The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 868: Exclusive war missions! (Add more to "Love Durians and Durians!")

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Next, Chu You chose the second person.

"I am a sea of ​​pride and love, a 41st halberd sword star. What I want to ask is that this ZVZ activity, the Yeye Giant Belt does not take us. Although I am not as powerful as the Yeye Giant, compared with other people, I am very confident when I arrive."

"This question, I can tell you clearly, without people, you can't keep up with my rhythm."

"About interacting with me..." Chu You shook her head. "We will not touch much until you are not full."

"You don't need to ask similar questions."

Next is the third.

"I am a barbarian dragon, level 38 magic sword monk. What I want to ask is, does the guild have a DKP system? Can the equipment in the guild warehouse be exchanged for points."

"I haven't planned this for the time being, because the level of contact of our Immortal Guild is too far for you. In most cases, you can't complete the task I assigned, so there is no system."

"I am the love of the sun, the 32nd level element master, president, what are the conditions for you to accept the apprentice?"

"Temporarily no longer accept students."

"Ah?!" Everyone was shocked, and Miao Jiu'er was even more beautiful.

"So, Vice President 01, 2, 3, 4, and Miss Jiuer, can they accept the disciples?"

"Zero One Two Three Four and Vice President will not accept disciples, Miao Jiu'er, you ask her yourself."

Hearing Ye Ye shifting the subject to her, Miao Jiu'er calmly said, "I don't accept students for the time being, I don't have time to take it."

"I am Ning Xiyu, a 19th-level law-encouraging master, I major in life professions, and I am an alchemy profession. I want to ask the chairman, what trade groups in the guild may visit?"

"The Wuyun Trading Group, the Mysterious Store Trading Group, and the Armament Trading Group and the Slave Trading Group will visit in the future."

"The two big trading groups of Black Cloud and Mystery are senior caravans."

"Then the other two, as well as the four trading groups, will sell something."

"I will know when I meet it, and I won't answer when time is limited."


In this way, Chu You had a face-to-face communication with all the members of the Xian Guild for the first time.

Then the first meeting was over.

Once again coming to the core building, Chu You started the operation.

The floating body where the Nuwa Wuwu Temple is located is set so that everyone under the president cannot enter, and the restricted area mode is turned on! At the same time, a mobile device was built next to the Nuwa Temple.

After doing it well, Chu You appeared in the teleportation array of the Immortal Guild. After using it, he came to King Yan City, and then transferred from King City to Huaxia Central City.

Still the same as the last time, he changed his dress and stopped a carriage. Chu You sitting in the carriage closed his eyes.

System: Connected with Huaxia's lord god...

Then he appeared in a nebula space, this is the place where the guild leader communicated with the main **** to receive the task.

Opening your eyes, you can see a pair of huge shining eyes staring at you in front of you, that is the eyes of the Dragon God, the two seem to be very close, but in fact very far away.

System: You cannot use the screenshot function and shooting function here!

System: In order to enter the space, you must receive a mission, otherwise you and your guild will be negatively punished by the power of doom, and have more serious consequences!

At the same time, Chu You also knew that once entering the ZVZ war period, those guilds that did not accept the mission will almost always receive the temporary war mission of the main god. The consequences of failure are equally serious, including even scattered people!

The main **** of China: "Yu Ye, the president of our highest guild in China, you are the pride of China."

The main **** of China: "This war with Dongying Kingdom will be extremely dangerous, this is a race battle!"

Lord Hua Xia: "Once it fails, it will be devastating for Yan Guo and severely catastrophic for Hua Xia. You know, Yan Guo is destroyed and the whole territory is occupied, and your monastic world will not survive. This It means that you have completely withdrawn from Heaven."

Lord Huaxia: "You can take the initiative to tell me that you have a relationship with your heart. This is very good. As the president of the ninth-level guild, you will be assigned a major war mission by me!"

Huaxia God: "Will you accept my delegation?!"

Chu You: "I accept the task you assigned and complete it."

Lord Huaxia: "Do you know that once the mission fails, I will punish all of your guild!"

Chu You: "I know."

Lord Hua Xia: "It's very good. Once the mission is completed, I will reward you. As the highest-ranking nine-level guild, your mission will be very important. I have three strategic missions suitable for you here. One is domestic. Defense and counteroffensive, one is strategic construction and transmission, and the other is to clamp and attack inside the hostile country!"

When the Chinese God said, three vortex rays appeared, and within each vortex ray there was a scroll. Soon these three vortex rays came to their own.

The main **** of China: "Every task has great confidentiality. Once the scroll is opened, it means that you have accepted the task."

It can be seen that Chu You's expression has become serious at this time, why is it like this? !

I saw that he locked one of the tasks, and it immediately revealed the basic information.

"Master's Secret Command Offensive War Plan": The most advanced strategic war offensive mission!

Chucha, when you see this task level, Chu You's brain is a little blank.

The most advanced task is still a strategic level. This... hasn't been done in previous life!

I thought it was just a variety of tactical offensive tasks, but I really did not expect that the Ninth Guild could actually receive the top-level strategic offensive tasks.

As far as Chu You knows, the most advanced strategic offensive missions will have staged characteristics, and each stage will have branch tasks. The completion of branch tasks is not only rewarded, but if the staged task fails, its punishment will be lighter. many.

Chu You looked at it again and again. Now, he feels that he has no other choice. The other two tasks are very passive. The characteristics of his current strength are not suitable for passive situations. The reason is that he is not afraid of god-level opponents. Afraid of pig teammates.

Then the scroll of the offensive mission was taken out.

System: You have accepted the highest-level mission of the Secret Order of the Lord God's Command War!

Chu You: "It's this task."

Lord Hua Xia: "Very well, except for your guild's qualification to accept this, any other guild will not work, so..."

"This task is actually reserved for your fairy guild!"


In the carriage, Chu You's body opened his eyes, and he already had a scroll in his hand.

at the same time!

Guild Announcement: Guild President ‘Yu Ye’ accepted the most advanced strategic war mission of the Chinese God, and the Immortal Guild entered the war alert state!

Unfolding the scroll, Chu You looked at it.

"The Secret Order of the Lord God offensive War Plan": The first stage: Find the target location for landing in Binzhou Bay, and occupy a town, use the transmission array in the town to open the transmission channel connecting China.

Mission warning: Be sure to be silent. If something leaks, this will affect the entire war offensive plan and be regarded as a mission failure! Be sure to occupy the town at the beginning of ZVZ without any awareness of the enemy, otherwise it is considered a failure!

Task Tip: There is a hidden town in the Binzhou Bay area.

Task Tip ②: As a high degree of confidentiality of the task, it is recommended that when you occupy any town, exterminate the city!

Mission start time: It can be started now. It is important that the enemy does not notice when ZVZ starts, so that the current first stage will win!

Mission rewards: sacred level experience value treasure chest × 10, sacred level 100 equipment treasure chest × 10!

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