Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

"Ocean Heart Trading Group? That's the Maritime Caravan." Looking at the drilling platform still in operation, Chu You continued: "Well, wait a minute, I will come to the Guild once."

"The one-way teleportation array took one hour to open, and it is still cooling down," Lin Luoer reminded.

"Well, I know, but things in me are more important than this. You go outside to meet those people, and try to delay them."


Of course, Chu You still remembers the beautiful young girl from Dongying Yokohe City. In addition to the wayward posting of a post before, according to the importance of things, of course, priority is given to starting the drilling platform, and you can get 10 at a time. Panshenite, cooling for 2 days, so Chu You must use it as soon as possible, as soon as the drilling platform cooling time is over, that is the best.

What a panic!

Using the guild skills, he came to the Huicheng Array. With the mobile device next to the Huicheng Array, Chu You instantly came outside the large Taoist palace building of Nuwa Wu Temple.

Since Nuwa Wuwu Temple has been set up as a restricted area, it appears to other Xian Guild members that Nuwa Wuwu Temple is not included in the list of mobile devices.

After entering the palace, Chu You saw the Holy Maiden standing in the side of the hall, as if she came here as soon as she felt it, and she was waiting for herself now.

"I have sensed that there is a living breath in the Son, and it seems that the Son has returned with full load." Mei Fu did not speak, and her voice appeared directly in her mind.

Without further ado, directly take out this special scroll and hand it to Saint Maif.

"Maybe, I want to ask, are there any such things that can be used repeatedly on your body?" He looked at the special scroll and said that he knew that the item was disposable. After the countdown of the scroll was opened, the scroll was useless. Too.

"Holy Son likes it very much." Mei Fu's voice appeared in her mind. The tone was very mysterious, but her face was half blank.

"I have great use."

"Of course, this thing is of great use in anyone's hands, Son, don't you think that a certain characteristic of this thing already has the function of creation?"

Meifu means that since the inside of the scroll holding the Dongying girl can keep people alive, it means having a'breathing living environment', which is the most basic material for human survival, which means that with it, Chu You You can install players!

"What do you want to say."

"The materials used to make this reel are extremely expensive, and its particularity cannot be used repeatedly."

"So do you still have it?"

"Of course, but if the Son wants to use it to do other things, then the Son needs to be exchanged for something!"

Hear the eyes here because this thing is very similar to the soul containment bag!

That's right, Chu You wants to catch people!

Thinking of other things, he nodded and said, "You said that it takes 30 days to nurture witches, how can you speed up the process?"

"The super-energy in the **** stone on the Son can speed up, and at the same time have a chance to increase the success rate."

His eyes flashed and he said, "If it is within a week, how much do you need in total?" Chu You means that these 500 human race Dongying beautiful girls can be nurtured into witches in a week by the elimination rule. stone.

"20000 Divine Pattern Ore, this is a terrifying number, Son." Saint Maif gave the answer.

Chu You could not help thinking about the 20,000 ore-like ores, because if it is converted into gold coins, the guarantee is 20 million gold coins!

Twenty witches equal a guarantee of 20 million? !

Maybe more than 20 witches...

Witches are not as simple as arms, because the characteristics of witches are so amazing!

At the same time, it should be noted that this may be the 20 witches of the guarantee, and they cannot be all under their own names. Some of them will be directly led by the maiden Maifu, because the maiden Maifu needs to use them to build faith in the human world, and Gather intelligence, etc.

Looking at the slightly contemplative Son in front of him, the face of Saint Maif finally changed, first a little stunned, because does the Son's look mean that he really has 20,000 godstones? !

Immediately after a slight smile, this smile moved all beings.

It's just a pity that Chu You didn't see it with his own eyes, but he could perceive a slight change in the other party.

The space backpack has been opened, and you can see that the number of godstones you have is 200,000!

"Is it that scary?"

"Of course, Son, the energy in the **** stone is what many forces want to obtain. This thing is basically invisible in the market, even if it appears, the number is quite rare!" Saint Maiev again The rare and precious gemstones are described.

"Okay, try it first."

"Try it?"

"Well, there are 20,000 god-like ores in it, you can take it." A bag appeared in Chu You's hand and passed to Saint Maif, with a calm look.

Immediately after receiving it, Saint Maif immediately realized that it was indeed what the other party said, and there were no more than 20,000 godstones.

"You surprised me too much, Son, you are getting closer and closer to the ancient prophecy of our witch temple, and I...I believe this even more."

Chu You waved his hand, turned and walked out, and his words came: "Okay, do it quickly, I will come here again in a week."

Came to the nameless taboo temple, opened the friends bar while walking inside.

"Chu You, this trade group's lineup is so strong, how many large merchant ships, will the 5th-level guild also attract such a strong trade group." Lin Luoer's voice was a little shocked and excited.

"Luoer, I feel that this situation should be a reward. The first guild established on the neutral island is us, otherwise there will be no sacred guild mission." Bian said the mysterious caravan trade group was in my mind It is a miracle that this trade group can appear in the 8th-level guild.

"Well, what you say is what makes sense."

Chu You: ...

"How long is the cooling time for the one-way portal?"

"40 minutes left."

"I see." After finishing this sentence, Chu You narrowed his eyes slightly, because he saw a figure standing deep in the palace.

There is a very large circular pit in the center of this miracle building, and there is a huge existence exactly like yourself.

"Look what." Chu You's voice broke the tranquility here, and made the figure standing here come back to his mind. It was a male player. Chu You knew him. He was called Blood Coffee, a star killer. With a level of 33.

Although Blood Coffee has recovered, his eyes are still against the existence in the pit, and at the moment he speaks softly: "I am staring at the abyss."

After this, he turned to look at You Ye, his eyes faintly startled.

"President." Blood Coffee bowed his head slightly to show respect.

Open the backpack and take out the special sacred object, which is also equivalent to the iron hammer of the sub-artifact. I saw Chu You's expression indifferently threw the object directly into the round pit.

The iron hammer of the sub-artifact dropped inside. The picture is like a planet entering the earth. It seems to be able to quickly approach a huge existence. With the burning tail, it seems to be approaching the closed **** quickly.

Then a layer of water waves rippled, and the hammer disappeared instantly.

'Ding! ’

Progress of Holy Special Items: 1/7!

"President, I saw someone jump inside before," said Blood Coffee.

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