 30 minutes, please pay attention to absorb the deep sea **** ore that enters the platform storage box!

System: Since the instrument is too far away, after 30 minutes, the instrument automatically enters the repair period, duration: 2 days!

Now I can understand what this rig is for.

Didn’t Chu You know the deep sea **** ore underneath the neutral island of the song of the surf, worth at least 1 billion gold coins?

And the location of the deep sea ore pattern ore is really within the bottom of the deep sea!

There are two ways to obtain this kind of god-like ore, the first is the method currently used by Chu You!

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