Xiu said seriously: “I just saw Yi Han’s combat power index soar.”

“Oh, that must be my misreading.” Jie pretended to have suddenly realized, and scratched his hair embarrassingly.

He believed in Xiu’s intuition more than his own intuition.

“Xiu, why did you say that?” Xiao Yihan felt curious and asked Xiu in a secret voice.

Xiu also replied in a secret voice: “As early as when I was in Jin Shikong, I noticed your uniqueness. There are many amazing secrets hidden in your body! And you seem to have some difficulties, so you haven’t said it all the time.”

Xiao Yihan was shocked.

He didn’t expect that Xiu could still remember it clearly!

Xiu continued: “But don’t worry. Since you are my friend, I will help you cover up.”

Xiao Yihan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: “That’s great! You are the head of the Dongcheng Guards, and others will definitely believe your words. Thank you this time, and I will treat you to dinner next time.”

“You’re welcome! I haven’t thanked you for saving my life yet.” A trace of gratitude appeared on Xiu’s face.

Unexpectedly, Xiu, who seemed indifferent, turned out to be a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

Xiao Yihan smiled, and said in a secret voice: “Brothers, why are you being polite?”

“That… what are you two flirting with each other?” The leader of Moxibustion Dance suddenly looked at Xiao Yihan, then at Xiu, and asked curiously.


Xiao Yihan pretended to be nonchalant, changed the subject and said, “Continue to test my defense.”


The moxibustion dance leader showed an eager expression.

He also really wanted to know where the strength of Xiao Yihan’s body was!


The left fist of the moxibustion dance leader condensed an astonishing combat power index, and rushed towards Xiao Yihan’s chest like a poisonous snake.

Xiao Yihan only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his fist had already hit his chest!


A loud noise appeared, and Xiao Yihan was repelled by the huge force, and took two or three steps back slightly.

However, he still didn’t feel any pain!

“It hurts a little…” The leader of Moxibustion Dance looked at Xiao Yihan in surprise, and shook his right hand, “How do you feel?”

Xiao Yihan rubbed his chest, and said calmly, “I don’t feel it.”

“You have a body of steel… Come on!”

This time, the moxibustion dance leader clenched his fists, his whole body lit up with a dazzling blue light, full of terrifying murderous intent.


“18000 combat power index? This is a bit dangerous!”

“The lord looks like he’s going to show off his martial arts…”

The others put away their jokes and were watching the battle situation with a serious face.

This is a combat power index close to 20,000 points! If you are not careful, it is possible to kill someone!

Xiao Yihan’s defensive power is certainly strong, but after all, he hasn’t soared his combat power index, so it’s hard to say whether he can withstand it.

“Get ready for the storm!”

The moxibustion dance leader stepped forward with his left foot and raised his fists.

“Come on.” Xiao Yihan showed no fear in his eyes, stretched out his limbs, and showed all his weaknesses.

In fact, he has no weaknesses at all!

The whole body is made of steel! including there!

“Octopole collapse!”

The leader of Moxibustion Dance became full of ferocity, and his left fist struck heavily, which became criss-cross in an instant, and turned into eight fists!

With both fists together, there are sixteen punches! It was really as fast as a storm.

“It’s Bajibang!”

“This is Moxibustion Dance’s third killer move!”

“A combat power index close to 20,000 points is enough for Xiao Yihan to drink a pot. ThenIn addition to this octopus collapse… Xiao Yihan is in danger! ”

Xia Liu and the others tensed up, ready to rush over to save people.

Every time Xiao Yihan conducts this kind of crazy training, they are always worried, for fear that Xiao Yihan will succeed in killing him.

Bang bang bang!

Dense fists swept in, covering Xiao Yihan’s whole body!

Every weak point, every place, is being hit by fists. The kung fu master in the previous life was able to punch five punches in one second, which is already a remarkable achievement.

And the moxibustion dance leader can do sixteen punches per second, and one punch is heavier than one punch!

“This guy hasn’t fallen yet.” Under a wave of offensive, the leader of Moxibustion Dance looked at Xiao Yihan who was standing still, showing a somewhat surprised expression.

But he didn’t give up.

This baji collapse, one move is better than one move! Xiao Yihan will definitely fall down.

Second collapse! Three crashes! Four crashes!

The fist speed has reached the level of disappearing without a trace, and countless attacks landed on Xiao Yihan’s body together, forming a huge fist wind to envelop him.

All I could see was a clear black shadow, still standing there moving. No matter how swift and violent the offensive was, it could not defeat his proud figure.

“The body density of this guy has far exceeded that of steel!” The moxibustion dance leader came to an astonishing conclusion.

If Xiao Yihan’s body was as strong as steel, he would have been beaten into a sieve by his fists long ago.

It turned out that Xiao Yihan’s physical strength was far better than steel!

When the moxibustion dance leader performed the eighth collapse, it was also the time when he exhausted all his strength.

The terrifying fist like a waterfall slammed heavily on Xiao Yihan’s body, knocking him back four or five meters.

To be precise, his feet wiped four or five meters away, leaving two deep marks on the ground…

“it’s over.”

The moxibustion dance leader withdrew his fists, his eyes fixed on the increasingly clear figure.

“What was the result?”

Xia Liu, Xia Tian and the others all looked nervous and curious.

The sunlight refracted and just fell on Xiao Yihan’s body, making everyone around him see his appearance clearly.

His expression was as firm as ever, and his iron-clad body was covered in blood, which looked shocking.

In fact, these bruises are just ordinary skin wounds to the supernatural practitioner!

“Is it only a skin injury?”

“This kind of physical strength is probably not steel. At least it has to be a superalloy, meteorite or something like that!”

“Can a person’s body really be trained to this level?”

Obviously, this kind of thing is undoubtedly a fantasy for a supernatural practitioner.

Can a human body of flesh and blood be trained to compete with supernatural practitioners? This is too incredible!

The leader of Moxibustion Dance also had a shocked expression on his face. After pondering for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth: “According to my preliminary judgment, your physical strength is probably at the peak level of the human body!”

Peak human!

This is the evaluation given to Xiao Yihan by the moxibustion dance leader!

To be able to withstand such a strong combat power index without using the combat power index, what is it not to be a peak human being?

Hearing this, Xiao Yihan was a little embarrassed. Strictly speaking, he is a mutant, not an ordinary human…

Comparing physical strength with ordinary humans, isn’t this a joke?

How could he have the cheek to admit it.

Xiao Yihan said: “I think so too! Thank you, Moxibustion Leader, for your compliment. Do I need to take the next test?”

“Test the defense power after using the combat power index?”


The leader of Moxibustion Dance shook his head and said, “There’s no need to take the test. According to my intuition, a walker with a power index lower than 30,000 cannot cause harm to you!”

“Crossing the 3,000-point combat power index? It sounds fake, but if it’s Xiao Yihan, it’s not surprising.”

“Yeah, this kid doesn’t conform to common sense at all.”

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

“You seem to have forgotten a little bit.”

Xiao Yihan lightly clenched his fist, and under the incredulous eyes of everyone, he instantly raised his combat power index to the peak.

3000… 30000… 32000!

“My combat power index is already more than 30,000 points!”

As soon as this remark came out, the entire leader’s place became much quieter.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yihan sent Xiu Miyin again: “Xiu, I’m currently pretending to be b! Please help me set a cover! Thank you!”

build:? ? ? .

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