The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 885: The reward for the first robbery!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

It seems that the outside battle is pushing fast, and the fighting devil Ji is coming in more and more. After watching the suppression of the envoy airship completely, Chu You ignored it.

The three Dongying officials were affected by the range of skills before, and the blood volume was not much. Looking at them in Jin Guihua suit, Chu You smiled faintly and waved the fairy halberd to solve them.

Unsurprisingly, all three Dongying officials burst out of the space ring.

Using mindfulness to erase one of the space rings.

It goes without saying that the space ring is already full of items...

This is a space ring with a capacity of 300. At this time, a collapse phenomenon is happening, and immediately another two space rings are erased with thought.

Looking at the items inside, Chu You was heart-lifting, because this was the first time he had obtained huge wealth by robbery since the server was opened!

It is reasonable to say that the caravans that rob the official's family will lead them to the pinnacle of life.

The wealth of the official commercial spaceship is undoubtedly the most abundant.

All three space rings are filled with objects, but Chu You knows that there is more than that. Many of the space rings are made of raw materials. The first thing he has to do is to move the good things inside into his space backpack.

And his own space backpack, especially the backpack space of Xianji, is filled with 3000 puppet miners.

I looked at the battle situation on the spot, um, it is already in the final stage, the structure of the cabin is more complicated, here is like a hall, from the position of Chu You can see there are 5 floors below, while the battle is fighting Clean up the remaining power of the other party.

At this time the holy archangel also appeared.

Chu You started to release the puppet miner in his backpack, flying while flying. When 20 puppet miners were released, he began to take out the items in the ring.

System: You have obtained an ancient teleportation altar statue (special sacred item)!

The name of the special sacred item is gorgeous, so when Chu You wants to take out the first item, he chooses this item.

So, what Chu You got from the space ring, of course, started with the best items.

System: You have obtained the heroic sacred equipment: The Ring of Hades Brand! Requires heroes to reach level 120.

This item can only be equipped on player heroes.

Seeing the information that this item entered the backpack, Chu You was a little excited. Hero-level equipment is really too rare. It is even rarer than the quasi-artifact!


Because of the addition of hero-level equipment, not only can the hero's character attributes be enhanced, but it can also act on the army it leads.

If a hero leads a 100,000 army, then each of the 100,000 armies has an attribute bonus of that hero's equipment!

System: You have obtained the heroic sacred equipment: all-seeing sacred crown! Requires heroes to reach level 100.

System: You have acquired the heroic level nine skill: Absolute Soul Chain! Requires heroes to reach level 150.

System: You have obtained a special dragon language drawing: "Production: Condensed Surqana Dragon Crystal" Production materials: Dragon's Root ×20, Dragon's Soul Blood ×20, Dragon's Dust ×20, Dragon's Breath × 20.

After obtaining this drawing, Chu You's eyes flashed, and Herala's figure appeared beside him. It seemed that the outside battle had officially ended.

Looking at Heralah, Chu You blinked, because he thought that Heralah also has a space backpack, but her space backpack has nothing.

"Herala, open the space backpack, I'm going to throw something."

"Oh? Okay."

I saw a ring on Herla's finger. At the moment, the ring was illuminated with light, and the light formed a vortex, which began to expand.

Then Chu You took a lot of the raw materials from the space ring, and then threw a lot of them into Herla’s space backpack.

System: You have obtained Dragon's Root ×1000, Dragon's Soul Blood ×1000, Dragon's Dust ×1000, Dragon's Breath ×1000.

System: You have obtained Dragon's Root ×1000, Dragon's Soul Blood ×1000, Dragon's Dust ×1000, Dragon's Breath ×1000.


The above phenomenon has occurred 5 times in total!

This is the material that can directly make aragonite, and it must be removed at the first time. Well, all of them were moved into Herala’s space backpack.

"Diji, come back!"

Diji also has a backpack space. As a top pet, the space backpack has a capacity of 300.

Afterwards, Chu You saved the items of the three space rings on Diji and Herla’s space backpack.

Of course, not all copies are correct. Many items that you think are **** are not removed.

Therefore, the space backpacks of Diji and Heralah were filled by him.

After doing all this, throw three space rings on the ground, and when the interior collapses, the space rings will disappear naturally.

And now Chu You stepped out of the guardrail and flew open towards the bottom of the hall. He knew there was still a lot of resources there.

When he landed on the luxurious carpet, the look was a joy, because a warehouse door has been blasted away by the Demon Fight Gate, and there are a total of 5 warehouse doors looking around here!

The six wings behind him flew into the open warehouse door, and I saw that all of them were strategic resource boxes. Each box was very large, and there were many such boxes in the entire warehouse code.

Before coming to a box, Chu You reached out and opened the box. After 10 seconds, the box opened, and the inside was full of crystal resources.

Extend your hand to these crystals and start to absorb them. These crystal resources will directly enter your strategic resource crystal column.

System: You have obtained 400 highly concentrated crystals, the ratio of one highly concentrated crystal to crystal is 1:200, congratulations on obtaining 8,000 crystals!

Wow ha ha ha, the labor and capital have been issued!

Chu You didn't open all the boxes in this warehouse, but after opening 10 boxes and obtaining 80,000 crystal resources, he went to the warehouse at the next moment.

Because, this strategic resource box is tradable!

It is generally known that strategic resources are not tradable. There is only one way for players to obtain strategic resources. That is to contribute to the guild, and the guild’s list of strategic resources will show the player’s contribution.

Therefore, if you open the strategic resource box, then the strategic resources inside can only be obtained by yourself, and the box cannot be used again, because the box is originally sealed with a special grate, and opening it is equivalent to destroying the function of the box grate .

With some excitement and good mood, he came to the second warehouse, when his eyes saw the appearance of the box, his eyes lit up.

Because the boxes in this warehouse are quite expensive in appearance, it looks like they were picked up with a golden bag.

Of course, there is also a Fulu sticker on it.

Chu Youfei arrived in front of this box and started the unlocking process.

After 10 seconds, the box opened, and it was full of gold coins!

Wow ha ha ha, really sent it!

System: You got 5000 gold coins, you got 5 high-concentration gold bars, 1 high-concentration gold bar = 100,000 gold coins!


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