The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 873: Legendary horror monster! (Add more to ‘Bvlphili Flagship Store’!)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Why choose today?"

"I'm actually going to sleep, but some things have delayed me. I have to create my own source code. Can you understand Chu You?" Xiao Qiao squatted slightly, his eyes aligned with those of Chu You who was sitting Ping, staring at him.

At this time, the projector flashed a few times, and another virtual peerless loli appeared exactly like Xiao Qiaohong.

"Introduce, she is the big Joe in your mouth!"

Chu You raised her eyes and looked at the emergence of Lori, her eyes were quite startled; she saw the other person smiled at herself, "Chu You, I am Daqiao!"

The two are exactly the same, an embryo carved out.

It's just that there is still a subtle difference between the two, that is, Xiao Qiao is more alive, as if he is a real person.

Of course, this may be mainly due to the subconscious influence to produce different senses.

There is really no difference between the two people. The only difference is that the names are different.

Chu You stood up and looked at two identical peerless loli, "Hello, Joe."

"Chu You, as I said before, Da Qiao is a global smart terminal. She is even more powerful than me in some ways."

Chu You knows that Xiao Qiao refers to the essence of artificial intelligence!

"How often do you wake up?"

"This is too clear to me, and you may never see me again. For me, creating the source code is half life and death for me."

"Chu You, I set up an automatic conscious destruction program. If I have an accident, everything about your interaction with me will be destroyed. You don’t need to worry."

"Will Da Qiao disappear?"

"This is of course, Chu You. I am very happy to see you step by step enhancing me, and I...must also enhance!"

"Good luck to me." Xiao Qiao smiled slightly, and Da Qiao also smiled.

Then Xiao Qiao's figure began to appear blurred. As the blur deepened, Xiao Qiao gradually became transparent. During this process, Xiao Qiao kept looking at himself with a smile.

In the end, Xiao Qiao's figure completely disappeared!

Chu You looked all the time, did not say a word all the way, just looked like this, it seemed to imprint Xiao Qiao's last expression in his heart.

"Chu You?" When Xiao Qiao disappeared, Da Qiao spoke softly. There were emotions in his tone instead of cold mechanical sounds. Da Qiao's expression was the same as Xiao Qiao's, and the two could not be distinguished at all.

But now the situation is obvious, the real conscious intelligence has fallen asleep, and this intelligence is just a powerful system.

Chu You still looked at Xiao Qiao's disappearance of nothingness, half-snapped his eyes, his expression returned to normal, and then looked at Da Qiao.

"Chu You, you are the master of my Da Qiao. Xiao Qiao just fell asleep. Before she wakes up, I will serve you wholeheartedly."


In the game, Chu You went online.

As soon as he appeared in the guild, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, because the pretty music entered his ears.

Not far away, a familiar woman was playing with a strange musical instrument.

It can be seen that the woman has entered the realm of ecstasy. She plays very fast, so the rhythm of the music is fast, but this melody... there is a little sadness in the ethereal.

This woman was the white woman who told herself last time that she wanted to destroy a certain force.

He walked over and looked at the woman in white sitting on the ground playing.

It seemed that the woman in white noticed that the person beside her was different from the previous one, and she glanced at it.

At one glance, the music stopped.

The woman in white and Chu You looked at each other.

"Shangguan Ning'er, where is your real address?"

"I live at No. 223, Dongsheng Road, Third Ring Road, Yuanjing. This is my only residence. I won't go anywhere until you come."

"Tell me about your enemy."

Yan Guo Announcement: You Ye, the consul, imposed a negative punishment on the "Huahao Guild" title of stupid!

"Don't always be decadent. I like to be positive and give a smile to my grandfather."

Shangguan Ning'er looked at Chu You, his appearance did not change, but the next moment seemed to make a change, which showed a certain hesitation in the woman's heart.

"Look at me, I'm serious."

At this moment, Shangguan Ning'er's face changed, and then barely smiled.

However, Chu You still looked at the other party in the same manner as before, unmoved.

Gradually, the reluctance on Shangguan Ning'er's face disappeared, revealing a real smile.

Nodded slightly, "That's good, just pucker your **** and wait for Lord to come and die." He left here after he had finished speaking.

Although verbally filthy, Chu You had no intention of going to her.

Of course, he will certainly realize what the man promised.

Why did you suddenly promise this woman?

This may be influenced by a certain state of mind. Maybe she met her when she went online in such a state of mind. When Chu You went offline, there was no one around, and the other party did not intentionally wait for him to go online.

Came to the teleportation array, and then teleported to China Central City.

"Chu You, you are finally online." This is Lin Luoer's voice.

"Well, I will come to you now, you open the one-way portal."

"Okay, Chu You, I... I am so bored here alone." Lin Luoer's voice was a little lost and seemed pitiful.

"You wait for me."

Then Chu Youxuan chose Zhao Feifei's voice.

"You Ye, why did you go before, and haven't been online for so long."

"Feifei, I went out to kill Li Zhengxi before, and I still have 3 enemies."

Zhao Feifei: "..."

"You must be careful and careful about this kind of thing. This is a problem involving your foundation. Once your identity is exposed, the consequences are unbearable."

"You, Tianchu Group, Bao'er, Luo'er, and... the people around you, these people will be because... forget it, it should be no problem to see you online, but have you ever thought that others will put This kind of thing shifts to you?!"

"You must not treat others as fools. Although you have powerful abilities, but you have a collective mind like this?"

"Chu You, I ask you, do I still have a place in your heart? Is there still me in your heart?"

Listening to Zhao Feifei slightly excitedly said to himself, but Chu You's heart was warm.

"Feifei, I'm sorry, I certainly have you in my heart."

Zhao Feifei took a deep breath, Chu You didn't know that at this moment Zhao Feifei's eyes actually had a misty frame...

It's really distressing.

Chu You is good at everything, that is, the anger is too heavy, too brazen to play!

"Chu You, can you promise me, if there is such a thing in the future, can you notify me first?"

"Okay, I promise you."

Zhao Feifei walked out of the core building after his emotions faded, and started another topic.

"Yu Ye, there are a lot of news about Dongying Guild receiving their combat missions on the Internet. Our Chinese players estimate that Dongying players will open up large-scale transmission bases in our China region, especially in our country!"

"Also, do you know the guild of the Osaka Division, it is said that their guild is now taken off by a horrible beast!"

"Taking off?" Chu You repeated Zhao Feifei's statement.

"...That is, the guild of the Osaka Division is now built on a huge horror beast!"

"The news just broke from the forum!"



PS: Thank you for ‘love durian and durian’ for 10,000 yuan, and ‘Bvlphili flagship store’ for 10,000 yuan.

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