The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 863: Not right!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

No one knows the details of Chaos Dragon Ball skills more than Chu You. It can only make Chaos Dragon Ball expand indefinitely. There is only one possibility, that is, to draw experience!

In other words, after the magic pot absorbs the energy of the dead NPC, it will be converted into experience points inside it!

Because only in this way will the Chaos Dragon Ball expand indefinitely...

Expansion Chaos Dragon Ball Starburst, the highest upper limit of experience value is infinite, there is no one value, how many experience values ​​can be superimposed to explode, and can expand infinitely!

At least one thing is sure, the biggest highlight of the magic tank is the experience value storage, as for other characteristics are not yet clear.

Since it is an experience value storage, you can definitely learn from it. Since it is an auxiliary artifact, you can definitely transfer experience values ​​for others!

It's awesome.

Obtained the magic pot, Dantai Jingning, Zhao Feifei, Lin Luoer may really not need to level up in the future!

"However, the magic pot is the treasure of the wizarding association. It is not difficult to get it, but..."

"But nothing."

"Do you want to get it?"

"Of course." Why do I not want such a sharp tool?

And this magic pot has great economic value!

Muse nodded, "The magic pot is a relic, and its creation is specifically used to deal with the light camp. Do you know where the souls of the light camp died after they died?"

"Where did you go? You die if you die, where else can you go?"

Muse shook his head, "In your big realm, they are going to enter Da Si Ming Jiu Fang Zun Ding after their death!"

"Da Si Ming Jiu Yang Fang Zun Ding?!"

Hearing this name, Chu You was shocked again, it was unexpected waves of major information.

Muse nodded, "Not only your big realm, any other big realm has such treasures, but its capabilities are slightly different. In short, it can absorb the souls of dead people into the treasures."

"Just as you often say: enter the reincarnation!"

"And the existence of the magic pot is equal to snatching the soul of life with these treasures, so she should be **** Hera Maya, she has what she should not have, and even created the super-order dragon language technique combined with the magic pot. ."

Chu You felt unbelievable, "You mean, the inside of Da Siming Jiuyang Fang Zunding is the Underworld?"

"You can think of it this way, but it is more terrible than the underworld. I can only vaguely know that a treasure like Da Si Ming Jiu Yang Fang Zun Ding can summon the previous top-level existence." Said here that Muse's face is already extremely Serious.

"Your Daoist orthodoxy has ruled for 130,000 years, you think about it, how many strong men were born and how many died after so many years, and most of the dead Taoists have entered the big Siming Jiuyang Fang Zunding!"

"There is a spiritual position in Fang Zunding of the Great Commander Nine Sheep, which can completely preserve the souls of those strong men. I want to wait until the end of the day, there will be many strong men born in heaven and earth, let them deal with them together... Ashes!"

Muse shook his head. "I don't know much about it. In short, Hera Maya was killed by the three main gods. You need to know the risks!"

"With the magic pot, you are the enemy of the entire Orthodox Realm, and they will definitely kill you."

"Because, your use of the magic pot is equivalent to blocking the source of Dajie Zhibao's strength preservation and shaking the foundation of the ruling class in Dajie!"

"Because of this, the existence of the magic pot in the wizarding association is not very great. It is difficult for the people of the wizarding association to use the ability of the magic pot to obtain energy in the orthodox world. The previous magic system can perfectly exert its energy, after all, the owner of the magic pot is the magic system."

"The magic pot has existed for a long time, so long ago that it was not constructed from runes at all. For many powerful people today, the magic pot is just a collection."

"But you know that in order to protect such a kind of magic pot that can't use much value, the wizarding association has paid too much, so before I was locked in the mirror, the wizarding association already had a view on this thing. Another strong voice."

"That is, sell it!"

Hearing this, Chu You jumped inside!

"The magic pot makes the Orthodox Realm intolerant and tries to destroy it, so Gutan Maya has signs of bright camp activities. Not only that, the abyss and **** are also interested in this thing. Gee, the wizarding association is in a difficult situation because of it. ."

"Of course, there are few people in the wizarding association who can use the energy of the magic pot, even if it can be only a little, so its value in the wizarding association is questioned!"

"Since the value is not so great, and it poses a serious survival threat to the wizarding association, why not transfer it to others?"

Chu You frowned slightly, "After so many years, is the magic pot still in the wizarding association?"

"I think it should be there."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I am the veteran of the Wizarding Association, any major matters of the Wizarding Association must be decided through consultation and voting of the veterans. The ancestral wizard of the Wizarding Association has the fire of my roots. The fire does not disappear. I am not dead, they all know that I am not dead!"

"Anyway, I'll help you get Nuwa Goddess Liquid. By the way, see if the magic pot exists. If it exists, I might use my identity to ask the wizarding association to sell the magic pot to you."

Blinking his eyes, "So the question is coming, do you have money?"

"Do you have enough money?!"

‘This kind of thing can be sold with money? "This sentence is impossible to say as a rebirth, because gold coins are the most important resource of heaven! The energy contained in gold coins can be transformed into any energy element in certain props.

Gold coins can change!

It's just that there is a process change in gold coins that needs to be transformed into'quality' with'quantity'!

Therefore, gold coins are a perfect currency in "The World", and no one can replace it.

Any plane of the gold coin in "The World" has the luck attribute of that plane!

"Money? Um, Queen, can you estimate, how many gold coins are worth?"

"Like this kind of worldless monster, a monster that is not tolerated by the Orthodox Realm, a unique sacred object, its value is very huge, and your Dragon Emperor Dragon language can match the energy of the magic pot, the magic pot comes to you Say, it is of great value in your hands."

Listen, listen, Chu You has a strange feeling, as if, as if the Muse is now like a businessman, he is trying his best to sell goods to himself...

Why is this feeling?

Chu You looked at the endless muse with strange eyes.

"Queen Muse." Chu You interrupted each other.

"what happened?"

"I am your loyal subordinate. You must let the wizards sell me cheap."

"That's for sure!" Muse looked right. "You are the first dragon to loyal to me. I said that for the people I like, I will train him, and I will make him stronger!"

"That's good then that's good, then Queen Muse, how much do I have to prepare?"

Muse immediately put out a finger and stared at the man with big eyes.

Chu You heart beat.


Sure enough!

"Do you want so much money?" Chu Youzu exclaimed in disguise.

"It’s better to prepare 100 million. I just calculated that the Wizarding Society will have a grand black market transaction in the near future. You must know that all the heretical powers of the Seven Orthodox Realms may appear, and they are in their hands. There are many very high value items."

"You are more prepared to prepare gold coins, which is good for you and me!"

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