The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 918: The holy sun bursting magic of all space!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Several figures flew into the city gate instantly with blinking speed.

Chu You only listened to the dense attack sounds in her ears.

"Boom!" The wall of the city gate exploded, and a large amount of skill light erupted from here. At the same time, you can also see a large number of fighting magic Ji constantly pouring in.


At this moment, a deafening roar of thunder came from afar, and the sound was filled with horror power. All of a sudden, all the fighting devil Ji stopped, and the blood volume dropped.

Chu You's body was also a meal, his blood volume dropped by 40,000, which made him look at that direction uncontrollably.

I saw that in the palace complex, a huge statue stood up, it had six hands, each holding a weapon, it had a huge crown on its head, and it had full eyes It is Jinmang, this thing is the patron saint of the great Zhou Dynasty!

Chu You knew that if he killed the opponent, the core device of the Great Zhou Dynasty would break, because the patron saint of the country would have been the core device!

I saw that one of the hands of the patron saint of the protector of the country waved in the air, and a huge wave suddenly hit here, with a very powerful momentum!


San Lahtia appeared in an instant and had her own sword completely resisted the shock of fluctuations, making it impossible for this skill to harm the friendly forces, and she shined a dazzling light there.

"Attack that giant!" Chu You said loudly. "Transfer, everyone passes!"

Obviously, the patron saint's attack distance is quite far, Chu You is actually clearer, the other party's attack belongs to the whole space.

What is full space, that is, no matter what strange space the player is in, as long as this space is still in the Jinling City of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it will be attacked by the patron saint of protecting the country, that is to say, Chu You has entered Hongya, his The body will still be directly attacked by the other party!

Secondly, as long as the sky and the ground are within the Jinling City, they are also attacked. Even if the player hides in the room, as long as the hatred of the patron saint of the country is transferred to him, this player cannot run away.

The patron saint will usually be very powerful.

But the patron saint will also have serious drawbacks, that is, he can't get out of the patron's land, it can only fight in its territory.

The opponent's defensive force here at the city gate was cleared by Chu You's troops quite quickly. After the talk, only the remnants of the scene remained, but you can see the shadow of many people flying over from the patron saint of the country.

I saw that a large number of flying troops from the city gate were going to attack the huge patron saint in the distance, while in the Great Zhou Dynasty, a group of people flew over. Judging from the number of people, Chu You had more troops than the other party.

Soon the two sides came into contact and played in the air, and a new round of skill fluctuations broke out.

Saint Lahtia killed one of the low-level high-star NPCs with a sword, and then teleported to appear next to the huge patron saint of the country.

Herala is leading a lineup of powerful troops and opposing forces in a decisive battle in the air!

Chu You came to the midair of the square. I saw that there were many people on the square, and all of them were players!

Without a word, he rushed past.

Some of these players have wings, but most of them have no wings. Using space-enhancing skills, Chu You appears in the crowd instantly, and then sweeps the group attack skills!

"Papa!" A piece of death...

Instant transfer!

"Papa!" Another piece of death...

Transfer instantly again!


The fortress space skill can make 6 teleports within 20 seconds, so after sweeping a piece of surrounding players, Chu You will continue to use space strengthening skills, teleport to more crowds, and repeat the previous killing mode!

No player of the Great Zhou Dynasty can resist the attack of Chu You. In the eyes of Chu You, these players of the Great Zhou Dynasty have a powerful BUFF state, and many of the all-round attributes of blessing are also very strong.

However, he couldn't bear his blow!

How can it carry the attack of a super-god with a combat strength of nearly 30 million? !

What a joke!

Soon, the square was cleaned up by Chu You alone.

To know that Chu You, in addition to the space teleportation skills of the fortress, his wings also gave him space teleportation skills...

Therefore, as long as Chu You is regarded as the target, no player can escape.

At this moment, you can see a rather huge vortex in the sky, and then 5 green light beams fall down from the inside in a blink of an eye. When they touch the target, lightning is instantly formed, and the bombardment is fighting. On Mo Jiqun.

"Death!" A voice of anger blasted in Chu You's ear, and it was the sound of an old man drinking.

Dazhou Chao Daoist appeared, he already knew that Chu You was the core, as long as he killed this person, everything was resolved!

In the right eye of the patron saint of the country, if you look closely, you will find that there is a person there, and this person is a wonderful person.

His sight looked exactly where Chu You was. When Chu You opened the killing ring on the square, the Miaozi had already noticed it, so he quickly called Taoist Master to come and kill this person!

"Boom!!!" A high-five high-five on Chu You, but he did not move at all, but the blood volume dropped by 200,000.

At the moment, Chu You is the ultimate body. The combination of the 6-star fighting battle and the transformation of the commander-in-chief of China has a super high resistance attribute to the control state of knocking down, knocking back, and losing syncope.

The two sides immediately entered the battle.

In Chu You's eyes, the senior Zhou Dynasty NPC is 11 stars, and his level of Chu You can actually see it is 140, which is one level lower than himself!

Seeing that Taoist Master could not kill You Ye, and it seemed that You Ye was not afraid of fighting against it, and the eyes closed by all the wonderful sons.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, "Mothers": All my loyal people obey the orders and kill my lockers!

Announcement of the Great Zhou Dynasty: Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty'Zhongmiaozi': Everyone listened, when I opened the protector **** to sacrifice, everyone offered sacrifices to me, if anyone is disobedient, in reality I want him to live Better to die! ! !

When all the wonderful sons looked at the patron saint of protecting the country, they found that the god's luck value was 10.52 million, and this value is actually the blood value of the patron saint. Only the luck value is used as the blood value, then the enemy attacks Damage cannot be calculated as usual!

When Zhong Miao Zi issued two different announcement-style commands, those advanced NPCs fighting with Chu You's troops gave up their targets and flew to the square side, attacking Chu You.

Chu You soon discovered that there were more and more shadows of enemies around.

At this time, I saw that the patron saint of the country would completely ignore the attack of San Lahtia, stretched out his giant hand and pointed it at the direction of Chu You, and then sucked suddenly. Chu Yu felt a strong suction pulling. Holding him.

At the same time, the weapons of the other 4 hands of the patron saint of the country shined the skill light, and then launched an attack spell on Chu You.

There is also a war halberd in his hand, and every attack made by this hand hurts Chu You.

St. Lahtia showed terror and perversion as a 12-star. I saw that she instantly pointed at Chu You, a soul chain connected the two of them, and St. Lahtia shared Chu. You hurt.

Then a sphere of light appeared in her hand. I saw her throwing it upwards. The sphere of light instantly rose into the sky. When it reached the junction, the sphere of light suddenly shone and lit up, and a dazzling light burst out. Saint Lahtia's identical image of the void **** appeared.

The scene of Dongying Yokogawa was staged again in Jinling City!

The sacred slow magic of all space!

Not only that, Emperor Ji, the **** pet, also used her skill of **** pet, and carried out a soul chain with Chu You to share the damage.

At this moment, a weird scene appeared, and I saw that Heralah led the Battle Demon Ji all flew towards the East Gate, and quickly left the city. A large number of Battle Devil Ji fish came out to Jinling City. outside.

St. Lahtia no longer attacked the patron saint of protectorate, but closed her eyes, and immediately a divine breath swelled from her. The breath became stronger and stronger, brighter and stronger!

The brightness of the breath completely covered San Lahtia's figure.

Soon San Lahtia was like a little sun. I saw this little sun suddenly jump into the sky, and finally this little sun exploded.

An Luoliye's eyes can already see Jinling City, and in her eyes this huge city has a huge junction membrane.

At this moment, I can vaguely see that there is a huge phantom idol radiating light.

Obviously, Ye Ye has broken through the gates of Jinling City and has fought against the core forces of the Da Zhou Dynasty.

As she continued to fly over there, her eyes suddenly narrowed because she saw a dazzling light rising rapidly in the city.

Subsequently, all the outlines of the entire Jinling City encapsulated by the junctional membrane were no longer visible.

The sun exploded inside the junctional membrane...

The holy sun bursting magic of all space!

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