The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 952: Will attribute!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

The cut off of the picture means that the mature experimental body was caught!

Chu You suddenly turned around and looked at Jin Chuiduo in front of her. There was an incredible color in her eyes, but the other party closed her eyes in pain.

At this moment Chu You knew what it was, that was...that was the experimental body!

Just now he clearly felt that something'appeared' appeared around him, and then this vague lock quickly turned to be very clear!

That is the baby girl of Jin Chui Duo Dao Soul in her body, she actually opened her eyes and her eyes were full of anger!

Instantly Chu You locked Jin Chuanduo, and at the same time felt another existence and another will from the other party!

Draft it! !

Nianli suddenly pours out, and feels that he has locked the other party, so as soon as Nianli comes out, he attacks instantly, with great accuracy!

This is a very peculiar combat environment, just like a demon appears in the monk's body, and Chu You is the monk's guardian!

Suddenly, Nian Li started strangling Jin Deduo to the demon!

That is indeed a will!

And Jin Chuiduo sat down with a solemn look, and used the mental methods she learned to fight against the sudden seizure.

Obviously, the capture of the experimental body was not made overnight. At the critical moment, if the object is too strong, it can be detected and the soul will go to war.

This experimental body was noticed by Chu You from the beginning, and Jin Cuiduo kept a high degree of vigilance in his heart. Therefore, this experiment is known as mature to the extent that the experiment is reflected in being attacked from two aspects, on the one hand, Jin Cuiduo himself Repulsion resistance, on the other hand...

The experimenter was frightened. It felt that an extremely powerful will was attacking it, and this will was also an outsider, and this will was full of anger, killing, and death.

This powerful evil will obviously devour and destroy it, not expel it!

There is no retreat, and this powerful will is entangled with it, just like a python, tightly twisting its prey, every moment is shortening the production environment, and every moment "breathing" comes in and out more.

The subject felt the threat of death and began begging for mercy.

Chu You ignored the message it sent, he just wanted it to die!

"The Heavenly Man experiment cannot be withdrawn, no, it is entangled in something inside!" the scientific researchers outside yelled, watching this scene in disbelief.

The other person is in a peculiar game cabin. To be precise, it should be the non-stop pressing of the forced exit button outside the bio-cabin. , Eyes closed with pain.

"Power off!"

"No, the human body of heaven and earth has penetrated too deeply! If the power is cut off, the will of the human body will not come back, and it will become a plant body!" the researchers shouted.

This sentence was heard by Fang Tian who had just entered, and he was so angry that he threw the glass in his hand **** the ground.

"In this case, will it be the main brain?"

"This possibility is not ruled out, but this time the situation is a bit different from the scene of being caught by the master."

"It's over, the subject is dead!!!" One of them said in shock when he saw the screen showing the values ​​of the subject.

I saw that most of the values ​​displayed on that screen are: 0, or rapid decline, these values ​​represent the heartbeat, spiritual will, etc. of the experimental body.

"How is it possible, that is the most mature experimental body!!!" A scientific researcher only feels that there is blood in his heart, not only the value of that experimental body is extremely high, but also because he... actually likes that experimental body very much .

"The main brain actually killed people?!" This sentence clearly shows that there is no clear distinction between whether the subject is a human or something.

"Why! If the subject was caught by the main brain, it wouldn't always be the end....Severe mental illness, why did you die this time!"

"Shaohua, there are also incidents in which the experimental body was killed. It can only be said that this time the luck was very bad. The best-developed experimental body was actually sentenced to death by the main brain!"

"Does the master brain already know that the Heavenly Human Experiment is the truth of invading Jin Emperor, so this time it hurts the killer?"

In their past experience, they realized that once the subject is caught by the main brain, the end is usually extremely bad; so to speak, once the subject is caught and returned to the subject, the will of the subject has fallen into permanent and irreversible chaos.

In short, this experimental body became... severe mental patient!

However, this time, the life value of the experimental body turned into ‘0’, which means that the will of the experimental body has been eliminated!

However, the will of the experimental body is greatly related to its state of life. It is not like pure human biology. If the will is gone, but the body is still alive, it is not like that.

Then the fierce debate began. Only the scientific researcher continued to press the forced exit button in pain, but the biological cabin still had no response.

Then the researcher gave up the keys.

However, when everyone was still intensively discussing, the protective door of this biological cabin, which was absolutely different from the game cabin, suddenly popped open, exposing the experimental body inside.

Everyone stopped talking at this time, and all looked strangely at it...

This experimental body, called ‘Tianren’, has a female profile on its face. At this time, its mouth suddenly opens, and it takes a deep breath.

'Uh! ! ! ’


Immediately after it spit out a large mouthful of blood, the scarlet color of the blood looks particularly dazzling in the white and clean environment here!

Then he opened his eyes, which were a pair of blue eyes, like sapphires, very beautiful.

It's just that its eyes are full of fear and helplessness. Not only that, there is also a madness color, its face is red, and when it blinks, the tears flow out.

The whole look looks like a girl of seventeen or eighty.

How can it be! !

Actually live! !

Everyone present was stunned. Many people looked involuntarily at the instrument that showed the state of life, but there, it was still...0!

Many people frowned at the moment, and an unknown feeling in their hearts flooded their hearts.

At this time, a scientific researcher hurried over to investigate.

No one stopped him, because everyone wanted to see how this incredible thing would go!

However, when this researcher was very close to the experiment body, the mutation suddenly appeared!

The pretty-looking experimental body suddenly looked awkward, and the body bounced quite abruptly, pulling a lot of technology device cables connected to it.

The experimenter opened his mouth and bit the scientist's neck precisely!

The bite is stern, the look is grim, but the experimental subject's hands are not holding its prey, because it can be seen that its hands are below the seems to grow naturally after being amputated. Like that.

In fact, its handbook is like this, which is one of the abnormal characteristics of the experimental body.

"Ah!!!" The researchers uttered a terrible cry.

And this scene shocked everyone on the scene again, their eyes looking back and forth between the instrument screen and the experimental body.

It's incredible.

Obviously there is no life feature, why is this! !

At the same time, they have never seen an attack on a human being by an experimental body.

At this time someone has pressed the alarm!

‘Tear! ’

The experiment body pulled off a piece of meat on the neck of the researcher, and a blood column suddenly ejected there. The whole scene was extremely bloody!


The mouth of the subject is munching on the raw meat of the person who has just been torn off, and its eating appearance is very exaggerated!

Its beautiful eyes were terrifying at this time, staring at everyone present while eating human flesh.

This made everyone feel shudder and involuntarily retreat one after another.

However, when the subject was about to swallow the flesh in its mouth, suddenly, its eyes became dull, its mouth stopped moving, and the whole person stopped moving...

But no one dared to come forward to check, because the bitten researcher was lying motionless on the ground at the moment.

No one realized that the experimental body at this time was really dead!


Chu You’s eyes became a little scary, and then a trace of sarcasm appeared on his face, because when strangling the will, his mind found a peculiar'channel', telling Chu You's first impression of this channel You may be the source of the other party's appearance!

So in the case where the subject's will is weak, Chu You's will will pass along the passage.

How to explain this phenomenon simply and easily.

Let's put it this way, Chu You's mental will will replace the will of the experimental body, and the experimental body is actually taken away by Chu You!

It is just that this kind of competition is different from that of cultivation. This combination of supernatural power and alien biology mystics is an unexplainable phenomenon. It is necessary to know that the essence of the experimental body is an alien creature.

In the process of taking over the house, Chu You's thought will will include part of the original experiment will.

This is similar to the situation of Zhongzizi's situation, but he still clearly noticed that the essence of the player and the experimental body is different.

In general, this crisis has been resolved in this way. Chu You does not know what kind of situation will be caused by the will to follow the channel.

When the subject's will was completely destroyed, the contact was broken.

In Chu You's opinion, perhaps that experimental body will have its own personality attributes? !

However, some inner feelings tell him that the situation may be different.

who cares!

Chu You didn't know that this time the situation was indeed different from the situation of the last son.

But there is one thing in common: that is to give your own will planted in the other person's mind, and this will is full of: killing, blood, anger, death!

That is to say, the personality of Zhongzizi will have only these attributes!

And there is a very unusual movement law hidden in it, because the personality will attribute of all the wonderful sons inherited Chu You's original will will attribute, then the personality of all the wonderful sons for the acquisition of thoughts and the source of power may be... . It's different!

It will follow the will of the will, and thus explore its powerful path!

This will be its obsession!

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