The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 894: The nightmare has just begun!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The main palace is the core of any big city, just like the core building of the guild.

After receiving the order, the archangel Archangel instantly rushed towards the main palace and hit a barrier, then two weapons appeared in his hand, and the protective film of the main palace was broken in a few clicks. Too.

Then he saw that the archangel Archangel made a fierce attack on the gate of the main palace, and the blood volume of the gate fell very quickly.

During this time, Chu You wasn't idle. He suffered an itching attack from the city defense device and opened the army interface to check it. He found that the blood of some fighting devil was at a dangerous value.


He heard a huge roar in the distance, and thought about summoning the fighting demon Ji Ji closer to his position.

Then he saw the fighting monster Ji around him flying towards him. Behind these fighting monster Ji were more or less a few guerrilla players. When these players saw the target flying towards a man in the square, His eyes narrowed and he stopped chasing.

The square was full of corpses. This was an unprecedented sight, and one of the large, very visually dark silver angels was attacking the gate of the main palace.


But don’t be killed by that man, otherwise, you can’t bear it!

Just when they thought they were looking for the next target, the death-like battle erupted beside them instantly. There are also two sacred archangels cleaning the scene. For players who have no transformation and no special life-saving skills, they are basically spiked.

Suddenly screamed.

However, the players who died did not know what was going on. Suddenly there was a sense of gratification in their hearts. Fortunately, Ye Ye’s arms did not inherit the extremely terrifying death damage of their masters, otherwise...


The gate of the main palace was blasted open, you can see that it is filled with Dongying NPC guard forces, all of which are more than 40 levels...

'boom! ! ’

The archangel Archer's figure suddenly shrunk, wielding a weapon with a strong wind to overthrow the gated guards, and at the same time killed a group of NPC guards under the attack.

Lying! ! The group seconds NPC guard, the Dongying players who saw this scene in the distant sky were shocked again, and at the same time their hearts were anxious, because the purpose of the action of Huaxia Youye seems to be to completely occupy this capital!

This, this is simply a shame!

This is a big deal!

There is no region in the "world" that has been captured by players from other regions. If it is captured by the night, then the war against the upcoming ZVZ is undoubtedly a huge blow to the morale of the party.

The archangel Archangel killed in, and effortlessly in.

There are more and more Devil Ji fighting in the square. One of the fighting magic Ji actually caught an ordinary human girl.

The girl was crying and was terrified.

Chu Yousi was unaffected by crying, frowning slightly at this moment, because the gathering of Dou Ji Mo Ji also attracted too many Dong Ying players.

And Dongying players who can fly are undoubtedly the elite level in the Dongying player world.

"All into the main palace!" Chu You knew that the main defense of the main palace was very high, and he waved and ordered.

Immediately, the Battle Demon Jiji moved, and the fish who was still crying was also brought in, and it was a demonized Devil Fight Devil Ji who caught her.

Seeing all these demons flooding into the main palace, the following Dongying players looked dignified.

It's too bad!

But why is there a demon who wants to take away the humanoid girl...

At this moment, a smile appeared again on Chu You's face, but the picture of this smile became the final freeze of many Dongying players!


A huge half-moon sword gas slammed over, killing a large group of players in a range of seconds, followed by 4-5 waves of the same sword gas slammed into the flying crowd on the other side in a blink of an eye.

Chu You knows that this is only the most basic attack method of San Lahtia, not a skill!

Simultaneously! Players who were attacked and killed by San Lahtia were horrified to find that they had actually dropped a level! Level 1!

That's right, the 200-level 12-star early perfection Seraph has the detrimental effect of death and downgrade!

It's just not as abnormal as Chu You.

Turning his eyes to look at the city's main palace, he saw that the player Dongying who had originally stood at the window was gone, and at the same time he could vaguely hear the screams inside.

After that, he walked into the city's main palace, and blocked the battle devil Ji at the door to defend. Chu You himself went upstairs, and there were corpses everywhere along the way. There were also NPC aborigines and players' corpses.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the entire process took less than 10 minutes, and in this less than 10 minutes, the death toll of Yokogawa City’s player was over 10,000.

Also within these 10 minutes, the official forum in reality exploded, and a lot of pictures were passed from the Dongying Forum. Everyone knows that Ye Ye is in the city of Dongying!

What is Slaughter City? That is a complete overwhelming suppression.

In particular, the target of the slaughter is a regional capital. The capital city, not only has corresponding low-level NPCs, but also hides a group of high-level NPCs.

This is a complete mess!

It is said that Yu Ye's troops have entered the city's main palace now...

No one knows what impact this capital will have when it is occupied.

When Chu You's figure appeared in front of a Japanese-style gate, he was slowly turned around to face the broken gate, and it was actually a strange space!

In his eyes, the door is a space where no building can be seen, which means that there is no wall, no floor, and no floor partitions.

A huge crystal stands in it, and under the crystal device is a huge rune array that emits light. This rune array exists in a geometric shape, not a single pattern.

The Archangel Archer is not attacking the crystal, but is fighting the 4th-level guardian deity that appears!

Chu You stepped in, although there seemed to be nothing under her feet, but there was a layer of invisible ground laying in it.

As a matter of fact, when the archangel Archangel and the 4th-level East Ying God will start a duel, all players in the Yokogawa area will receive a system warning sound. If there are other players in this area, they will also receive To such a warning sound.

This war-like warning prompt sounds in the area every minute.

System: The patron saint of Yokogawa will be attacked!

Standing here, Chu You will not move. The 4th-level Dongying patron saint will not be an opponent of the Archangel Archangel at all. His current condition is at best blood-rich.

Opened the friends bar, I saw most of the friends' heads are beating.

To his surprise, Qing Dengning's head was also beating.

What will she find herself?

After choosing her, the voice came immediately.

"Yu Ye, are you attacking Dongying Yokohe City? This is the case. The Dongying government wants to ask you to close with 8 million gold coins. Do you agree?"

"It's impossible!" Chu You said lightly. He didn't ask how to trade at all. Even if he agreed, he didn't ask how to trade. There are many tradable options for him to choose from, such as giving up some in reality. National interest, then the realistic Chinese government paid this money to You Ye and so on...

"Can you have the conditions to close?"

"No conditions!"


Dantai Jingning and Miao Jiu'er didn't send a voice. Want to come? !

"You Ye, what's the advantage of capturing Dongying Great City." Zhao Feifei said easily.

"There are a lot of rewards."

"Yo, there is time to return to me. It seems that the regional capital, Ayutthaya, is really effortless for you."

"Of course."

It can be seen that Zhao Feifei was quite surprised and somewhat excited.

"Chu You, come on." This is Lin Luoer's voice, she may have seen the news from the World Channel.

"it is good!"


Commander-in-chief Feng Jian Yaqing came from the west. There are traces of fighting here, because not only the surrounding buildings have been injured, but also many corpses on the street. Most of them are aboriginal bodies, players There are very few corpses, and I don’t know why they are not resurrected in their soul state...

System: The patron saint of Yokogawa will be attacked!

A strong warning sound appeared in the ears of every Dongying player who came here, and the commander-in-chief of Dongying, Feng Jianya Qing, was no exception.

Looking at the sound like a demon in the sky in the distance, Yajian Fengjian frowned and said, "Yu Ye is very strong. These are just his external forces, and his true strength is not shown at all."

"It's true, but he still uses a new skill. We are informed that as a warrior, Ye Ye actually has a wide range of magic skills. This skill is very powerful and covers a very wide range. Even the sky can be covered. And there will be a curse effect after the explosion!"

"I can't find a player who lets Youye show his true strength!" Fengjian Yaqing said with a sense.

"Okay, let's go back, here is too dangerous."

Speaking of this, this good friend of Fengjian Yaqing has a very dignified look, "Two 12-star elites have appeared. Youye has two 12-star elites to serve him, just don't know what the level is, if it is full level, That would be terrifying."

"You are very dangerous here. If something breaks out in one death, your combat power will be greatly damaged." Although this friend can't see the grade of Fengjian Yaqing, he knows the grade of Fengjian Yaqing, and at the same time I also know the details of Yaqing in the wind.

Hearing this, Masaze Kazama smiled, "It's impossible to go back like this. Isn't Battle Devil Ji blocked at the gate of the main palace? I want to try the power of the Fulu bomb!"

My friend's face changed, "Using the Fulu bomb will reduce your combat effectiveness, and the organization will not allow you to be involved in danger now."

"I know, you can rest assured, just go addicted and leave."

Friends had no choice but to frown to accompany Fengjian Yaqing to the sky, and you could see a puppet doll in Fengjian Yaqing's hands.

However, on the way to the flight, the sky of Yokoga suddenly changed color at this moment...

Fengjian Yaqing looked up to the sky in shock, and almost all the surviving Dongying players also looked up to the sky.

I saw a giant statue of an angel resembling a mirage in the sky suddenly appeared...

The angel's face was extremely sacred and very beautiful. At the moment, her eyes were closed, her hands were holding the hilt, and how many wings were behind her could not be seen, because the angel's body was shining brightly!

Seraph of San Lahtia: Holy Divine Slowness in All Space!

All Space Divine Delayed Divine Art: Any hostile object within the envelope of this skill greatly reduces the flexibility of its characters, the maximum drop is 1000%! The space teleportation skill becomes very slow due to the effect of slow magic! The player's resistance to this spell depends on its own attributes to determine the degree of its negative impact on itself.

At this moment, at least the entire city of Yokogawa was shrouded by this skill!

It can be seen that the movement of any Dongying people at this moment is slowed down, very slow...

It seems...time is about to stop!

At this moment, even the voice could not be heard...


A strong muffled thunder that only appeared in the ears of Dongying players suddenly sounded. This muffled thunder was filled with a sense of loss and sorrow.

Almost at the same time, Dongying players received a prompt message.

System: The patron saint of Yokoga City will be killed, Yokoga City will become a normal city, and all the functional buildings in the city will lose their functions!

World Announcement: China's "Xian" Guild successfully conquered the capital city of Dongying!

Chu You appeared at a window at this time, looking at the sacred dazzling light and the sacred and beautiful giant shadow in the sky, with a faint smile on his face.

For this city, the nightmare has just begun!

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