“What a terrifying fist!” Although Xia Yu hadn’t been hit yet, Xia Yu’s intuition was reminding him!

If you get hit by this fist, you will die, and it will be the kind that will smash your body to pieces.


At the last moment, Xia Yu slammed his abdomen hard. The tingling sensation caused his dull body to react, and narrowly avoided this terrifying punch!


The force of the fist landed on the invisible air, and it exploded like explosives, and terrifying air waves overflowed all around!

Xia Liu, Xiu, Brother Xiong and the others were in such a panic that they were forced to take a few steps back, for fear of being hit by this punch.

And in Xia Tian, ​​Xia Yu and the others were even more unbearable. They directly bent down and used a method of avoiding explosives to avoid the impact of this punch.

After a long time, Xiao Yihan slowly retracted his fist, and the power of the fist also dissipated.

“This, is this really a fist? It should be a nuclear bomb…”

It’s not just Xia Yu, Xia Liu and others also think this way. Their bodies tensed up involuntarily, and they were ready to escape at any time!

“Today, you will die…No, this is Xia Yu’s body, I can’t use too much force.”

Xiao Yihan shook his fist, retracted part of the Doomsday Flame, and said indifferently.

“Magic Sword!”

Xia Yu roared in a low voice, and the ring on his hand fell off automatically, and began to expand rapidly, transforming into a long sword full of magic energy.

All his magic attacks are sealed in the ring. Now that the ring has opened its seal, the magic attack has also started to skyrocket.


Xiao Yihan didn’t move, nor did he intend to draw his weapon.

His explosive fists are the best weapons.

Swordsmanship is reserved for strong enemies. Not for weaklings.

“You are too confident!” Xia Yu sneered.

Xiao Yihan shrugged his shoulders, and said calmly: “Where do you have the courage to say that I am confident? With this combat power index, you still want to solve us?”

“The purpose of my coming here is not to solve you!”

Xia Yu sneered, and rushed towards Xiao Yihan with his magic sword.

Xiao Yihan curled his lips, and punched him casually.

A few seconds later, the magic sword in Xia Yu’s hand disappeared.

And he himself was lying on the ground and convulsing, with blood still spraying from his mouth.

“Aren’t you dead?!” Brother Xiong and Xia Liu asked worriedly, and Ye Siren couldn’t wait to find an ambulance immediately.

“Don’t worry, I’m very measured in my strikes!” Xiao Yihan withdrew his fist and said slowly.

“Then, the torture will begin next!” Xiu showed a cold expression, walked to Xia Yu’s side, and asked in a low voice, “Xia Yu, do you know where the phantom eyes are?”

“I don’t know. Do you know?”

Xia Yu put on a puzzled look.

“I won’t cry until I see the coffin! Let me play with him.”

Xiao Yihan’s eyes hardened, he raised his palm, and slammed it heavily on Xia Yu’s body.

Although it wasn’t a fist, his terrifying strength caused Xia Yu to grin his teeth in pain and let out a full scream.

“Take it easy!” Ye Siren said with a look of reluctance.

“Then I’ll take back the combat power index!” Xiao Yihan first found the door on Xia Yu’s body, then raised his fist, and hit his door with one punch, annihilating all the magic attacks on him!

Xiao Yihan also has a sense of proportion. Only the magic attack is abolished, and everything else is guaranteed to be fine.

“Ahhhh!” Xia Yu’s whole face twisted, and his face turned pale instantly. He hugged his door, rolling all over the floor in pain!

This heart-piercing pain gave him an urge to die.

“Okay, it’s safe now.”

Xiao Yihan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and took back his combat power index.

“I’m going to kill you!!”

However, Xia Yu suddenly exploded, roaring ferociously, and rushed towards him with all his teeth and claws!

This aura is like a zombie in The Walking Dead! Very scary!


Xiao Yihan punched Xia Yu expressionlessly, knocking Xia Yu to the ground, and said bluntly: “Xia Yu, don’t worry, we will cure you soon. Before that, you have to suffer .”

Just as Xia Yu was being tortured in hell, the ring on his hand unknowingly rolled down to Xiao Yihan’s feet.

The next moment, purple light seeped out of the ring, and a tiny black shadow rushed out of the light! The black shadow was pitifully small, so no one noticed it.

This black shadow flew in front of Xiao Yihan’s eyes.

“what is this?”

Looking at the little black spot in front of him, Xiao Yihan felt a little puzzled.

“Good afternoon.” Black Spot turned around slowly. On the back of it is an eye. A bloodshot, very ferocious eye.

The phantom eye is actually hidden in the ring!

It is even ready to slay people at any time!

“Do you want to control me? I’ve been prepared for a long time!” Xiao Yihan’s eyes were full of murderous intent, and the belief in his heart was extremely firm.

This time, he was ready for confrontation.

“Plan A!” The phantom eye didn’t move. Instead, it roared to the sky, making a very unpleasant sound, like fingernails scratching glass, which was extremely ear-piercing.


Xia Yu, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, suddenly got up, raised his hand and tore off the Fenglong sticker on Xia Tian’s neck!

The action was so fast that no one could react.

“partytime!” Ghost Dragon had an excited, evil smile on his face, as if announcing his existence to the world.

20000… 22000… 25000!

Without saying a word, Huanyan rushed directly to Ghost Dragon and got into his dantian.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Dragon showed an expression of extreme enjoyment, the black flames on his body were burning more and more intensely, and his magic attack was also rapidly increasing.

25000… 28000… 30000… 35000!

At this moment, the entire corridor became extremely gloomy and cold. It was so cold that people panicked and trembled all over.

With the help of phantom eyes, Ghost Dragon’s magic attack has reached this level.

His ink-stained pupils turned into bewitching purple pupils. On the head, there are even a pair of small red horns growing out, like the horns of a devil.

The ghost dragon has evolved into a nightmare!

“¨So that’s the case… That day you controlled Xia Tian just to cooperate with Ghost Dragon.” Xiao Yihan thought for a while, and then he sorted out the ins and outs.

With endless killing intent on his face, “Ghost Dragon” said coldly: “It’s not enough. One day, I even read Xia Tian’s memory! I found an interesting thing. Han, I came into contact with you! Moreover, Tie Shikong is very lax now… the old alliance leader seems to be too old.”

Xiao Yihan shrank his pupils, and a crazy thought came to his mind, but he didn’t say it.

Because he couldn’t believe that such a thing would happen!

Phantom Eye showed a characteristic sneer, and his tone was filled with uncontrollable excitement: “Master Diablo, he has already led his troops to attack the Iron Time and Space Alliance!! An old alliance leader can’t stop them!”

“I’ll help!” “I’ll go too!”

Xiao Yihan and Xiu said at the same time.

The phantom eyes glanced at them coldly, and directly blocked the exit of the corridor, their backs looked extremely dark.

“With me here, none of you (Zhao) can leave.”

“Really? Just because you want to block us?” Xiao Yihan’s fists burned with flames again. Those terrifying fists really made Phantom Eye shudder…

“Add her!” Huanyan slowly raised his finger, pointing to Han!

In its hand, a remote control suddenly appeared. There was only one red button on the remote control.

“It hurts!” A tearing pain came from Xiao Yihan’s brain, and his spider sensor automatically turned on, reminding him frantically!

That remote control machine must never be turned on.

“Open!” Phantom lightly pressed the button, showing a very expectant smile.

“Stone Heart Killer, successfully opened.”

A killer at the level of a demon king was quietly born.

Tie Shikong, disaster is imminent.

From a week ago to now, Mirage Eye has laid the groundwork for this plan for too long. The time can even go as far as eighteen years ago.

This plan is called by it, “Iron Dimension and Space-Time Destruction Plan”.

[Writing this is really tiring! Because all the big events broke out. Hey, wait and see later! Very wonderful! 】.

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