The Tycoon God of Online Gaming

Chapter 986: The battle for victory!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the online game God-level local tyrant!

Today the teacher in the classroom came up with a sentence: "Please be quiet and study yourself." After this sentence, I hurriedly left the classroom.

A group of stupid pupils was left.

You know, it’s the first formal class in the afternoon!

Baoer blinked, and then put his eyes on the textbook on the desktop, and soon entered the state of learning.

In this class, if you look at it at a glance, Bao'er will be the first to enter the line of sight. Because Bao'er's temperament is very unique, she is very different from other children in the class.

On her quiet face, she can't see the characteristics that this age group should have. Her temperament seems very independent and very arrogant, just like the cold lotus on the snowy mountain, you can only look at it from a distance.

It gives people a feeling of being overwhelming and unattainable.

Now that the 11-year-old enters the 12-year-old Bao'er, his height is almost close to 1.49 meters, and then put on a pair of high-heeled shoes.

There is no doubt that Baoer's ability to enter the line of sight has a lot to do with her face value...

It's just that when Baoer looked at the book intently, the voice of the TV news host rang in the classroom...

This brought everyone's attention, including Bao'er, back to reality, and turned his attention to the TV that didn't know which naughty bear child was turned on.

"Hahahaha, look, I can marry 10 wives in the future!!!" A boy said aloud, full of excitement. Between his words, his eyes were swept on Baoer intentionally or unintentionally.

It's just that Bao'er didn't respond at all and looked at the light curtain TV.

Most of the classmates didn't look at the boy.

I saw that the host of the public station in the light curtain TV was a young beauty, who always kept a friendly smile on her face. Even if the content of the program she hosted meant a major change for women, it still remained the same.

I saw her saying...

"Analysis based on existing data shows that the current social environment and the international environment will undergo major changes in the near future."

"Today, the Polygamy and Related Marriage Package Plan was officially passed in Congress!"

"In view of this, the Polygamy and Related Marriage Package Law will be officially implemented after New Year's Day!"

"The state solemnly calls on male members of the family to earnestly fulfill their commitments to the program law after the plan is implemented, that is, to protect women, respect women, and treat women kindly."

"Oh!!!" When I heard the beautiful host's last words, a shock broke out in the class, not only the male or female classmates, but the eyes were full of incredible.

Then the heated discussion started among this group of pupils...

Bao'er looked at the light-screen TV, which was already an advertising picture, and was a little stunned.


National top conference room.

"Our society is being threatened by artificial intelligence..."

"Our society is being threatened by supernatural evolvers, biochemical threats, terrorism, extreme weather..."

"It is foreseeable that in the next 20 years, our human population will shrink and shrink on a large scale. What should we do?"

"When our civilization is at this height, when we all trust the changes brought by artificial intelligence and enjoy it quickly, when artificial intelligence has covered all aspects of us, the hands behind the scenes appear."

"Assuming the assumption that Red Queen is a high-level black technology seed of extraterrestrials under our planet is established, then she has obviously been activated, and she has started to follow the procedure and is implementing a plan that is very unfavorable to us humans!"

"Even if the hypothesis is not established, as an artificial intelligence with self-awareness, it is also a very significant threat to the future of our humanity!"

"There are also evolvers, which are the most uncontrollable special groups. These various factors are mixed together. Seriously, human beings have never encountered such a situation since their birth. Not an exaggeration."

"And in this situation, we have no experience..."

"We also have nothing to learn from to deal with this situation..."

"Therefore, the Polygamy and Related Marriage Package Law is only the beginning of self-rescue in my country!!"

"No matter what the social reaction is, it must be forced to pass!!"

"It is their business to accept or not to accept, but the law allows it!!"

"Oh, miss this period, we may not even use the oldest computer in the future..."

"Once the social turmoil cannot be controlled, and once we cannot control it, the reproduction of our country's population will be affected to a certain extent by this program law."


After the Demon Soul delivered its message to itself, suddenly, the green mans below seemed to explode, all rising upwards, extremely gorgeous and magnificent, and the Demon Soul also swayed its tadpole like its tail to itself The direction came quickly.

Soon there were demons everywhere around Chu You, and they were constantly flying around him at high speed.

The Demon Soul appeared in front of him.

Come out, my child...

So a very beautiful blue flower emerged from Chu You's chest, which exuded the breath of the blue mango.

System: Demon King Flower is inspired by Demon Soul!

System: Demon King Flower and the magical species that form Devil King Flower are separated from your soul attribute!

I saw that the tadpole-like demon soul used its breath to absorb the devil's flower in a unique way.

Demon Soul: You have a devil's eye and a deity's body. Now you have obtained the treasure, the devil's pot, all these things guide you to be the person chosen by the devil.

Demon Soul: Fusion with me, I have experienced countless reincarnations, in this way to avoid the pursuit of Taoism, and finally came to the magic pot, now in this life, I will choose you.

Demon Soul: You who have the power of Demon Soul, you will be the Lord of Demon Unification, and if you merge with me, you will get the power unique to Demon Unification: Demon Unification!

Demon Soul: You will command everything about the Demon System!

When the information was transmitted here, I saw that the Demon Soul began to vomit'silk', which is a kind of'silk' formed by the plume of blue smoke, and these silks began to wrap around their bodies.

The system also began to remind, but it made Chu You raise a vigilant heart.

System: The Demon Soul chooses to merge with you, which will add a magic system standard system, in which you will stand at the peak of the absolute pyramid, and you are at the core of the magic system standard! The birth of the Devil Emperor's Origin, the Demon Emperor's Origin has an absolute appeal to the Demon Emperor!

System: Warning! There is an unknown danger in the process of integration. Do you want to continue?

System: If you don’t want to continue, please open the magic pot in your soul relationship interface to use the soul rejuvenation technique! You have 10 seconds left to choose!

Unknown danger? ! What is the danger? !

Chu You couldn't figure it out. Just when he was puzzled, the progress bar appeared, and more and more silk spit out from the demon soul wrapped around himself.

Just when the time points to the 5th second, the system prompt appears again, clearly telling itself what unknown danger it will face.

System: Warning! The consciousness of the demon soul locks your soul!

System: Demon Soul will take away your soul. Once Devil Soul succeeds, you have only half control of the body, and you will live with Demon Soul!

At this time Chu You's eyes were almost dull, and she seemed not to react.

System: You have 2 seconds left...

System: Fusion starts...

At this moment, Chu You's whole body has been shrouded in blue silk. From the outside, both Chu You and the Demon Soul are inside the blue cicada pupa.

Demon Soul: Open your heart and merge with me, Advent!

At this time, Chu You finally spoke, which was also the first sentence he came here.

"You know my true identity?!"

"Of course I know that Adventist is the most suitable physique. Only when it is integrated into your soul, then the magic system will have a real recovery day!"

Chu You smiled and looked at the blue light group in front of him, "It's true, but I don't like my body being controlled by others!"

At this moment, the progress bar appeared prominently at the top of the horizon.

Successful progress bar for the symbiosis of Demon Soul: 3%...5%...

but! ! But below this successful progress bar, there is also a progress bar.

Stop the spirit! Progress bar for success in anti-recapture: 0%...

As soon as these words were finished, he looked at a new button in the field of vision that exudes radar aperture. This button-like thing can only be seen by the player.

So, what exactly does this button do? !

The name of this button is: Anti-Stop!

Anti-sacrifice: Idea operation, using it will consume its own fixed attributes to resist the capture of the demon soul, and the consumed attributes will permanently disappear, regardless of the success of this physical battle.

Anti-robbery: Once the anti-robbery success progress bar reaches 100% first, then the anti-robbery succeeds, and you will completely wipe out the will of the demon soul and completely possess the demon soul!

Anti-sacrifice: The consumption of its own attributes depends on the soul attack launched by the demon soul!

What does the above mean? !

That is to say, the consumption of fixed permanent attribute values ​​to resist the loss of the devil, the consumption of fixed permanent attribute values ​​depends on the degree of attack of the demon soul!

For example, Chu You now has more than 12 million HP. Except for the guild bonus and fortress bonus, and Huaxia Fuyou bonus, he still has about 9 million HP. This is a fixed attribute value to resist the devil’s loss. You have to fight against 9 million HP, right bet!

It is conceivable that in the process of confrontation, due to the large loss of blood, the bonus of his own equipment related to the blood volume will also be weakened, and his own combat power will also decrease, because the consumed blood volume is permanently disappeared and will not be restored afterwards of.

Of course, this is just an example of the amount of blood. There are other attributes of Chu You's fixed attributes.

In short, don't want another conscious body to jointly control the ontology, then... can start the confrontation.

In short, like this situation, the system will not put the player at an absolute disadvantage, and there is still counterattack capital.

but! !

Look at the environment here, who is facing it, and where does Chu You appear?

This is a 200-level map! ! The magic soul in the treasure! !

This means that the enemy that Chu You is facing is very powerful. To fight against such existence, her own capital must be 200! And the better the equipment, the greater the chance of winning!

In short, you must take the total attributes of your own professional system to fight!

However, how many occupations does Chu You have?

When he selected the button with his heart, the button really reminded himself!

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