“Huyanjue Luoxiu, head of the Dongchengwei First Battle Regiment, has arrived!” Someone shouted at the top of his voice.

Immediately afterwards, two Dongcheng guards carried a stretcher and brought Xiu in who was wrapped up like a mummy.

Seeing this scene, the others couldn’t help laughing out loud.

The funniest thing is that the other Dongchengwei insisted on bragging about it, insisting on showing Xiu’s compulsion.

“That…Xiu, are you okay?” Xiao Yihan’s expression became more and more guilty.

Thinking about it this way…

Nima! Xiu, Moxibustion Dance, and Xia Tian were all beaten like that by him!

Demon Lord Diablo, Phantom Eye, and a group of monsters, the combined number of their heads may not be as large as that of Xiao Yihan alone.

Black and white take all!

“Anyway, this battle is completely over.” Xiao Yihan comforted himself like this.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task! Get the task reward: draw the Marvel ability once.”

“Do you want to draw now?”

The system also came out at the right time, bringing great news to Xiao Yihan.

In any case, it is a good thing to be able to acquire new abilities.

“Ahem!” The old leader stood up slowly, and suddenly cleared his throat, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

Sure enough, all the supernatural practitioners fell silent, and looked at the old leader at the front together, their expressions becoming extremely serious.

“I declare that thisThe winner of the evil war is all of us! Iron Time and Space has won again! ”

The old alliance leader was like the leader of a pyramid scheme. Under his inspiring words, all the emotions of fear disappeared without a trace, and the other power practitioners cheered up and became happy.

“It should be more than this.”

Xiao Yihan turned his eyes and guessed silently.

The old alliance leader then said solemnly: “By the way, I have to announce a very important thing. Everyone present must prick up their ears to hear clearly! What I will say next will definitely change the entire situation of Iron Time and Space. situation!”

“From today, I will no longer be the old leader of Tie Shikong! The new leader is Moxibustion Dance! His code name is: Moxibustion Dance leader!”

The title of moxibustion dance leader just corresponds to the “Ninth Five-Year Supreme”. Nine is the highest in Yang numbers, and five is in the middle, so “nine five” symbolizes the authority of the emperor!

That’s why it’s called Moxibustion Dance (Ninth Five-Year Plan).

“Good title.” Xiao Yihan couldn’t help but secretly praised it.

In the future, he will also change his title to become the Jade Emperor.

Completely different from Xiao Yihan, the supernatural walkers below were surprisingly quiet, completely silent.

Astonishment, shock, disbelief, all kinds of complex emotions appeared on everyone’s face.

Not to mention them, even Mo Wu, who was sitting next to him, had an unbelievable expression on his face.

He knew that he would be the leader soon, but he didn’t expect the time to be so fast.

This time was indeed unexpected, but it was also within reason.

Due to Xiao Yihan’s intervention, an all-out war broke out in Tie Shikong in advance, which made the old leader abdicate in advance.

Of course, Xiao Yihan didn’t care about the so-called plot modification either. Anyway, it’s enough to know who the enemy is, and if you see it, go up and fight first.


“Old leader, we all see your strength! Moxie Wu is still a bit young and lacks the ability to handle things!”

“Old leader! We are all your loyal subordinates, and we will not obey a junior.”

“Moxibustion Dance is only eighteen years old after all. I think his martial arts talent is very high. We can’t neglect his martial arts talent. He should practice his combat power index well.”

The next moment, all the supernatural practitioners protested. Some people are quick to talk, some are very tactful, and some are very radical.

All in all, there is only one central idea: “Moxibustion dance cannot be in power, the old leader will continue to be the leader”!

No wonder they think so. After all, just now, it was the old lord who commanded the people in an orderly manner, and repelled Diablo Demon Venerable and them.

It’s really not appropriate to abdicate at this time.

“Faced with so many voices of protest, what will you do?” Xiao Yihan looked at Moxie Wu and the old leader with interest, observing their expressions.

When Xiao Yihan took office as leader, there was also opposition from the people below.

Then he started.

The world became quiet, and his absolute strength made him the new leader.

I don’t know how the leader of Iron Time and Space will deal with it.

The old alliance leader smiled slightly, obviously having anticipated the reaction of these people, and said to Mo Wu, “Mou Wu, let’s show off your strength.”

“it is good!”

Moxibustion Wu sighed, finally stood up, and slowly walked to the forefront of the position.

Countless eyes fell on him, paying attention to his movements all the time.

Every new leader must show his strength. Only in this way can everyone trust you and let everyone recognize you as the leader!

“What do you think the moxibustion ball is capable of?”

“The old leader’s ability is the fire element, right? At the beginning, the old leader waved his hand and directly summoned a sea of ​​fire! That scene frightened me into a petrified state.”

“Moxibustion Dance’s abilities must also be fire-type! Even if it’s not fire-type, it must be thunder-type or electricity-type.”

Many practitioners with supernatural powers started discussions and were very interested in the strength of Moxibustion Dance.

In the ultimate plane, strength is still the most important thing. If your strength is strong enough, not to mention being the leader, even if you want to conquer the demon world, you will have no problem.

If Moxie Dance is strong enough, then there is nothing wrong with making him the leader.


Moxibustion Wu took a deep breath, clenched her fists tightly, and lit up with azure light.


He showed most of his strength, and the fluctuation of his aura alone was enough to make it difficult for many people to resist.

“This powerful force… is flames!!”

“No! It’s the invincible thunder and lightning!”

“I guess it must be a special ability, it is possible that he will turn into a Tyrannosaurus!!”

Under everyone’s shocked eyes, Moxie Wu suddenly raised her head and looked at the vast sky.

Everyone followed his gaze and looked at the blue sky.


Countless water droplets fell from the sky, and a downpour was born.

The rain soaked everyone’s clothes, but that wasn’t the point. The point is, everyone is waiting for the final thunder and lightning!

Three minutes later, the rain became heavier.

Five minutes later, it was still raining heavily.

There was a very courageous power walker who broke the silence first: “This is…the weakest power in history, the rain power?? According to legend, this is a power that can only provide power to the ultimate Tekman Tool abilities…”

Tool man, tool ability…

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