The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 852: Integrate the heart of Dragon Emperor! (Add more to the monthly pass for book friends!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Now the Padmasha dragon's blood volume is one-third left, and the 12-star Martyr Archer's blood volume has dropped by 3 blocks, a total of 10 blocks!

The blood volume of the eight holy angels in the surroundings also declined to varying degrees.

Another roar was caused by Herla. After feeling the mourning and death of Demon Fighting Ji Ji, she used her thoughts to ask Chu You, then she passed.

And using the demon space interception technique successfully intercepted the woman using the space teleportation spell.

Then the demon energy emerged, and grabbed the woman with only two squares of blood, and finally the powerful demon spell exploded in his hand.

The death reminder of Dou Ji Mo Ji made Chu You's eyes even colder, and the attacking movements in his hand continued. At this time, 7 black vortex black holes appeared in the heart of Dragon Emperor again.


Aura's vitality fell again by 1.6 million, leaving only 2.8 million.

After the attack disappeared, Chu You attacked the protective layer again. However, this time, the protective layer completely disappeared.

Suddenly the pupil shrank suddenly, and the power of the fairy halberd appeared in his hand.

‘Good luck! ! ’

Suddenly a kind of fairy awn flashed on his body, which made the huge black and purple dragon emperor's heart tremble in front of him, and seemed to feel the horror of fairy power? !

‘Fortune Attack! ! ’

"Roar!!!" The roar of Longming came from afar, and the voice was full of unyielding and wailing? !

The Padmasha dragon was suppressed again, but with the Dragon Emperor's breath, the suppression effect it received this time was 20% instead of 50%.

But what about that? !

‘Fortune throwing! ! ‘Chu You lifted up the immortal halberd of Immortal Mane and pointed it at the heart of Dragon Emperor!

"No!!!" A roar came from Dragon Emperor's heart. "I am Dragon Emperor!!"

I saw the fairy halberd inserted into the Dragon Emperor's heart and exploded a lot of juice, among which there was scarlet blood. I saw that this shock actually caused the whole space to vibrate, and the biological tissue structure that appeared in the growth of the Dragon Emperor's heart was automatic. There was a collapse, and a lot of liquid spewed out of it.

Then a black space vortex appeared on the surface, and Chu You's eyes stared.

At the same time, the Padmasha dragon appeared sluggish, and the entire body did not move, allowing the archangel and the holy archangel to attack its body.

At this moment, Chu You appeared a lot of upgrade light!

System: Heralra killed Padmasha's human form ‘Parusia’!

System: The Padmasha dragon is therefore weakened!

System: Congratulations, you have upgraded!

System: Your level is currently: Level 122!

System: You have activated the 6-star transformation of the fighting war **** body, please take the time to view the details!

System: Player ‘Youmeng Yaoyao’ joins the guild!

System: Immortal halberd hit Dragon Emperor's heart and soul, causing it to leak and disappear the power of Dragon Emperor's Dragon Language!

System: The remnant soul of the Dragon Emperor releases Padmasha’s Dragon Soul, and the Padmasha Dragon is free!

System: The remnant soul of the Dragon Emperor enters a state of continuous weakening, and the current value is: 59%...58.5%...

System: There is irreversible damage to the Dragon Emperor's heart, and the power of the Dragon Spirit of the core soul is accelerating.

It seems that there is a strange space inside Dragon Emperor's heart. It took a while for the immortal halberd to appear and pierce through the back of Dragon Emperor's heart.

It was at this time that Padmasha’s dull eyes gradually appeared, but the 12-star Dire Archangel did not care about the other’s anomalies, and continued to attack, well, the holy archangels did not care, Emperor Ji didn't care.

Holding the fairy halberd, Chu You entered the black space.

Then his feet landed on the ground with biological patterns, Chu You appeared in a strange biological palace, and at the same time he saw an old man at the end, the old man held a crystal structure with a strange frame in his hand. Supporting the weak body, there is a constantly rotating crystal ball on the top of the shelf. The crystal ball is dark, with dark black, red, blue and purple colors. At the same time, there are breaths of this color around it.

Chu You knows this color, that is the power of the Dragon Language.

System: You are in the space of Longdi's heart room.

"Your weapon has caused irreversible damage to the heart!" The old man raised his angry face and looked at the incoming Chu You.

"You are about to die!" When you say this, Chu You appeared in front of the old man in an instant. The other party is in a special state of mind, that is, you can't see the star position or the blood volume, but Chu You knows that this situation is only You can see it in very special places, such as here.

At the same time, if any level of players appear here, they can attack special thoughts and cause damage. In most cases, players who appear in this environment have levels above 100.

The old man is getting weaker and weaker, and he seems to have no need to attack.

"I really didn't expect it to end in such a situation."

"It's really unwilling."

Listening to the old man's words, a smile of disdain appeared on Chu You's face: "Everything here is mine, and you are already dying waste."

"Oh, don't be too happy. The sixth dragon emperor of Gutanmaya will avenge me. That is the real dragon emperor. After I die, I will know everything here!"

Hearing this news, Chu You opened her eyes slightly for the next moment.

‘Wipe it! ’

Chu You waved the immortal halberd a few times to kill the old man. The old man did not leave a corpse, but dissipated into mist and dissipated, leaving no equipment and experience value.

Then Chu You looked at the spinning dark crystal ball.

I saw that he reached out and touched the crystal ball, and then came the system prompt.

System: The heart and soul of the Dragon Emperor's heart are dissipating the power of the Dragon Word. As the source of the moisturizing of the Dragona Dragon Crystal, once the power of the Dragon Emperor's Dragon Language completely disappears, it will no longer be possible to regenerate the Dragona Dragon Crystal.

System: An irreversible damage to Longdi’s heart has been detected and you cannot repair it.

System: Because it cannot be repaired, Dragon Emperor’s heart and soul belong to the unowned, and it instinctively calls on you to integrate with it!

System: You have another option, unknown fusion, whether to proceed? !

Seeing these two system prompts, Chu You shook his heart violently, and the anger brought by the old man's words just faded like a tide.

At that moment, his eyes flicked, suddenly turned back and looked back, and then flew out.

As soon as he appeared outside, Chu You heard a whine, and the huge body of the Padmasha dragon fell from midair, and then heard a loud noise.

At the same time, a lot of upgrade light appeared again on Chu You.

System: The Archangel Archangel killed the Padmasha Dragon.

System: Congratulations, you have upgraded!

System: Your level is currently: Level 135!

System: There are two new skills of Fighting Warrior appear in your Fighting Warrior, please take the time to view the details.

Without looking at the equipment that the Padmasha dragon exploded, Chu You turned around and walked into the heart chamber again. Just doing this just because he was in the space and could not eat the experience of the Padmasha dragon.

Now, finally feel at ease.

Reach out and touch the heart and soul of Dragon Emperor again, and then look at the prompt of the system.

System: Dragon Emperor's heart, the soul of the Dragon's Word, continues to dissipate. If you want to choose an unknown fusion, please proceed as soon as possible!

Nima's, everything was broken by yourself! !

Chu You feels weird. It was originally just the Dragon Slaughter, and then the Dragon Emperor’s heart was controlled by the way, and then the Drana dragon spar was spawned. Just how I thought it would be this result, just as the old man said, how could it be like this The ending is over!

Now that things are happening, Chu You has no choice but to move her heart immediately, agreeing with the other party's call and choosing integration!

The breath of the Dragon Emperor's Dragon Language immediately wrapped around his body, and at the same time, the Dragon Emperor's heart and soul radiated a dark four-color light, and there was a strong power of the Dragon Language in it.

I saw the crystal structure of the extraordinary structure deformed, and the entire heart room was deformed. It can be seen that the biological lines of the ground and the pillars are more visible, just like the real flesh.

Soon, the whole heart room really became a flesh room, and various meridians, unknown small organs, flesh tissues, etc. became visible.

I can feel that the room is alive, the flesh tissues are creeping, and the whole room will jump every few seconds.

On the outside, the black vortex space disappeared, and the entire huge Dragon Emperor's heart no longer collapsed, but appeared a keratinized, and soon solidified, the entire huge Dragon Emperor's heart became a gray solid shape, Can't see the slightest vitality, which is very different from the previous one.

Only occasionally can I hear the heartbeat coming from inside.


System: After the fusion, you will be born the dragon soul, and nirvana will create the dragon body.

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